mad eye

时间:2024-08-14 01:29:17编辑:小星


Capable of winning.
2. Having option to be having ability.
3. equal to the challenge
4. Is he any good?
5. You have the ability to motivate others.
6. Having possibility, capability, or power.
7. having a sting or the capacity to sting.
8. Beijing is able to host Olympic Games.
9. I have no doubt of your ability.
10. a man of great abilities;
神秘的mysterious; mystical
a mysterious person; a person shrouded in mystery;
make a mystery of sth.;
an impenetrable mystery;
There was a mystery hanging over her antecedents.
她的身世中有一个神秘之处。1. A: Very mysterious and interesting.
2. The phone-tapping scandal remains mysterious.
3. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery.
4. B: Love is mysterious, but I do believe in it.
5. They are being very mysterious about their holiday plans.
关于他们的度假计划, 他们显得很神秘。
6. Joshua Cairn: Do you ever feel weird about me? Your weird son?
7. Everyone has his preconception [about Abramovich], but I experienced a very humble and a very normal person.
8. Do your friends think of you as secretive?
9. Serve them Pecan Stuffing and Fig-Walnut Salad to appeal to their mysterious side.
10. On the other hand, Benjamin was also strongly attracted by Jewish mysticism since he was a Jew.


概述 《哈利·波特与魔法石》是英国女作家J.K.罗琳的《哈利·波特》系列小说的第一部中文简体版译名(人民文学出版社)。该书英国版书名为《Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone》,美国版书名为《Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone》。(英国版中的Philosopher有哲学家、炼金术师的意思;由于词义略显隐晦,美国版引进时使用Sorcerer一词取代Philosopher,是巫师、魔术师的意思。)该书中文繁体版译为《哈利波特-神秘的魔法石》(台湾皇冠文化集团情节简介 从小寄养在姨丈家里的哈利波特,饱受姨父一家人的歧视与欺侮,然而就在11岁生日那天,哈利波特得知了自己的身世,他的生活也随之发生了天翻地覆的改变。原来,哈利的父母是两位巫师,在同黑巫师的较量中被杀害了。 为了继承父母的遗志,哈利来到了英国一所专门教授魔法与巫术的霍格沃茨学校。进入霍格沃茨魔法学校后,哈利成了格兰芬多学院的一年级新生,与罗恩、赫敏成了形影不离的好朋友,许多成为魔法师的课程正在等着他研习,有飞行课、黑魔法防御术、魔药学与变形术等等,当然还有让所有巫师疯狂的魁地奇球赛。 在一次与同学的争执中,哈利表现出超乎所有人想象的飞行技能,连他自己都很意外。传授变形术的麦格教授看到这一切后,推荐他加入格兰芬多魁地奇球赛的队员,另一方面,魔药学的教授斯内普,似乎总是对哈利不友善,除了在课堂上刁难他外,还处处找哈利的麻烦,但是,哈利发现斯内普严词威胁着懦弱的奇洛教授,甚至斯内普腿上三头犬的咬痕,更可以证明哈利的推断是正确的:有股邪恶的阴谋在平静的霍格沃茨里悄悄地滋长着,斯内普似乎就是这一切的关键人物…… 于是哈利、罗恩与赫敏这三个好朋友决定一同去探个究竟,阻止邪恶阴谋的发生。这三个格兰芬多一年级的新生,历经重重难关(当然也违反了不少校规),终于发现:这一切的幕后操纵者竟然是看似无辜的奇洛教授!原来被人们称为“神秘人”(You-Know-Who)的黑巫师伏地魔失去法力多年,希望得到能使人长生不老的魔法石来恢复元气。而奇洛被伏地魔附身,变成一个双面人,事事对伏地魔言听计从。哈利、罗恩、赫敏这个“格兰芬多三人组”各尽所能,终于弄清了事实真相,保住了魔法石。哈利自出生以来第二次战胜了伏地魔。 这部小说的主旨是“勇气”。从头到尾都是过人的胆识支持着主角们的行动。也正是验证着格兰芬多,勇气,胆识,与气魄的精神灵魂。作者简介 J·K·罗琳(1966- ),英国女作家。罗琳自小喜欢写作和讲故事。24岁那年,她在前往伦敦的火车旅途中,一个瘦弱、戴着眼镜的黑发小巫师一直在车窗外对着她微笑。7年后,罗琳把这个名叫哈利·波特的男孩的故事推向了世界,哈利·波特成为风靡全球的人物。电影: 中文译名:哈利·波特与魔法石 英文名称:(美国)Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone (英国)Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 发行时间:2001年11月04日 电影导演:克里斯·哥伦布(Chris Columbus) 哈利波特与魔法石电影电影演员:丹尼尔·雷德克里弗(Daniel Radcliffe) 大卫·布莱德利(David Bradley) 理查德·哈里斯(Richard Harris) 伊安·哈特(Ian Hart) 朱丽·沃特斯Julie Walters 艾玛·沃特森Emma Watson 鲁伯特·格林特Rupert Grint 地 区:英国 语 言:英语 类 型:动作/冒险/家庭/奇幻 级 别:PG 片 长:152分钟 出 品:华纳兄弟公司 全球首映:2001年11月4日(伦敦) IMDB评分:7.2/10 (74,841 votes) 推荐指数:★★★★★


Although the internship at the site for more than two weeks, but still forget the familiar and kind of university campus and those who play together hitting brothers, forget and they play basketball with scenes. Alone came to the site, actually oneself really don't want to, but fearing the company's stress, just your feelings! Site for me very familiar, oneself after all university mechanics is the road and bridge project technology, but there is a mysterious and strangeness. University learned in books are theory knowledge, work with the reality is quite different from that. Just began to really scared himself at the site what all can't, oneself after all have no practice! But after a period of training and teacher guidance, I no longer afraid of what all can't, actually if you book knowledge learned very solid, plus your willing to learn and be willing to undergo teaching, engineering work on the same very simple, but tightly grasp the indicators, engineering various precision requirements are of very high, such as bridge drawing must be within the scope of the permit. At the site besides can acquire a lot of professional knowledge, also can learn many mannered and knowledge of management, feel very lucky, I used to work in the classroom served as the leader of class, has certain experience. In the later work and study, I'll tightly remember of integrating theory with practice truth, is your heart target constant efforts, never lax, I believe I can fly more fly farther.

