
时间:2024-08-14 22:59:27编辑:小星




调试的英文:shakedown testtest 读法 英 [test]  美 [test]    1、 考验;试验;测试2、作不及物动词的意思是:试验;测试;接受测验短语1、hardness test [力] 硬度试验 ; 硬度测试 ; 硬度实验2、Dynamic test [试验] 动态试验 ; [试验] 动态测试 ; [力] 动力试验 ; 动力测试3、orthogonal test [农学] 正交试验 ; 正交实验法 ; 正交设计4、Term test 项测试 ; 长期试验 ; 期中考试5、Tourniquet test 束臂试验 ; 血压带试验 ; 止血带试验扩展资料test的词语用法1、test用作名词的基本意思是“测验”,指用一系列需要回答的问题来考查应试者对某一科目的了解,也可指用一系列动作来证明某人做得如何,还可指“体检,化验”“试验,检验”,引申可作“考验”解,是可数名词。2、test也可表示用于检验其他事物标准的“判断准绳,试金石”。3、test用作动词的基本意思是“测验”“检验”“检查”“考查”,指按标准对受试之物进行测试,目的在于检验某物的内容或可能存在的缺点、毛病等,引申可作“考验”“勘探,探测”解。4、test一般用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。5、test可以是名词,可以是动词,作为名词时前面要加冠词the或a,如put to the test(试验)。


debug 英[ˌdiːˈbʌɡ , ˈdiːbʌɡ] 美[ˌdiːˈbʌɡ , ˈdiːbʌɡ]。DEBUG是计算机排除故障的意思。马克2号(Harvard Mark II)编制程序的格蕾丝·霍珀(Grace Hopper)是一位美国海军准将及计算机科学家,同时也是世界最早的一批程序设计师之一。有一天,她在调试设备时出现故障,拆开继电器后,发现有只飞蛾被夹扁在触点中间,从而“卡”住了机器的运行。于是,霍珀诙谐地把程序故障统称为“臭虫(BUG)”,把排除程序故障叫DEBUG,而这奇怪的“称呼”,竟成为后来计算机领域的专业行话。如DOS系统中的调试程序,程序名称就叫DEBUG。DEBUG在windows系统中也是极其重要的调试操作。DOS中的Debug是为DOS提供的有力的侦错,跟踪程序运行,检查系统数据的工具程序,它是在字符界面下以单字符命令方式工作。要很好地使用它必须具备一定的汇编程序设计和硬件基本知识的能力,当然,它为汇编语言程序员提供了有效的调试手段,它的功能包括以下几个方面。1. 直接输入、更改、跟踪、运行汇编程序;2. 观察操作系统的内容;3. 查看ROM BIOS的内容;4. 观察更改RAM内部的设置值;5. 以扇区或文件的方式读写软盘数据。


Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Act 地震灾害减轻法
National Earthquake disaster mitigation planning law 国家地震灾害减轻计划法

National Earthquake Loss Mitigation Strategy 国家地震损失减轻战略
National state of emergency law 全国紧急状态法
Authorization Act to use military force 使用军事力量授权法

Smallpox Emergency Protection Act staff 天花应急处理人员防护法



An inspection report on the battery. To customs transit use. Want to help translate the next master. It is more professional, please do not bring the software translation. I sub-few, but wish to master to be taken seriously.

Translation requirements are as follows:
Lead-acid battery MSDS

■ Risk Overview
◆ health hazards: rechargeable batteries on the skin, mucous membranes and other organizations have strong incentives and corrosion. Charging mist can cause conjunctivitis electrolyte gas, conjunctival edema, corneal opacity,; cause respiratory irritation. Which cause digestive tract burns after oral ulcer; severe cases may have gastric perforation, peritonitis, renal damage, shock. Light skin burns were erythema, severe cases, ulcers form, the more scar contraction after the plaques affect function. Splashing into eyes can cause burns within, or even corneal perforation, blindness and even the whole ophthalmia. Environmental hazards: a hazard to the environment, water and soil can cause pollution.
◆ Explosion risk
This product is encountered during charging and discharging the risk of fire explosion exists.

■ Operating Disposal
Operators must receive special training, strict compliance with operating rules. Proposed operators wear safety glasses, wear rubber acid suit, wear rubber gloves acid. Keep away from fire, heat, workplace smoking. Away from flammable, combustible. Avoid reducing agent, alkali, alkali metal contacts. Moving lightly when unloading. With the appropriate types and quantities of fire equipment and emergency equipment leakage. Dilution or preparation of the electrolyte, the acid should be added to the water to avoid boiling and splashing.

■ Storage
Stored in a cool, ventilated warehouse. Library temperature does not exceed 45 ℃, relative humidity less than 75%.

■ Waste Disposal
Waste disposal methods: should be relevant to the disposition of qualified units.

■ Transport Note
This product must be reported prior to shipment. To complete the time of shipment packing, loading should be conservative. Transportation process to ensure that no leak, did not fall, not fall, no damage. With flammable or combustible material is prohibited, reducing agent, alkali, alkali metals, food chemicals, etc. mixed mixed transportation. Transportation emergency transport vehicles should be equipped with leak-processing equipment. Transportation should prevent exposure, rain, anti-high temperature. Road transportation in accordance with the provisions of routes.
■ First aid measures
◆ Skin Contact: If splashed on skin, electrolyte test first go with a dry cloth, then rinse with plenty of water, and finally rinse with baking soda solution, seriously should be immediately taken to the hospital.
◆ eye contact: immediately filed eyelid, with a large number of mobile water or saline thoroughly washed at least 15 minutes. Medical treatment.
◆ Inhalation: rapidly from the scene to fresh air. Keep the airway clear. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If breathing stop immediately mouth. Medical treatment.
◆ Ingestion: Wash out mouth, to blues or egg white. Medical treatment.
◆ NOTE: The body to prevent skin contact. With a cotton puff of sulfuric acid to the skin, then a large number of mobile water rinse, and finally with 0.01% of the soda water (or dilute ammonia water) immersion. Do not directly wash!!

■ Fire-fighting measures
◆ risk features: battery charging and discharging process of precipitation reaches a certain concentration of hydrogen gas when the flame will experience an explosion or combustion.
◆ Hazardous combustion products: hydrogen, oxygen.
◆ fire fighting methods: Firemen must wear a fire suit body acid.
◆ extinguishing agent: dry powder, carbon dioxide, sand.


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