
时间:2024-08-04 16:54:06编辑:小星


One year after reuniting Nemo with his father Marlin, Dory has become a helping hand in raising Nemo. One day, while with Nemo's class, Dory remembers that she has a family. She longs to find her parents, though she finds it hard to rely on her short-term memory loss. The only thing she remembers is that they lived at the Jewel of Morro Bay.Marlin and Nemo accompany Dory in her quest. With the help of Crush, they ride the water current to California. On arrival, they are forced to flee from a predatory giant squid that nearly devours Nemo. Afterwards, Marlin tends to his son, and is sour toward Dory for getting them into the mess. Hurt, Dory travels to the surface to seek help and is rescued by the Marine Life Institute after being caught in six pack rings, becoming separated from Marlin and Nemo.内容简介:《海底总动员》是一部由皮克斯动画工作室制作,并于2003年由华特迪士尼发行的美国电脑动画电影。这部电影的故事和剧本是由安德鲁·史丹顿编写的,导演则是史丹顿以及李·安克里治两人。故事主要叙述一只过度保护儿子的小丑鱼马林和它在路上碰到的蓝唐王鱼多莉两人一同在汪洋大海中寻找玛林失去的儿子尼莫的奇幻经历。在路途中,玛林渐渐了解到它必须要勇于冒险以及它的儿子已经有能力照顾自己了。该影片一经上映即获得了空前好评,并于2004年成功收获奥斯卡最佳动画片奖。综合全球的票房成绩来看,这部电影总共获得了约8.67亿美元的票房收入。它是2003年票房收入第二高的电影,DVD销售量也一直是最高的。美国于2012年9月14日进行了3D版的重映,首周末收获1750万美元名列第二位。《海底总动员2》已经定档2016年6月17日公映。


The story mainly describes an overprotective son of the clown fish Marlin and it met on the road blue Tang king fish Dolly.Two people together in the vast ocean in the search for Malin lost son Nemo's fantastic experience.Along the way, Marlin learns that she must take risks and that her son is capable of taking care of himself.译文:故事主要叙述一只过度保护儿子的小丑鱼马林和它在路上碰到的蓝唐王鱼多莉。两人一同在汪洋大海中寻找玛林失去的儿子尼莫的奇幻经历。在路途中,玛林渐渐了解到它必须要勇于冒险以及它的儿子已经有能力照顾自己了。影片评价尽管在大部分动画片中伟大的总是母亲,这次父亲成了故事的英雄。观看皮克斯作品最大的乐趣在于,不仅是小观众,陪他们一起来的大观众也会有收获。一座海底大宝藏,也是充满视觉感染力的天才作品。

