
时间:2024-07-26 03:40:42编辑:小星


邱祺缘是2007年出生的。邱祺缘,中国女子体操运动员。2021年9月,获第十四届全国运动会体操女子团体第五名。 2022年9月9日,在浙江杭州举行的“韵味杭州”2022年全国体操锦标赛女子平衡木决赛中,邱祺缘获得冠军。2021年9月20日,第十四届运动会体操项目女子预赛第一场比赛,福建队程诗怡、林子桓、刘思蓓、邱祺缘、王静和虞琳敏6位选手,以总分208.394分暂列团体第一位。2021年9月,在第十四届全国运动会体操项目女子团体,福建队获得第五名。2021年9月24日,在第十四届全运会体操-女子个人全能决赛中,福建队邱祺缘获得第六名。2021年9月,在第十四届全运会体操-女子平衡木比赛中,获得铜牌。2022年9月5日,2022年全国体操锦标赛,邱祺缘凭借高低杠和平衡木的出色发挥,以第一的身份晋级女子全能决赛。9月9日,在浙江杭州举行的“韵味杭州”2022年全国体操锦标赛女子平衡木决赛中,福建队选手邱祺缘获得冠军。2023年3月,参加2023年体操世界杯卡塔尔多哈站比赛。3月,国际体联单项世界杯赛巴库站比赛。3月1日,在卡塔尔多哈进行的国际体联世界杯赛多哈站女子高低杠预赛中,中国选手邱祺缘以14.766分的成绩位列第一名,晋级决赛。3月3日,在卡塔尔多哈进行的国际体联世界杯赛多哈站女子高低杠决赛中,中国选手邱祺缘以11.633分的成绩列第六名。3月4日,在卡塔尔进行的国际体联世界杯赛多哈站平衡木决赛中,邱祺缘以12.233分的成绩列第七名。3月10日消息,2023年体操世界杯巴库站资格赛,高低杠资格赛中,邱祺缘以14.766分排名第一晋级决赛。3月11日消息,2023体操世界杯巴库站女子高低杠决赛,邱祺缘以6.2+8.5=14.700分获得金牌。

[create_time]2023-03-19 00:31:24[/create_time]2023-03-30 10:24:35[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]小松鼠3303[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.703656f1.StD3LaMCdy236qXF_vIcOw.jpg?time=10900&tieba_portrait_time=10900[avatar]超过241用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]240[view_count]


漳州第一外国语学校邱祺缘以 14.700分收获了自己的世界杯 首金以资格赛排名第一晋级的邱祺缘,在女子高低杠决赛中,动作难度分为6.2分并列全场最高,完成分拿到全场最高的8.500分,最终以14.700分的成绩,赢得了本站高低杠的金牌。邱祺缘邱祺缘2015年4月由漳州市少体校输送至福建省队。进入福建省队后,经过更加专业的训练,邱祺缘取得了突飞猛进的成绩,之后在全国少年体操总决赛、福建省第十六届运动会等比赛中崭露头角,并于2018年11月作为国家队预备人员,参加全国优秀体操储备人才训练营,2020年入选国家体操队。邱祺缘从2011年开始学习体操,入队时身高才107厘米。“聪明、机灵、可爱,‘木感’棒,心理素质好”是漳州少体校教练魏如彬对小祺缘的评价。由于自身的体操天赋和勇于挑战的性格,使她在艰苦的训练中总能突破自我,完成更多高难度的体操动作。不骄不躁的性格,稳扎稳打的基本功,也让邱祺缘走上了更高的领奖台。

[create_time]2023-03-24 15:36:10[/create_time]2023-04-06 14:15:20[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]lpj0815lpj[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.8c98cfc3.o0fAciFm53OWwiWi2tj8MA.jpg?time=13251&tieba_portrait_time=13251[avatar]超过21用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]男大学生一枚[intro]164[view_count]


我是我的平衡女王 txt全集小说附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载:内容预览:平川坦荡心自衡(代序)(悉尼奥运会平衡木冠军)刘璇前不久,珊珊找到我,说她写了本书,希望能由我来写序。当然要答应,义不容辞!珊珊是个很懂事的女孩子,像妹妹一样,惹人怜惜,让人疼爱。运动员很苦,伤病伴随着眼泪一同成长。而作为一个经历过这些的人,现在再回头看师弟师妹们训练的种种,往往会问自己:当初是什么支撑着自己走过了这么多年呢?这本书给了我们一个答案:我们要自己去平衡自己的生活、工作、学习……“平衡”在字典里的解释是:“几个力同时作用在一个物体上,各个力互相抵消,物体保持相对静止状态、匀速直线运动状态或绕轴匀速转动状态。”我理解的平衡,用拆词更好解释:平和、均衡。平和,说的是心态。心境恬淡宁静,则宠辱不惊遇事不慌。以前做运动员的时候,记者朋友经常问我一个问题:这次参加国际大赛和在国内参赛心态上有什么不同?我的答案经常是:除了场地换了、器械换了、观众换了,我感觉不出有什么特别的不一……以上

[create_time]2013-09-06 20:29:13[/create_time]2012-10-29 22:21:30[finished_time]2[reply_count]0[alue_good]自由自由组织93[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.350cbd84.OsWOYLkHNrajNguEd02CKw.jpg?time=3705&tieba_portrait_time=3705[avatar]超过44用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]325[view_count]


她,是拥有全世界最高难度动作A分达7.3分的平衡木女皇。她,是5岁开始接触体操,16岁拿到奥运冠军,却在1 7岁默默退役的体操传奇。她,也有童年,只是终日与教练、训练场、体操、比赛、队友为伴。她,也有梦想,即使曾经被打击、曾经被放弃,但自己坚定的心,从未退缩半步。她,就是北京奥运会体操冠军——李珊珊。这冗长的头衔,压在一个19岁女孩的头上。是骄傲,也是压力。

[create_time]2016-06-05 15:02:50[/create_time]2016-06-20 12:38:37[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]纠缠dj30泚[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.a58f23c.Gf7VxECOborc3p0DtaDmNA.jpg?time=3675&tieba_portrait_time=3675[avatar]TA获得超过185个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]17[view_count]


































[create_time]2013-12-05 11:20:35[/create_time]2013-12-19 14:11:13[finished_time]4[reply_count]154[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]6711[view_count]


杨威 ,男,汉族,大学学历,1976年12月生,中共党员,1998年09月参加工作,任文山州人民政府办公室秘书五科科长。工作实绩:杨威同志善于学习,工作认真负责,有较强的组织协调能力。注重做好服务基层、服务部门、服务领导,扎实抓好工作落实,文字综合能力强。注重加强与科内同志、办公室同志以及联系部门的工作协调配合,能充分调动科内及联系部门办公室人员的积极性,落实好每一项工作任务。在文稿的起草、修改中能严格把关,确保文稿的质量。

[create_time]2016-05-10 22:45:44[/create_time]2016-05-25 18:28:00[finished_time]1[reply_count]3[alue_good]末路军团GY9[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.8aa74e3d.yiPNEgfOLZZm5D-KWJawbw.jpg?time=3679&tieba_portrait_time=3679[avatar]超过61用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]950[view_count]


老虎伍滋:Eldrick Tont "Tiger" Woods[1][2][3] (born December 30, 1975) is an American professional golfer whose achievements to date rank him among the most successful golfers of all time. Currently the World No. 1, he was the highest-paid professional athlete in 2007, having earned an estimated $122 million from winnings and endorsements.

Woods has won fourteen professional major golf championships, the second highest of any male player, and 65 PGA Tour events, third all time. He has more career major wins and career PGA Tour wins than any other active golfer. He is the youngest player to achieve the career Grand Slam, and the youngest and fastest to win 50 tournaments on tour.

Woods has held the number one position in the world rankings for the most consecutive weeks and for the greatest total number of weeks. He has been awarded PGA Player of the Year a record nine times, the Byron Nelson Award for lowest adjusted scoring average a record eight times, and has tied Jack Nicklaus' record of leading the money list in eight different seasons. He has been named Associated Press Male Athlete of the Year a record-tying four times, and is the only person to be named Sports Illustrated's Sportsman of the Year more than once.

Woods was the first Multiracial American to win the Masters in 1997 at Augusta National.

After winning the 2008 U.S. Open, Woods missed the rest of the 2008 PGA Tour, missing two major championships and the 2008 Ryder Cup, in order to rehabilitate his injured left knee.[4]

秀丽邓波:Shirley Jane Temple (born April 23, 1928) is an Academy Award-winning actress and tap dancer, most famous for being an iconic American child actress of the 1930s, who enjoyed a notable career as a diplomat as an adult. After rising to an amazing burst of fame at the age of six with her breakthrough performance in Bright Eyes in 1934, she starred in a series of highly successful films which won her widespread public adulation and saw her become the top grossing star at the American box-office during the height of the Great Depression. In later life, she became a United States ambassador and diplomat.

莫扎特:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (IPA: [?v?lfga? ama?deus ?mo?tsart], full name Johann Chrysostom Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart[1] (27 January 1756 – 5 December 1791), was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical era. He composed over six hundred works, many acknowledged as pinnacles of symphonic, concertante, chamber, piano, operatic, and choral music; and he is among the most enduringly popular of classical composers.

Mozart showed prodigious ability from his earliest childhood in Salzburg. Already competent on keyboard and violin, he composed from the age of five and performed before European royalty; at seventeen he was engaged as a court musician in Salzburg, but grew restless and traveled in search of a better position, always composing abundantly. Visiting Vienna in 1781 he was dismissed from his Salzburg position and chose to stay in the capital, where over the rest of life he achieved fame but little financial security. The final years in Vienna yielded many of his best-known symphonies, concertos, and operas, and the Requiem. The circumstances of his early death have been much mythologized. He was survived by his wife Constanze and two sons.

Mozart always learned voraciously from others, and developed a brilliance and maturity of style that encompassed the light and graceful along with the dark and passionate—the whole informed by a vision of humanity "redeemed through art, forgiven, and reconciled with nature and the absolute".[2] His influence on all subsequent Western art music is profound. Beethoven wrote his own early compositions in the shadow of Mozart, of whom Joseph Haydn wrote that "posterity will not see such a talent again in 100 years".[3]

梅兰芳:Méi was born in 1894 into a family of Beijing Opera and Kūnqǔ performers. He made his stage debut at the Guanghe Theatre in 1904 when he was 10 years old.[1] In his 50-year stage career, he maintained strong continuity while always working on new techniques. His most famous roles were those of female characters; skillful portrayal of women won him international acclaim, and his smooth, perfectly timed, poised style has come to be known in opera circles as the “Méi School.” He also played an important part in continuing the performance tradition of Kūnqǔ, noted particularly for his interpretations of Dù Lìniáng (杜丽娘; in The Peony Pavilion) and Bái Sùzhēn (白素贞; in Leifeng Pagoda) and Beauty Yu, (霸王别姬), Mei's famous portrayal of Beauty Yu was so historically moving that he was dubbed one of the greatest vocal artists in modern China.

In July 1937, the Marco Polo Bridge Incident occurred. The Imperial Japanese Army soon occupied Beijing. The commander of Japanese Army ordered Mei to perform for them and appointed Mei to a high rank official position. But Mei refused to sing throughout the duration of the war and endured an impoverished lifestyle until the war ended in 1945.

Méi was the first artist to spread Beijing Opera to foreign countries, participating in cultural exchanges with Japan, the United States, and other regions. He was known to have toured the world, forming friendships with the western contemporaries of his day, including Charlie Chaplin. During his visit to Hollywood, he was also welcomed by Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford.

After 1949 he served as director of China Beijing Opera Theater, director of the Chinese Opera Research Institute, and vice-chairman of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Besides his autobiography, Forty Years of Life on the Stage, several of his articles and essays have been published in The Collected Works of Mei Lanfang. Recordings of his best-known performances have been published in A Selection of Beijing Operas Performed by Mei Lanfang. In 2000, the story of his life was filmed in a documentary entitled The Worlds of Mei Lanfang. Acclaimed director Chen Kaige directed Forever Enthralled, a film biography of Mei's life, released in December 2008.

罗纳尔多:Ronaldo Luis Nazário de Lima (IPA: [xo'nawd? lu'iz na'za?j? d?? 'lim?]; born September 18, 1976), referred to simply as Ronaldo, is a Brazilian professional footballer who currently plays for Campeonato Brasileiro club SC Corinthians Paulista. His nickname is O Fenômeno ("The Phenomenon").

Having begun his professional career at Brazilian side Cruzeiro Esporte Clube, Ronaldo signed with PSV Eindhoven in 1994, and after that he had tenures with FC Barcelona, F.C. Internazionale Milano, Real Madrid C.F., and A.C. Milan.

A former member of the Brazil national football team, Ronaldo has played 97 international matches, and was part of the Brazilian squads that won the 1994 and 2002 World Cups. He is the highest goalscorer in the history of the World Cup with 15 goals, having surpassed Gerd Müller's previous record of 14 at the 2006 tournament.

Ronaldo is a two-time Ballon d'Or winner (1997 and 2002), and is one of only two men to have won the FIFA Player of the Year award three times, along with Zinedine Zidane. In 2007 he was named in the best starting eleven of all-time by France Football.

刘旋:Liu Xuan (Simplified Chinese: 刘璇) is a Chinese Gymnast. She was born on August 12, 1979 in Changsha, China. She was coached by Guo Xinming and Zhang Zhen.

Liu said she took up gymnastics with encouragement from her mom, who had to cease gymnastics training during her younger years because of the closure of the gym during the Cultural Revolution. In fact, Liu's decision to continue for another 4 years after a disappointing 1996 Atlanta Olympics (where she failed to make beam finals due to a fall in the team optionals) was partly to realize her mom's unfulfilled dream.

Liu was the first female gymnast to perform a one-arm giant swing on the uneven bars which is named after her in the Gymnastic's Code of Points; she also performed this skill into a Geinger release move. However, this skill was considered too risky for women gymnasts, and hence was given a ridiculously low "C" difficulty rating so as to discourage female gymnasts from learning it. As a result, Liu herself also stopped performing it after the 1996 Olympics.

Liu was also strong on balance beam, but weak on vault and floor exercise.

In 2000, she was China's first Olympic Champion on balance beam as well as China's first All Around Medalist (after Andreea R?ducan was disqualified from her gold medal due to a disqualification for taking an unlicensed cold medication, Liu moved up from 4th to the bronze medal position). At the 2000 Olympics Liu Xuan also led her team to a bronze medal. This was China's first and only team medal for Women's Artistic Gymnastics in a non-boycotted Olympics, until 2008. Liu Xuan retired after the 2000 Olympics. As of June 2005 she was filming a movie.

At the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Liu served as the on-site gymnastics reporter for Hong Kong broadcaster TVB

[create_time]2009-02-20 18:09:57[/create_time]2009-03-12 16:09:32[finished_time]2[reply_count]0[alue_good]quyijun119[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.462a7442.1q2AyHM2wavWjavZz82hig.jpg?time=2950&tieba_portrait_time=2950[avatar]超过39用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1210[view_count]


随着冬奥会的有序进行 ,人们对于冬奥会的关注也是越来越密切,而且人们都对于每个国家的运动员有着很深的期待 ,希望他们都可以达到自己想要的成绩 。那么问题来了 ,你知道中国体坛有史以来最伟大的五位女运动员都是谁吗 ?谁最毫无争议呢 ?我们中国体坛涌现出了一辈又一辈的人才 ,而且每位运动员都是值得我们去尊敬的 ,他们都为我们国家做出了很大的努力 。说到最伟大的排球女运动员,应该就是郎平了,中国的女排一直有着一种不服输的精神 ,而且他们一直保持着非常谦虚的态度 ,即使赢得金牌也从来不骄傲 。而郎平再退出女排之后,也成为了一名教练 ,依然在排球事业上发光发热 。第二个伟大的女运动员就是当时的田径运动员王军霞 ,王军霞一直被人们称作是一个奇迹 ,她更是被人们称作是“东方神鹿”,而且她还创造了女子长跑一万米的世界纪录,到现在都没有人能够打破 。第三个伟大的女运动员就是乒乓球运动员张怡宁了 ,张怡宁更是被人们称作大魔王 ,她不仅对待乒乓球比赛非常认真 ,而且每位和她进行比赛的选手压力都非常大 ,可以说是当之无愧的大魔王 。第四位最伟大的女运动员就是网球运动员李娜了,李娜被人们称作是亚洲女子网球第一人 ,而且李娜不仅网球技艺过人,她的颜值也非常高,因此也收获了很多粉丝 。第五个回答的女运动员就是跳水运动员郭晶晶了 ,说到郭晶晶这个名字, 相信大家都不陌生吧 ,郭晶晶还获得了“国际泳联最佳女运动员 ”的称号,可以说是非常优秀了 。不管是哪位运动员 ,他们都是非常优秀的 ,都是值得我们去尊敬的 。因为他们在面对困难的时候并没有轻言放弃 ,而是选择勇往直前 ,最终才成就了如今的自己 。

[create_time]2022-02-06 14:49:01[/create_time]2022-02-21 08:47:20[finished_time]107[reply_count]0[alue_good]李李的民生生活录[uname]https://pic.rmb.bdstatic.com/bjh/user/0795e233e7a6ba694e4c30f93c072d81.jpeg[avatar]不一样的见解,大开眼界。[slogan]不一样的见解,大开眼界。[intro]4305[view_count]


亲您好,亚洲体坛最漂亮的十位女运动员 :一、哈萨克斯坦排球运动员——莎宾娜莎宾娜,1996年出生,哈萨克斯坦著名女排运动员,还是哈萨克斯坦国家妇女事务和家庭人口政策委员会成员。萨宾娜的爸爸是滑雪选手,妈妈是田径选手,2011年因为被选入高中排球校队开始打排球。【摘要】
亲您好,亚洲体坛最漂亮的十位女运动员 :一、哈萨克斯坦排球运动员——莎宾娜莎宾娜,1996年出生,哈萨克斯坦著名女排运动员,还是哈萨克斯坦国家妇女事务和家庭人口政策委员会成员。萨宾娜的爸爸是滑雪选手,妈妈是田径选手,2011年因为被选入高中排球校队开始打排球。【回答】
六、韩国花样滑冰运动员——金妍儿金妍儿出生于1990年,是韩国前花样滑冰运动员,曾6次获得世界花样滑冰锦标赛女子单人滑冠军,2014年5月,金妍儿宣布退役 。【回答】
七、中国前艺术体彩运动员——张豆豆张豆豆出生于1996年,今年26岁,来自山西省太原市清徐县, 曾是中国艺术体操运动员,2017年8月宣布退役,现为中国国家艺术体操队教练。【回答】

[create_time]2023-04-22 14:21:37[/create_time]2023-05-07 14:18:18[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]carry聊三农[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.95539fb0.__mDp9PXZ55HCSn0zXdExg.jpg?time=3426&tieba_portrait_time=3426[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2[view_count]


给你说点实际的吧撒子风景、XXX 说了也不能当饭吃横山镇位于遂宁市城区以西15公里,距安居城区22公里,是遂宁市唯一没有径流河流的乡镇,幅员面积82.3平方公里,总人口5.3万,属于典型的农业大镇安居区是遂宁最穷的区县、横山镇又是安居区典型的农业大镇换句话说,就是这儿的经济条件很差不知道你是去做什么工作,但收入肯定是与当地经济条件密切相关这么说你懂的

[create_time]2012-04-05 09:51:31[/create_time]2012-04-12 13:18:45[finished_time]4[reply_count]36[alue_good]试穿续林[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.81f15eb7.v3hBZg7Lki-Z638xr9_r-Q.jpg?time=5726&tieba_portrait_time=5726[avatar]TA获得超过2533个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]12792[view_count]








[create_time]2014-08-19 10:58:18[/create_time]2014-08-19 13:02:11[finished_time]4[reply_count]30[alue_good]zengbin2[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.4a844a6c.BZ4Tw6TyQSowpO4jyR0RKQ.jpg?time=3458&tieba_portrait_time=3458[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]3732[view_count]


是世界钻石业的卡特尔、跨国公司,一条龙主宰了全球4成的钻石开采和贸易。戴比尔斯主要业务包括钻石矿石开采、贸易、工业钻石生产及加工等。戴比尔斯的钻石开采包括:露天开采、井下开采、大规模冲积矿床、海岸开采以及深海开采。开采地点在博茨瓦纳、纳米比亚、南非和加拿大。塞西尔·罗德斯是戴比尔斯公司的创始人。在1871年钻石热时,他出租水泵予矿工。在南非Colesburg Kopje(后更名为金伯利)发现一颗钻石,重83.5克拉。他将利润投入到购买小型矿的行动中,使其迅速扩张成为独立的公司。扩展资料戴比尔斯已在香港,印度,日本发布永恒印记钻石。根据公司介绍,永恒印记钻石,即是“天然,未经加工,高品质原料,由精心挑选的专业钻石切割师切割并刨光”。永恒印记钻石均刻有标识及独一无二的认证编码。这些标刻只有0.05微米深,并应用戴比尔斯在英国梅登海和比利时安特卫普开发的神秘技术。在2018年,向来坚持卖天然钻石的戴比尔斯开始销售合成钻石。因为随着中国的合成钻石技术进步,成本逐渐下降。报导中引业者评论可能是戴比尔斯企图让消费者觉得合成钻石是廉价品,从而区隔出天然钻石和合成钻石的市场,维持天然钻石价格。参考资料来源:百度百科-戴·比尔斯

[create_time]2019-08-10 10:15:35[/create_time]2016-05-28 15:34:18[finished_time]2[reply_count]2[alue_good]可爱的若阳[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.433d83a8.y1A6z2Fs4RDDRhs4RdvETw.jpg?time=6914&tieba_portrait_time=6914[avatar]说的都是干货,快来关注[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2621[view_count]


De Beers,出产和营销世界35%~40%(按价值算)的钻石。De Beers 在1888年由塞西尔·罗德斯创办,现在英美资源集团拥公司85%的权益1,并和博茨瓦纳政府,纳米比亚政府共同拥有Namdeb钻石公司,另外还拥有De Beers Marine Namibia 70%的股权。其集团下的一间子公司钻石咨询中心,简称DTC,负责市场推广。戴比尔斯还和博茨瓦纳政府共同拥有博茨瓦纳钻石贸易公司,各占50%的股权,也和纳米比亚政府共同拥有纳米比亚钻石贸易公司,各占50%股权。。

[create_time]2016-05-14 00:35:56[/create_time]2016-05-28 15:34:19[finished_time]1[reply_count]1[alue_good]夜摹降临峝[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.e2a4ca5f.z3WXFxESV0YXYmLT8ESdvQ.jpg?time=3662&tieba_portrait_time=3662[avatar]超过50用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]289[view_count]


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