
时间:2024-08-23 07:51:51编辑:小星


沮丧的的英文为depressed、dismay、disappointment等。depressed的例句:1、Just a month earlier, before I stepped off the plane in bustling Bangkok, I had been utterly depressed.就在一个月前,在我在繁忙的曼谷走下飞机的时候,我还是一脸沮丧绝望。2、He looked depressed, all he said was "Oh" , then I told him out flight date.他看起来很沮丧,只说了声“哦”,之后我告诉了他航班的日期。dismay的例句:1、In the early stages of this week, dismay seems to be overwhelming hope among the rich.本周初,富人们脸上的沮丧之情似乎要大于希望之色。2、When the small sum of money which he brought with him from London came to an end he suffered from no dismay.当他把从伦敦带来的一点钱花完以后,他也没有沮丧气馁。disappointment的例句:1、Somehow, even with all this disappointment, he continued to work on his system to make it better.尽管所有的情形都令人沮丧,布莱叶坚持改进他的系统,使其完善。2、He drinks too much out of disappointment but he never complains.他因为沮丧喝酒太多,但他从不抱怨。沮丧时可以采取的调节办法:1、把感情释放出来如果正面对重大挫折,自然会感到心烦意乱甚至痛不欲生。突然失去生活目标和应对苦痛没有什么不同,所以,无论是自己的书销路不佳,或者男朋友向自己提出分手而不是求婚,都会觉得身在“悲恸中”。感到极度难过和痛苦是很正常的,重要的是一开始就能承认苦痛的存在。2、听取一些建议每个人都对自己说:“这又不是世界末日。”是的,这也许是自己听到的所有善意的建议中最令人讨厌的话,但是,这些都是正面的意见。退一步,问问自己:“一年后它还那么重要吗?半年呢?或者一个月?”也许,光明就在尽头了,无论发生什么事都不会完全毁掉自己的生活。当然,它可能是一次重大挫折,但这并不意味着自己就没有希望了。


沮丧的英文单词是"depressed"。"Depressed"形容词形式是指情绪低落、消沉或沮丧的状态。除了"depressed",还有其他一些与沮丧相关的词汇和表达方式,下面是其中一些的拓展:1. Sad - 指的是悲伤或不开心的情绪。例如:"She felt sad after hearing the news."2. Miserable - 指的是非常痛苦、不快乐或沮丧的状态。例如:"He had a miserable day at work."3. Gloomy - 指的是阴沉、忧郁或无望的情绪。例如:"The rainy weather made her feel gloomy."4. Downcast - 指的是情绪低落或沮丧的表现。例如:"He had a downcast expression on his face."5. Blue - 指的是情绪低落或沮丧的状态,常用于口语。例如:"I'm feeling a bit blue today."除了以上的形容词,还有一些与沮丧相关的短语和表达方式:1. Feeling down - 指的是情绪低落或沮丧的感觉。例如:"Lately, I've been feeling a bit down."2. In the dumps - 指的是情绪低落或沮丧的状态。例如:"She's been in the dumps since she lost her job."3. Down in the dumps - 与上一条类似,形容情绪低落或沮丧的状态。例如:"He's been down in the dumps ever since his pet passed away."4. Having the blues - 指的是情绪低落或沮丧的感觉。例如:"She's been having the blues lately, I think she needs some cheering up."

用turn down 翻译出每次他的好主意被推翻,他都会感觉很沮丧

Every time his good idea was turn down , he would feel very depressed
turn down
[英][tə:n daun][美][tɚn daʊn]
拒绝; 减少,关小; 驳回; 顶回去;
1 Then, when their performance attracts the attention of the interviewers, they turn down any offers which come their way.
2 Sereepisut also hopes the change would help police save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by encouraging officers to turn down air conditioners at police stations, Pongsapat added.

