cypress hill

时间:2024-08-17 04:42:16编辑:小星

黑人英语的问题 请问黑人英语的特点是什麼, nothing :普通 ,not, thing

黑人英语(Black English)是英语的一种变体,使用者多为身处社会下层的美国黑人。现在的好来坞大片黑人英语可谓是大行其道。将黑人英语视为劣等英语是一种基于种族歧视的社会观,与语言学观相悖。黑人英语的语音、形态、句法和词汇系统有明显不同于标准英语的特征,但它符合“语言是规则系统”的原则,是语言规则操作的产物,有着明显的自律性和系统性。

有一首歌的歌词有几句是what me what me的... 有哪位高手知道的 告诉下。

曲名:Tell Me What You See 歌手:Beatles 专辑:Help!

If you let me take your heart I will prove to you,
We will never be apart if I'm part of you.
Open up your eyes now, tell me what you see.
It is no suprise now, what you see is me.
Big and black the clouds may be, time will pass away.
If you put your trust in me I'll make bright your day.
Look into these eyes now, tell me what you see.
Don't you realise now, what you see is me.
Tell me what you see.
Listen to me one more time, how can I get through?
Can't you try to see that I'm trying to get to you?
Open up your eyes now, tell me what you see.
It is no suprise now, what you see is me.
Tell me what you see.
Listen to me one more time, how can I get through?
Can't you try to see that I'm trying to get to you?
Open up your eyes now, tell me what you see.
It is no suprise now, what you see is me

