
时间:2024-08-11 21:28:34编辑:小星


  在面试英语中,即使是口语水平不太理想的应聘者,只要提前做好准备、了解可能出现的面试问题及相应的作答方式,也可能在面试中脱颖而出,获得心仪的职位。那么职场面试英语的常用情景对话有哪些呢?下面我为大家整理了面试英语对话2篇,希望对大家有所帮助!   面试英语情景对话一   Why are you interested in working for our company?   为什么有兴趣在我们公司工作?   Because your company has a good sales record.   因为你们公司有良好的销售记录 。   Because your operations are global, so I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of environment.   因为你们公司的运作是全球化的,我觉得可以在这样一个环境中工作会有最大的收获。   Because I think my major is suitable for this position.   因为我认为我的专业适合这个职位。   Because I can learn new things in your company, at the same time I can offer my services to you.   因为我可以在贵公司学到新的东西, 同时能为你们提供服务。   Because I'm very interested in your company's training program.   因为我对你们公司的培训计划很感兴趣。   Why did you leave your former company?   为什么离开以前的公司?   Because I'm working in a small company where a further promotion is impossible.   因为我在一家小公司工作,升职的希望很小。   Because I'm capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job.   因为我有能力担负起更多的责任,所以决定换工作。   Because that company didn't have a good future, so I needed to consider my future.   因为那家公司没有什么前途,所以我必需考虑我的未来。   Because I want to change my working environment, I'd like to find a job which is more challenging.   因为我想改变工作环境,找一个更富有挑战性的'工作。   Because I had some private reasons, some family things.   因为我有一些私人的原因,家里有些事情。   What are your great strengths?   你有什么优点?   I'm a good team player.   我是一个富有团队精神的人。   I'm a hard-working, persistent person.   我工作刻苦,性情执着。   I'm a fast-learner.   我学东西很快。   I can work under pressure and get along with my colleagues.


英语面试情景对话范文   随着国际化贸易发展,越来越多企业对应聘者的英语口语能力非常重视,在英语面试时,如何与考官流畅地进行英语对话交流呢?以下为英语面试情景对话范文,可供大家参考!    A:求职者。B:面试官。   A:Excuse me.May I see Mr. John Watt,the manager?劳驾。请问我能见经理约翰·瓦特先生吗?   B:It is me.What can I do for you?本人就是。你有什么事?   A:I have come at your invitation for an interview. Nice to meet you,Mr. Watt.我是应你之邀来参加面试的。见到你真高兴,瓦特先生。   B:Please sit down. 请坐。   A:Thank you,sir. I have come to apply for the position as office clerk.谢谢,先生。我是来应聘办公室文员一职的。   B:I have invited several candidates to come today. You are the first one to have arrived.   今天我邀了几位面试者,你是第一个到的。   B:You probably know that this interview is mostly to test your oral English,so just relax,and let is have a chat,shall we?   你可能已经知道这次面谈主要想测试一下你的英语口语能力,所以让我们放松地谈谈,好吗?   A:I am very happy that I am qualified for this interview.我非常高兴能获得这个面谈机会。   B:What is important to you in a job?对于一个工作,你最看重哪一点?   A:For assistant position, I must first completes the labor of duty, and I also value development prospect of the job, as well as the company is enterprise culture.对于文员岗位来说,我首先要做好本职工作,另外我同样看重职位的发展前景,以及公司的.企业文化。   B:Why should we employ you? 我们为什么要雇佣你?   A:I work well with others. I tend to drive myself too hard and love civilian class work.我和他人容易共事,对自己要求严格,并喜欢文职类岗位。   B:The result of the interview here, specific we will inform you later.面试就到这里,具体的结果我们会稍后通知你。   A:Thank you , I am looking forward to the next interview.谢谢您,我期待着下一次面试的通知。 ;


关于面试的英文对话   Smith: Nice to meet you.   史密斯:很高兴见到你。   Jack: Nice to meet you,too.   杰克:我也很高兴见到您。   Smith:You are a graduate, right?   史密斯:你是个毕业生,是吗?   Jack: I recently graduated from college as an English major.   杰克:我最近才大学毕业,主修的是英语专业。   Smith: 50 you don't have much related work experience.   史密斯:这样说来,是没有相关的工作经验了。   Jack: Admittedly, I don't. But I still beg you to give me an opportunity, and I'm willing to learn with my best effort.   杰克:的确如此。不过,我仍然要请您给我一次机会,我会努力学习的。   Smith: Well, did you get any honors or rewards in college?   史密斯:那么,在大学里你获得过什么荣誉或是奖励吗?   Jack: I have got a Business English Certificate and a Certificate of TEM 8.   杰克:我取得了商务英语证书和英语专业八级证书。   Smith: What about your computer skills?   史密斯:计算机技能如何?   Jack: I got professional training in this field, and I believe I can fit the position well.   杰克:我曾接受过专业培训,我相信自己可以胜任这份工作。   Smith: And anything else?   史密斯:别的方面呢?   Jack: I have taken some courses in college, such as translation, business English, and so on. So I have a good mastery of both spoken and written English   杰克:在大学里,我曾学过有关翻译、商务英语的`课程等。我的英语口语和写作能力都不错。   Smith: I see.   史密斯:我知道了。   Jack: Your approval would be my honor.   杰克:您的肯定是我的荣幸。 ;


面试的英语对话   面试是通过书面或面谈的形式来考察一个人的工作能力与否,物以类聚,通过面试可以初步判断应聘者是否可以融入自己的团队。以下是我收集的面试的英语对话,欢迎查看!   面试英语对话1   A:Hello, this is HR of Future Clothes Company. May I speak to Fred?   你好,我是Future服装公司的面试官,可以和佛瑞德通话吗?   B:This is Fred. So glad to have your phone call.   我就是佛瑞德。很开心接到你的电话。   A:I'm calling to inform you have passed the interview.   我打电话是通知你,你已经通过了公司的面试。   B:Really? My god! I'm so excited to hear the good news.   是真的吗?上帝啊!听到这个消息简直太髙兴了。   A:Wait…wait…one more thing, please come here to sign the employment contract tomorrow morning.   等下,还有一个事情请在明天上午来公司签订劳动合同。   B:I see. Thank you again for calling us.   我明白了。再次感谢你的来电。   A:Don't mention it. We will be colleagues from now on and I hope we will get along well with each other.   不用谢。我们从现在开始就是同事了。我希望我们会相处愉快。   B:That's for sure. There are lots of things we should learn from you.   那是肯定的。我们还有很多东西需要跟你学习的。   C:Fred, I have good news to tell you.   佛瑞德,我有好消息要告诉你。   B:What good news?   什么好消息?   C:Next month I will become one member of Pineapple Computer Company.   从下月起我将成为Pineapple电脑公司的一名员工了。   B:Is that true? I can not believe this. David and I are also members of Future Clothes Company.   是真的吗?我简直不敢相信。大卫和我也被Future服装公司录用了。   C:Congratulations! Let's go out to have a drink.   恭喜啊!那我们出去喝一杯吧!   面试英语对话2   问:你是什么时候毕业的,毕业于什么学校,什么专业?   When did you graduate from school? Which school and which program?   答:我是1995年毕业的,毕业于南通卫生学校,护干专业。   I graduated from Nantong Medical School as a major of nursing care in 1995.   问:你已经工作了几年了?从哪一年开始?   How many years have you been working? From which year?   答:五年了。从1995年开始   Five years .Since 1995   问:你将怎样花费你的薪水?你想在新加坡挣多少钱?   How will you spend your salaries? How much money do you want to make In Singapore?   答:自己留一部分生活费用,其它寄回去,或存银行。   I will leave some for daily use , and post other money to my home, or save them in the bank   问:你所在的医院有多少护士,多少医生?   How many nurses and doctors are there in your hospital?   答:有100名左右的护士,有80名医生,还有2名美国来的外籍专家。   About 100 nurses,80 doctors and 2 foreign experts. They are from   问:到新加坡后如不适应新环境, 新气候,怎么办?   What will you do if you can not suit the new environment and new climate in Singapore?   答:我相信自己的能力。再大,再难的苦,我都会挺住,何况逆境会造就人才!   I have confidence in my ability. I can overcome every difficulties. Also, I believe that adversities can improve me   问:你能自我介绍一下自己吗?还有关于你的一切。   Can you take an introduction to yourself, and tell me all about yourself?   答:可以的,我名叫张平,我来自江苏省启东市,卫校(中专)学历,25岁   Yes, my name is Zhang ping, I come from Qidong City, Jiangsu province, I graduated from a middle medical school. I am 25 years old.   问:你在什么单位工作?担任什么职务?请说明你的工作程序(流程)。   Where do you work now? and what’s your job position? Please tell me your work procedures.   答:我在启东市人民医院工作,担任护士职务。   I now work in Qidong people’s Hospital as a nurse.   问:你是通过什么知道新加坡的?   In which way do you know Singapore?   答:通过看电视,读报纸,听收音机等。   I know Singapore through watching TV, reading newspapers, listening to radio and so on.   问:你在医院里轮班吗?你们小组里有几个人。   Do you work on shift in the hospital? How many persons are there in your group team?   答:是的,我是轮班的。我们小组有八个人。   Yes, I work on shift. There are eight persons in my group team.   问:你可以做12小时轮班吗?如果护士长故意刁难你,怎么办?   Can you keep working twelve hours a day? And what will you do if the head nurse deliberately puts up obstacles for you?   答:是的,可以的。   Yes, I can.   问:如果病人或病人家属由于不理解你的工作,对你态度不好,你怎么办?   If the patients or their relatives do not understand your works, and so are unkind to you , what will you, what will you do?   答:首先,我会检查一下我自己是否有短处。如果有,我会向他们道歉;如果没有,我会耐心地向他们作解释工作,直到他们满意为止。   First, I will check whether I have done something wrong or improperly. If I find I am right, I will give an explanation patiently till they are satisfied.   问:如果他们故意找你麻烦,闹事,怎么办?   If they make trouble to you deliberately, what will you do?   答:首先,我不会跟他们吵,骂不还口,打不还手,而是耐心地解释。解释无效,我会向上级汇报。当然,我想新加坡是一个文明的国家,应该不会出现这种情况。   问:你在医院里月薪多少?   What’s your monthly salary in the hospital?   答:每月不含加班,人民币1000元左右。   About one thousand Renminbi yuan , not including overthime salary.   问:你家里有多少人?   How many people are there in your family?   答:三个人,丈夫,女儿和我。   Three people: my husband, my daughter, and me .   问:你来新加坡,你的父母同意吗?   You want to go to Singapore, and do your parents agree with you?   答:同意的,而且非常支持。他们希望我多学技术,多挣钱。   Yes, they do. And they support me very much . They hope I can learn more technologies and make more money.   问:你来新加坡,你的父母谁来照顾?家里人想你,或你想家,你怎么人?   Who will take care of your parents if you go to Singapore? If your parents miss you, or you miss them, what will you do?   答:他们身体很健康,还能干活,即使有事,也有我许多的亲戚,像伯伯和伯母啦,表哥表姐等他们会帮忙的。   They are very healthy. They can work now. If something happens, many of my relatives, say ,my uncles, aunts, and cousins, can help them.   问:你结婚了吗?   Are you married or single?   答:没有/ 结婚了。   No./ Yes, I am married.   问:有没有男朋友?为什么现在还没有结婚?   Do you have boyfriend? Why have not you got married?   答:没有,我一直是单身。(或以前有过男朋友,但现在分手了,或有男朋友,但他也非常支持我出国锻炼。)   No, I am single./ I had a boyfriend, but now we were separated./ Yes, I have, and he also encourages me to work in Singapore to improve myself. My hospital is a state-owned hospital in general. However, there are investment from Hong Kong in the gynecology department, obstetrics department and pediatrics department, which I work at . And people from Hong Kong also manage the three departments.   问:请谈一下你的医院好吗?   Can you tell me something about your hospital?   答,好的,它是一个全国二等甲级医院,是中国县级最高的级别,它还是世界卫生组织,联合国儿童基金会和中国卫生部命名的爱婴医院,它又是许多医科大学的教学医院。   O.K. It is a Class-two Grade-one hospital in China. Among the best hospitals at county level. It is also a Baby-friendly Hospital named by WHO, United Nations Children’s Fund and the Ministry of Public Health of China. My hospital is also the teaching and training base or many medical colleges.   问:请问你们医院有哪些科室?   答:There are 传染病科(Infectious disease department), 结核病科(tuberculosis department), 妇科(gynecology department),产科(obstetrics department), 儿科(pediatrics department), 内科(internal medicine department), 外科(surgical   department), 普通外科(general surgery department), 急救站(first-aid station), 眼科(ophihaimonogy department), 牙科(dental department), 耳鼻喉科(ENT department), 泌尿科(urology department), 皮肤科(dermatology department), 麻醉科(anesthesiology department),中医科(TCM department), 精神病科(psychiatry department), 骨科(orthopediacs department), 胸外科(cerebral surgery depart.) 脑外科(thoraeic surgery depart). 心脏内科(cardiology depart) 心脏外科(cardiology surgery depart), 神经内科   (neurology depart),, 神经外科(neuro-surgery depart), 手术室(operation theater)等等and so on.   问:请摘下你的口罩和手套,可以吗?   Please take off your mask and gloves, OK ?Or Would you please take off your mask and gloves?   答:可以的'。OK。   面试的英语对话3   A:What do you consider to be your strong points?   你认为你的优点在什么地方?   B:I think I’m tough not only physically but mentally.   不只是身体,我想我精神上也很坚强。   A:Why do you say that?   为什么你会这么说呢?   B:I have been playing football since high school. At present, I’m a member of a community football club.   我从高中开始便一直在踢足球。现在是社区足球俱乐部的成员。   A:Really? Are you still playing?   真的吗?现在也还继续在踢吗?   B:Yes. I practice every weekend with my teammates.   是的,我每个周末都和队友练习。   A:I see. You must be tough.   原来如此。你身体一定很健壮吧。   B:I never get tired. I think this comes from practicing football.   由于练习足球的缘故,我从未感到疲劳。   A:What do you consider to be your weak points?   你认为你的缺点在什么地方?   B:Frankly speaking, I’m a typical Chinese workaholic. I don’t mind working late at night. Due to that, I tend to leave the office late.   老实说,我是个典型的中国式工作狂。工作到深夜也不觉得痛苦。由于这个缘故我经常很晚才下班。   A:What kind of people are you reluctant to work with?   什么类型的人你不想和他一起工作?   B:So far I haven’t met any particular kind. However, I may rule out those who prefer chatting to working.   到目前为止我还没遇到这样的人。不过,我讨厌喜欢聊天胜于喜欢工作的人。   A:Do you prefer to work alone or as part of a team?   你喜欢单独工作或是团体工作?   B:It depends on the type of work. Usually I prefer to work alone, because I’m self-motivated. But I can work either way. If necessary, I don’t hesitate to join the team.   要看是什么样的工作。通常我的个性比较适合单独工作,因为我是个主动自发的人。可是,这两种方式我都能接受。如果有需要,我会毫不迟疑地加人团队。 ;

