
时间:2024-09-02 10:54:50编辑:小星


Rudy美 [ˈrudi] n.吕迪。What do you know? Good old Rudy came through.知道吗?老好人鲁迪成功了。And Rudy needs a new computer.鲁迪需要一部新电脑。The grocery store was different since Rudy has passed on.自从鲁迪去世之后,连这家店也感觉不一样了。Rudy: I got in a terrible car accident the other day.鲁迪:我前几天发生了一场可怕的车祸。When she turned to Page Two, it was Rudy who noticed.等她翻到第二页时,鲁迪注意到了。


rudy中文意思是 鲁迪(男子名)。双语例句:1、The hedgerows were planted with elm. 这一排排树篱是用榆树植成的。2、I made my home there, in the hollow of a dying elm. 我在一棵快要枯死的榆树的树洞里安了家。3、The elm trees are all dying.那些榆树全都奄奄一息了。4、There's an elm tree to the left of the house. 房子左边儿有一棵榆树。5、They happened on a cottage almost hidden in elm tree branches. 他们偶然发现一座几乎被榆树枝遮住的农舍。6、The dead elms have been replaced by a row of saplings. 枯死的榆树已被移去而换栽了一排幼树。


rudy英文名意思介绍如下:鲁迪;吕迪。What do you know? Good old Rudy came through. 知道吗?老好人鲁迪成功了。And Rudy needs a new computer. 鲁迪需要一部新电脑。The grocery store was different since Rudy has passed on. 自从鲁迪去世之后,连这家店也感觉不一样了。Rudy: I got in a terrible car accident the other day. 鲁迪:我前几天发生了一场可怕的车祸。When she turned to Page Two, it was Rudy who noticed. 等她翻到第二页时,鲁迪注意到了。Don't go getting all noble with me, rudy. 别在我面前扮高贵,鲁迪。Case taught by the last city budget director under Rudy Giuliani. 案例是由前市长直接督导的前都市预算主任来教授。Rudy is that way when he works. 鲁迪工作的时候就是这个样子。

