
时间:2024-08-06 13:09:23编辑:小星


入学时间:9月份本科:高中毕业,成绩优秀,个人特长和课外活动研究生:大学本科毕业,成绩优秀,个别专业要求工作经验.要求有TOFEL SAT GRE或GAMT成绩Boston College Facts (September 2015) 波士顿学院2015其它数据如下: Enrollment 学校学生人数总人数:14,100 total students  本科生: 9,100 undergraduate students  研究生: 4,400 graduate and professional students  研修生: 600 studentsUndergraduate Student Body 学生比例女生: 53% female students  男生: 47% male students国际生比例: 6% International studentsUndergraduate Applications/Selectivity, Class of 2019 最新申请及入学数据申请人数:29,486 applicants  入学人数:2,280 freshmen  录取率 Acceptance Rate: 29%  SAT Average: (Critical Reading, Math, Writing) 2034 on 2400 scale  Mid 50% SAT Range 1950-2150  81% of freshmen in top 10% of high school classTop 10 Cross-Application Competitors (in rank order)10大申请竞争学校:1. Georgetown University  2. University of Notre Dame  3. Harvard University  4. University of Pennsylvania  5.Brown University  6. Villanova University  7. Boston University  8. Cornell University  9. University of Virginia  10. Yale UniversityAcademic Units 院系8 schools and collegesUndergraduate Programs 本科项目Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences  Carroll School of Management  Connell School of Nursing  Lynch School of Education  Woods College of Advancing StudiesGraduate/Professional programs 研究生/专业项目Boston College Law School  School of Social Work  School of Theology and Ministry  Carroll Graduate School of Management  Morrissey Graduate School of Arts & Sciences  Woods College  Most Popular Undergraduate Majors最热门的本科专业Economics  Finance  Biology  Communication  Political Science  Psychology  English  Marketing  Nursing  Applied Psychology & Human DevelopmentFaculty 教师队伍水平786 Full-time faculty  Faculty/Student ratio 1:12  93% of faculty hold doctoral degrees  Sponsored Research Grants $50.9 million2016 KIPLINGER TOP 30 美国最有价值私立大学 BC在2016年KIPLINGER金融杂志最有价值私立大学排名全美第19位。 1 Princeton University, Princeton 2 Harvard University, Cambridge 3 Vanderbilt University, Nashville 4 Rice University, Houston 5 Yale University, New Haven 6 Duke University, Durham 7 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena 8 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge 9 Stanford University, Stanford 10 Emory University, Atlanta 11 Dartmouth College, Hanover 12 Brown University, Providence 13 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 14 Cornell University, Ithaca 15 Northwestern University, Evanston 16 University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame 17 Georgetown University, Washington 18 Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore 19 Boston College, Chestnut Hill 20 Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis 21 Brigham Young University, Provo 22 Tufts University, Medford 23 Lehigh University, Bethlehem 24 Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem 25 Trinity University, San Antonio 26 University of Southern California, Los Angeles 27 Clark University, Worcester 28 University of Rochester, Rochester 29 Elon University, Elon 30 Santa Clara University, Santa Clara 分校区介绍波士顿学院主校区位于波士顿西郊的栗树山(CHESTNUT HILL),同时在邻近的牛顿(Newton)和布莱顿(Brighton)设立有分校区 。波士顿学院是波士顿历史悠久的高等教育机构, 建校之初校址在波士顿市内,包括高中部和大学部,上世纪初波士顿学院大学部搬迁到波士顿西郊的栗树山,而波士顿学院高中(BC High) 仍然留在波士顿市内, 现已独立运营管理。


申请条件1、年龄:16-25岁;2、学历:高中或同等学历以上3、IELTS:7.04、TOEFL(IBT)单科最低要求:College of Arts & Sciences, School of Education, College of Engineering, College of Fine Arts, School of Hospitality Administration, and College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College:Writing: 22Speaking: 23Reading: 21Listening: 18College of Communication, College of General Studies and School of Management:Writing: 22Speaking: 23Reading: 25Listening: 21;或PBT成绩600分以上5、GPA平均:3.0分以上5、SAT Reasoning test 1770-2050 (50%)7、体格健康,成绩良好,品学兼优留学费用【学费】USD56,000/年;【生活费】USD12003/年【申请费】USD200【奖学金信息】本科生奖学金比例:42%本科生平均奖学金:26778国际学生获奖学金比例:13%开学时间:每年1月、8月TOEFL分数要求:80TOEFL单科要求:无要求 申请条件开学时间:每年1月、8月IELTS:7.0【工程学院、公共卫生学院:6.0;教育学院:6.5(对外英语教学7.0);社会服务学院:6.5;科学与艺术研究院、管理学院、法学院* 法学硕士:7.0】TOEFL分数要求:100.0TOEFL单科要求:College of Arts & Sciences, School of Education, College of Engineering, College of Fine Arts, School of Hospitality Administration, and College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College:Writing: 22Speaking: 23Reading: 21Listening: 18College of Communication, College of General Studies and School of Management:Writing: 22Speaking: 23Reading: 25Listening: 21研究生学费:USD47560/年 What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?There's jocks- the hockey players, basketball players, crew guys, rugby guys, etc. There's also hipsters, which are usually belong the CFA kids category. There's frat guys and sorority girls. Definitely some nerds. The stereotypes are usually pretty accurate. People fit their part, but blend into the whole all the same. BU does have many different groups of different type of people, but I feel like everyone mixes in really well. And as far as a general stereotype for just a BU Student, I can't really say that there is one, because everyone seems so unique.





