
时间:2024-08-29 22:12:22编辑:小星


英文介绍壹:The Eiffel Tower is in Paris. It's the symbol of Paris.Nobody will miss the chance to visit it when he arrives in Paris.It's 300.51 meters in height. It is made of iron and it is about 700 tons in weight.There're 1665 steps to the top. It took 300 workers 2 years to complete it. It was finished in 1889. It's a famous architecture in the world.埃菲尔铁塔在巴黎。它是巴黎的象征。当他到达巴黎时,没有人会错过参观它的高度。它有300.51米高。它是铁做的,它的重量大约是700吨。上面有1665个台阶。300名工人花了2年才完成。它在1889完成。它是世界上著名的建筑。英文介绍贰:Eiffel Tower,wrought-iron tower in Paris,a landmark and an early example of wrought-iron construction on a gigantic scale.It was designed and built by the French civil engineer Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel for the Paris World's Fair of 1889.The tower,without its modern broadcasting antennas,is 300 m (984 ft) high.The lower section consists of four immense arched legs set on masonry piers.The legs curve inward until they unite in a single tapered tower.Platforms,each with an observation deck,are at three levels; on the first is also a restaurant.The tower,constructed of about 6300 metric tons (about 7000 tons) of iron,has stairs and elevators.A meteorological station,a radio communications station,and a television transmission antenna,as well as a suite of rooms that were used by Eiffel,are located near the top of the tower.埃菲尔铁塔,巴黎的锻铁塔,一个标志性建筑,也是早期大型锻铁建筑的典范。它是由法国土木工程师亚历山大·古斯塔夫·埃菲尔为1889年巴黎世界博览会设计和建造的。这座塔没有现代化的广播天线,有300米(9米)。84英尺高。下部由四个巨大的拱形支腿组成,支腿向内弯曲,直到它们结合成一个锥形的塔。每个平台都有一个观察台,位于三个高度;第一层是餐厅。塔由6300公吨(ab)建造。7000吨)的铁,有楼梯和电梯。一个气象站,一个无线电通信站,一个电视发射天线,以及一套埃菲尔使用的房间,位于塔顶附近。英文介绍叁:The Eiffel Tower is an iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France. It was named after the engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower.Erected in 1889 as the entrance arch to the 1889 World's Fair, it was initially criticized by some of France's leading artists and intellectuals for its design, but has become both a global cultural icon of France and one of the most recognisable structures in the world.The tower is the tallest structure in Paris and the most-visited paid monument in the world; 6.98 million people ascended it in 2011. The tower received its 250 millionth visitor in 2010.翻译:埃菲尔铁塔是一座铁格塔,位于法国巴黎的马尔斯广场。 它是根据工程师亚历山大·古斯塔夫•埃菲尔的名字来命名的,他的公司也是铁塔的设计者和建造者。入口拱门是在1889年世界博览会的时候修建的,它的设计最初受到了一些批评法国领先的艺术家和知识分子的批评,但它现在既是法国的文化象征,也是全世界最著名的建筑之一。铁塔是巴黎最高的建筑,也是世界上访问量最大的付费纪念馆,2011年参观人数已达到698万人。铁塔在2010年收到了它的第2500万个参观者。扩展资料:艾非尔铁塔:艾菲尔铁塔又名埃菲尔铁塔。(法语:La Tour Eiffel)1889年,世界万国博览会在法国巴黎举行,同年亦是法国大革命百年纪念日,为了纪念这个特殊的日子,由法国人古斯塔夫艾菲尔(Gustave Eiffel)设计建造的艾菲尔铁塔在当时的巴黎市中心落成。参考资料:埃菲尔铁塔-百度百科


英文介绍壹:The Eiffel Tower is in Paris. It's the symbol of Paris.Nobody will miss the chance to visit it when he arrives in Paris.It's 300.51 meters in height. It is made of iron and it is about 700 tons in weight.There're 1665 steps to the top. It took 300 workers 2 years to complete it. It was finished in 1889. It's a famous architecture in the world.埃菲尔铁塔在巴黎。它是巴黎的象征。当他到达巴黎时,没有人会错过参观它的高度。它有300.51米高。它是铁做的,它的重量大约是700吨。上面有1665个台阶。300名工人花了2年才完成。它在1889完成。它是世界上著名的建筑。英文介绍贰:Eiffel Tower,wrought-iron tower in Paris,a landmark and an early example of wrought-iron construction on a gigantic scale.It was designed and built by the French civil engineer Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel for the Paris World's Fair of 1889.The tower,without its modern broadcasting antennas,is 300 m (984 ft) high.The lower section consists of four immense arched legs set on masonry piers.The legs curve inward until they unite in a single tapered tower.Platforms,each with an observation deck,are at three levels; on the first is also a restaurant.The tower,constructed of about 6300 metric tons (about 7000 tons) of iron,has stairs and elevators.A meteorological station,a radio communications station,and a television transmission antenna,as well as a suite of rooms that were used by Eiffel,are located near the top of the tower.埃菲尔铁塔,巴黎的锻铁塔,一个标志性建筑,也是早期大型锻铁建筑的典范。它是由法国土木工程师亚历山大·古斯塔夫·埃菲尔为1889年巴黎世界博览会设计和建造的。这座塔没有现代化的广播天线,有300米(9米)。84英尺高。下部由四个巨大的拱形支腿组成,支腿向内弯曲,直到它们结合成一个锥形的塔。每个平台都有一个观察台,位于三个高度;第一层是餐厅。塔由6300公吨(ab)建造。7000吨)的铁,有楼梯和电梯。一个气象站,一个无线电通信站,一个电视发射天线,以及一套埃菲尔使用的房间,位于塔顶附近。英文介绍叁:The Eiffel Tower is an iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France. It was named after the engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower.Erected in 1889 as the entrance arch to the 1889 World's Fair, it was initially criticized by some of France's leading artists and intellectuals for its design, but has become both a global cultural icon of France and one of the most recognisable structures in the world.The tower is the tallest structure in Paris and the most-visited paid monument in the world; 6.98 million people ascended it in 2011. The tower received its 250 millionth visitor in 2010.翻译:埃菲尔铁塔是一座铁格塔,位于法国巴黎的马尔斯广场。 它是根据工程师亚历山大·古斯塔夫•埃菲尔的名字来命名的,他的公司也是铁塔的设计者和建造者。入口拱门是在1889年世界博览会的时候修建的,它的设计最初受到了一些批评法国领先的艺术家和知识分子的批评,但它现在既是法国的文化象征,也是全世界最著名的建筑之一。铁塔是巴黎最高的建筑,也是世界上访问量最大的付费纪念馆,2011年参观人数已达到698万人。铁塔在2010年收到了它的第2500万个参观者。扩展资料:艾非尔铁塔:艾菲尔铁塔又名埃菲尔铁塔。(法语:La Tour Eiffel)1889年,世界万国博览会在法国巴黎举行,同年亦是法国大革命百年纪念日,为了纪念这个特殊的日子,由法国人古斯塔夫艾菲尔(Gustave Eiffel)设计建造的艾菲尔铁塔在当时的巴黎市中心落成。参考资料:埃菲尔铁塔-百度百科


埃菲尔铁塔(法语:La Tour Eiffel;英语:Eiffel Tower)矗立在法国巴黎的战神广场,是世界著名建筑,也是法国文化象征之一,巴黎城市地标之一,也是巴黎最高建筑物,高300米,天线高24米,总高324米,是巴黎最高的建筑物,于1889年建成,得名于设计它的著名建筑师、结构工程师古斯塔夫·埃菲尔。铁塔设计新颖独特,是世界建筑史上的技术杰作,是法国巴黎的重要景点和突出标志。1889年5月15日,为给世界博览会开幕典礼剪彩,铁塔的设计师居斯塔夫·埃菲尔亲手将法国国旗升上铁塔的300米高空,由此,人们为了纪念他对法国和巴黎的这一贡献,特别还在塔下为他塑造了一座半身铜像。


象征着工业革命对世界的改变。埃菲尔铁塔是当时席卷世界的工业革命的象征,所以,它是为了世界博览会而落成,庆祝法国革命胜利100周年,是代表法国荣誉的纪念碑,是世界建筑史上的技术杰作,曾经保持世界最高建筑45年。成为法国巴黎的一个重要景点,是现代巴黎的标志。 象征着工业革命对世界的改变。埃菲尔铁塔是当时席卷世界的工业革命的象征,所以,它是为了世界博览会而落成,庆祝法国革命胜利100周年,是代表法国荣誉的纪念碑,是世界建筑史上的技术杰作,曾经保持世界最高建筑45年。它成为法国和巴黎的一个重要景点,是现代巴黎的标志。 法国的标志性象征——埃菲尔铁塔 埃菲尔铁塔是为在巴黎举办的世界博览会而修建,以其设计者、法国著名建筑师斯塔夫·埃菲尔的名字而命名,于1889年3月建成开放。塔高300余米,塔身重达9000吨,分三层。第一层平台距地面57米,设商店和餐厅;第二层平台高115米,设有咖啡馆;第三层平台高达276米,供游人远眺,底部面积1万平方米,在第三层处建筑结构猛然收缩,直指苍穹。从一侧望去,象倒写的字母“Y”。该塔由1.8万余个组成部件和250多万个铆钉构成。有电梯或徒步登塔顶。入夜,塔顶发出转动着彩色探照灯光,防飞机碰撞。塔旁竖立长方形白色大理石柱,柱顶安放斯塔夫埃菲尔镀金头像。

