
时间:2024-08-02 06:12:32编辑:小星


Off-the-road意思:不在公路上行驶的The car went skidding off the road into a ditch . 汽车打滑冲出公路跌进沟里。 2. There was a small deserted cabin nearby, just a few steps off the road. 附近有一个废弃的小茅屋,就离路边几步远。 3.that would be wonderful. My car is still off the road. 那太好了。我的车仍不能上路。

on-road 和 off-road是什么意思??

on-road直译就是行车上路,一般道路行驶的车子。off-road直译是离开道路。这个有公认的名字,越野。扩展资料一、off-road列句1.Power to both wheels in a lightweight yet strong frame design gave riders nimble and versatile traction off road.力量对两转动轻量级选手强的框架设计给了车手灵活和多才多艺的牵引路。2.And how many times have you gone off road?你都用过几次了,还看不出来?3.The Jeep Rescue is a descendant of the Wrangler with greatly added off road capabilities and passenger space.吉普救援是牧马人家族中衍生出来的,具有超强的越野能力和更大的车内空间。二、on road列句1.The road safety programme is having a demonstrable effect on road users道路安全方案在道路使用者身上逐渐显现出明显的效果。2.If the Government introduces a carbon tax on road haulage, then carriage by water will become more attractive.如果政府开始对公路运输征收碳税,那么水运就会变得更加具有吸引力。3.With two-stroke and four-stroke engines, the bike is an epitome of power on road.由于二冲程和四冲程发动机,自行车是一种权力的道路的一个缩影。

