歌名:Billie Jean 比莉?6?1琼 译:keen
[1st Verse]
She Was More Like A Beauty Queen From A Movie Scene 她就像银幕上的绝代佳人
I Said Don't Mind 我说“好吧,
But What Do You Mean I Am The One 但为什么偏偏选中我
Who Will Dance On The Floor In The Round 与你共舞?
”She Said I Am The One 她却只说,
Who Will Dance On The Floor In The Round 要我伴她共舞
[2nd Verse]
She Told Me Her Name Was Billie Jean 她说她叫比莉?6?1琼
As She Caused A Scene 美丽得
Then Every Head Turned With Eyes 令每个男人侧目
That Dreamed Of Being The One 梦想自己
Who Will Dance On The Floor In The Round 能与之共舞
People Always Told Me 人们总是告诫我
Be Careful Of What You Do 小心你的所为
And Don't Go Around 不要到处花心
Breaking Young Girls' Hearts 伤害姑娘们的感情
And Mother Always Told Me 妈妈总是告诫我
Be Careful Of Who You Love 小心你的所爱
And Be Careful Of What You Do 小心你的所为
'Cause The Lie Becomes The Truth 因为谎言也可成真
Billie Jean Is Not My Lover 比莉?6?1琼不是我的爱人
She's Just A Girl 她却坚称我
Who Claims That I Am The One 脱不了干系
But The Kid Is Not My Son 可我真不是孩子的父亲
She Says I Am The One 她说我脱不了干系
But The Kid Is Not My Son 但我真不是那孩子的父亲
[3rd Verse]
For Forty Days And Forty Nights 四十个日日夜夜
The Law Was On Her Side 法律与她同在
But Who Can Stand 她的美丽
When She's In Demand 谁人能够抗拒
Her Schemes And Plans 却只因一曲共舞
'Cause We Danced On The Floor In The Round 我就落入了她的陷阱
So Take My Strong Advice 好好接受我的劝告
Just Remember To Always Think Twice 永远记得三思而行
(Do Think Twice) (定要三思而行)
[4th Verse]
She Told My Baby We Dance ‘Till Three 她望着我,
As She Looked At Me 告诉我的恋人说我与她舞至夜半
Then Showed A Photo 还出示了一个
My Baby Cries 眉眼与我相似的人的照片
His Eyes Were Like Mine 我的女孩哭了
‘Cause We Danced On The Floor In The Round, Baby 只因我曾和她共舞
[Bridge]People Always Told Me 人们总是告诫我
Be Careful Of What You Do 小心你的所为
And Don't Go Around 不要到处花心
Breaking Young Girls' Hearts 伤害姑娘们的感情
She Came And Stood Right By Me 她满身香气,
Then The Smell Of Sweet Perfume 来到我跟前
This Happened Much Too Soon 一切发生得太突然
She Called Me To Her Room 她唤我入她的房间
Billie Jean Is Not My Lover 比莉?6?1琼不是我的爱人
She's Just A Girl 她却坚称我
Who Claims That I Am The One 脱不了干系
But The Kid Is Not My Son 可我真不是孩子的父亲
She Says I Am The One, 她说我脱不了干系
But The Kid Is Not My Son 但我真不是那孩子的父亲
She Says I Am The One,
But The Kid Is Not My Son
She Says I Am The One,
But The Kid Is Not My Son
Billie Jean Is Not My Lover
She's Just A Girl
Who Claims That I Am The One
But The Kid Is Not My Son
She Says I Am The One,
But The Kid Is Not My Son
She Says I Am The One,
She Says He Is My Son
She Says I Am The One
Billie Jean Is Not My Lover
Billie Jean Is Not My Lover
Billie Jean Is Not My Lover
Billie Jean Is Not My Lover
Billie Jean Is Not My Lover
Billie Jean Is Not My Lover 。谢谢采纳!
[create_time]2017-11-25 21:58:09[/create_time]2013-11-18 19:31:43[finished_time]2[reply_count]3[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2852[view_count]
[create_time]2022-11-15 14:18:48[/create_time]2022-11-30 14:18:48[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]信必鑫服务平台[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.3b707489.Pzvh_phCV7cMa9W2PNEYAQ.jpg?time=66&tieba_portrait_time=66[avatar]TA获得超过5.3万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]106[view_count]迈克尔杰克逊跳太空步时唱的歌叫什么?
叫 billie jean歌名:billie jean演唱:Michael Jackson作词:Michael Jackson作曲:Michael Jackson歌词:She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene她就像银幕上的绝代佳人I said don't mind我说好吧,But what do you mean I am the one但你说我是其中一个Who will dance on the floor in the round即将在这里“跳舞”的人是什么意思?She said I am the one她只说Who will dance on the floor in the round让我与你共舞She told me her name was Billie Jean她说她叫比利·简As she caused a scene她引起骚动Then every head turned with eyes每一个脑袋都随着目光转动That dreamed of being the one梦想着成为那个Who will dance on the floor in the round能与之“共舞”的人People always told me人们总是告诉我Be careful of what you do小心你的所作所为And don't go around不要到处去鬼混Breaking young girls' hearts伤害年轻姑娘们的心And mother always told me而且妈妈总是告诫我Be careful of who you love要小心你的“所爱”And be careful of what you do也要小心你的所为Cause the lie becomes the truth因为谎言也可成真Billie Jean is not my lover比利·简不是我的情人She's just a girl她只是个女孩Who claims that i am the one那坚称我脱不了关系的女孩But the kid is not my son但那小孩不是我的骨肉She says i am the one她说我脱不了关系But the kid is not my son但那小孩不是我的骨肉For forty days and forty nights在这四十个日日夜夜The law was on her side法律在她那边But who can stand但谁能抗拒When she's in demand当她很吃香(吸引大众与媒体的关注)Her schemes and plans她的阴谋和计划'Cause we danced on the floor in the round只因一曲共舞So take my strong advice所以接受我的劝告Just remember to always think twice永远记得要三思而行(Do think twice)(定要三思而行)She told my baby we dance till three跳舞之夜她告诉她有了我的孩子As she looked at me然后盯着我Then showed a photo出示了一张孩子的照片My baby cried这孩子在哭His eyes were like mine他的眼睛与我相似‘Cause we danced on the floor in the round, baby只因我曾和她共舞People always told me人们总是告诉我Be careful of what you do小心你的所为And don't go around不要到处鬼混Breaking young girls' hearts去伤害年轻姑娘们的心She came and stood right by me但来到我跟前Then the smell of sweet perfume满身香气This happened much too soon一切发生得太突然She called me to her room她唤我入她的房间Billie Jean is not my lover比利·简不是我的情人She's just a girl她只是个女孩Who claims that i am the one那坚称我脱不了关系的女孩But the kid is not my son但那小孩不是我的骨肉She says i am the one她说我脱不了关系But the kid is not my son但那小孩不是我的骨肉She says i am the one她说我脱不了关系But the kid is not my son但那小孩不是我的骨肉She says i am the one她说我脱不了关系But the kid is not my son但那小孩不是我的骨肉Billie Jean is not my lover比利·简不是我的情人She's just a girl她只是个女孩Who claims that i am the one那坚称我脱不了关系的女孩But the kid is not my son但那小孩不是我的骨肉She says i am the one她说我脱不了关系But the kid is not my son但那小孩不是我的骨肉She says i am the one她说我脱不了关系She says he is my son她说他是我的孩子She says i am the one她说我脱不了关系Billie Jean is not my lover比利·简不是我的情人Billie Jean is not my lover比利·简不是我的情人Billie Jean is not my lover比利·简不是我的情人Billie Jean is not my lover比利·简不是我的情人Billie Jean is not my lover比利·简不是我的情人Billie Jean is not my lover比利·简不是我的情人扩展资料:《BillieJean》发行于1983年1月2日,由迈克尔·杰克逊谱写并演唱,与昆西·琼斯共同出品,是迈克尔·杰克逊1982年第六张个人专辑《Thriller》中的第二波主打单曲。《BillieJean》一经推出就在Billboard排行榜上拿下了七周的冠军,在R&B榜拿下了九周的冠军,卖出了100万张单曲唱片。该支歌曲的音乐录像带也是历史上第一个在MTV播出的黑人音乐。
[create_time]2019-07-26 19:59:13[/create_time]2013-08-01 22:40:46[finished_time]4[reply_count]2[alue_good]布偶猫超好看[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.72953a6e.ty_ACx2o1EUL-hWK1oAPGw.jpg?time=5456&tieba_portrait_time=5456[avatar]TA获得超过3243个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]22027[view_count]太空步谁发明的,是迈克杰克逊么
太空步是克杰克逊改造完善后,加以命名的舞步。 太空步的历史可追溯到1955年,但那时只是简单的后滑步而并非后来经过迈克尔杰克逊改造完善的“太空步”。 后滑步因迈克尔·杰克逊在表演《billie jean》时的运用而风靡世界,并成为他的标签之一。 1988年出版的迈克尔杰克逊自传亦取名《太空步》。 在迈克尔·杰克逊1983年让“太空步”闻名世界前,美国跳舞歌手杰弗里·丹尼尔(Jeffrey Daniel)在1982年英国的一个名为《Top Of The Pops》的音乐节目上也表演过。 但那时的滑步只是“后退步”的雏形,1983年经过迈克尔杰克逊改进后才有了“太空步”。 扩展资料: 练习技巧 1、掌握迈克尔杰克逊舞蹈最基础步法 这是一种类似于rap步法的脚步——分别以不同脚的脚跟或脚尖交替移步。 此步伐要多练,以它可以引申多种步法(像侧滑):向左、向右,来回移动;膝盖打直,或膝盖大幅度弯曲移动。 2、振肩和扭胯 这两个动作大家应该都会只是普遍力度和幅度不够,我们要不断在这方面加强训练。 注意扭胯要和其他动作有机的结合在一起,要有一体感。 找一个有固定鼓点的音乐(jam, dangerous……)跟着鼓点夸张50%的做动作,反复1-2首歌每次。 3、甩腿 以其为代表的舞蹈是Billie jean,当然如果我们有留意的话杰克逊在走路时可以说无时无刻不运用着他的这一绝技(慢走和滑步除外)。 所以练好这个步伐是能否把Michael的舞蹈灵魂注入自己的舞蹈之中的关键所在。 4、各个动作的加速度 用直白的话说,就是让每个迅捷动作的过程尽量缩短,同时注意定格动作的标准性。 还要注意对体力的训练,一般动作软在累时会不自然的表现出来。 踢腿和转身都要注意此项训练。
[create_time]2022-09-28 17:03:48[/create_time]2022-10-12 18:40:32[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]乐燕铌3Q[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.b7d6ec0a.VXjYG5QHNDK7gr5FzzyTzQ.jpg?time=4634&tieba_portrait_time=4634[avatar]TA获得超过4592个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]24[view_count]太空步谁发明的,是迈克杰克逊么
太空步是克杰克逊改造完善后,加以命名的舞步。太空步的历史可追溯到1955年,但那时只是简单的后滑步而并非后来经过迈克尔杰克逊改造完善的“太空步”。后滑步因迈克尔·杰克逊在表演《billie jean》时的运用而风靡世界,并成为他的标签之一。1988年出版的迈克尔杰克逊自传亦取名《太空步》。在迈克尔·杰克逊1983年让“太空步”闻名世界前,美国跳舞歌手杰弗里·丹尼尔(Jeffrey Daniel)在1982年英国的一个名为《Top Of The Pops》的音乐节目上也表演过。但那时的滑步只是“后退步”的雏形,1983年经过迈克尔杰克逊改进后才有了“太空步”。扩展资料:练习技巧1、掌握迈克尔杰克逊舞蹈最基础步法这是一种类似于rap步法的脚步——分别以不同脚的脚跟或脚尖交替移步。此步伐要多练,以它可以引申多种步法(像侧滑):向左、向右,来回移动;膝盖打直,或膝盖大幅度弯曲移动。2、振肩和扭胯这两个动作大家应该都会只是普遍力度和幅度不够,我们要不断在这方面加强训练。注意扭胯要和其他动作有机的结合在一起,要有一体感。找一个有固定鼓点的音乐(jam, dangerous……)跟着鼓点夸张50%的做动作,反复1-2首歌每次。3、甩腿以其为代表的舞蹈是Billie jean,当然如果我们有留意的话杰克逊在走路时可以说无时无刻不运用着他的这一绝技(慢走和滑步除外)。所以练好这个步伐是能否把Michael的舞蹈灵魂注入自己的舞蹈之中的关键所在。4、各个动作的加速度用直白的话说,就是让每个迅捷动作的过程尽量缩短,同时注意定格动作的标准性。还要注意对体力的训练,一般动作软在累时会不自然的表现出来。踢腿和转身都要注意此项训练。参考资料来源:百度百科-太空步
[create_time]2019-06-11 09:59:33[/create_time]2012-01-29 20:33:26[finished_time]6[reply_count]12[alue_good]教育培训的小哥[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.55fdc4aa.tdWTuP5Hfm4Y_bfeMKW94w.jpg?time=9242&tieba_portrait_time=9242[avatar]TA获得超过11.8万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]30281[view_count]迈克尔杰克逊的太空漫步怎样练成
MJ本来说要创造一种新舞步,太空步在它面前只是乌鸦见凤凰..可是 再也见不到了555 步骤1:找一双较紧的平底鞋,刚开始你可以先使用软底鞋。 步骤2:确保你用来练习的地板不会太粗糙,尽量找一块光滑的地。 步骤3:两脚并拢站立,左脚稍微比右脚靠前一些(右脚趾的前端与左脚趾的中部应该在同一线)。 步骤4:然后抬起右脚后跟,使你看起来象正在走路一样用右脚前部站立,左脚保持原位(注意不要移动)。 步骤5:当你把右脚跟放下时,把全部重心移到右脚,缓慢向后拖动左脚,使左脚趾与右脚跟平齐。做这一步的时候,左脚跟要稍微离地,左脚不要往下踩,否则就滑不起来了。确保你缓慢放下右脚后跟与和移动左脚同时进行。控制速度需要多加练习。 步骤6:坚持练习以上步骤,直到你确信自己能毫无障碍的做移动。 步骤7:一旦你可以精通上面的动作,将左脚向前伸出,但是不要接触地板,要做的让人看起来就象刚好贴着地踢出的一样。把它移到离右脚趾前面相当于一只脚那么远的位置。左脚任何部位都不要格外地抬高。 步骤8:把左脚挪回开始的最初位置,再一次抬起右脚后跟。左腿弯曲,重复步骤5的动作。坚持练习直到你领悟到所有的精要,能很随心所欲的做出,并且得到他人认可。最后达到可以克服地心引力的效果,这样你就可以象专业人士那样走太空步了. 步骤9:一旦你可以精通右脚弯曲后,交换两脚,尝试用左脚做相同的动作.抬起左脚后跟,当你用右脚向后滑步的同时放下左脚.用左脚支撑,右脚伸出,然后抬起左脚后跟,接着再次在放下左脚的同时把右脚缓慢后移. 分解:①开始起步左脚向后平滑30公分,紧接左脚点起
分解:⑦根据喜好者滑步的次数过后可连转N圈然后双脚点地(高手动作) 练习精要 太空步的最佳练习精要,何不试试呢?
步骤9:一旦你可以精通右脚弯曲后,交换两脚,尝试用左脚做相同的动作。抬起左脚后跟,当你用右脚向后滑步的同时放下左脚。用左脚支撑,右脚伸出,然后抬起左脚后跟,接着再次在放下左脚的同时把右脚缓慢后移。 希望采纳啊~~~O(∩_∩)O~
[create_time]2017-11-26 05:53:53[/create_time]2013-11-25 16:37:48[finished_time]2[reply_count]105[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]13175[view_count]
迈克尔·“太空步”创始人 迈克尔杰克逊杰克逊太空步分解
[create_time]2011-06-25 19:57:57[/create_time]2011-06-27 22:36:07[finished_time]4[reply_count]2[alue_good]群山楚汉歌9378[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.32f03628.m1ESAopUoV4CSkIs9xBs8g.jpg?time=2971&tieba_portrait_time=2971[avatar]TA获得超过5.3万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]3169[view_count]
迈克尔杰克跳的舞蹈融合了机械舞,芭蕾舞、踢踏舞、印度舞、非洲土著舞、现代舞、爵士、街舞(霹雳舞、锁舞等)、拉丁、交谊舞等舞蹈种类,另外自创有僵尸舞,月球漫步(太空步),45度倾斜等多种舞蹈。1、月球漫步所谓“太空步”(也译“月球漫步”,Moonwalk)其实可分为四大类(后滑、侧滑、原地滑、旋转滑),“太空步”这一称谓是迈克尔杰克逊第一个命名出来的。其中后滑步是一种视觉幻象效果,给人一种明明在行走却向后退的魔幻般视觉。这种舞步的历史可追溯到1955年,但那时只是简单的后滑步而并非后来经过迈克尔杰克逊改造完善的“太空步”。2、45度倾斜45度倾斜指的是45°反地心引力倾斜,出自Michael Jackson歌曲《SMOOTH CRIMINAL》中文译名《犯罪高手》。该舞步在电影月球漫步里第一次展示。3、僵尸舞僵尸舞(Zombie Dance)是MJ全球销量第一的专辑《THRILLER》中的歌曲《颤栗》中出现的舞蹈,随着Urbandance.Cn编舞网的传播,名叫僵尸舞,也叫颤栗舞,他在《颤栗》MV中出现,在《ghost》中也有出现,它一出现便风弥全球,被人们争相模仿。4、Breaking(霹雳舞)(又译Breakdance、b-boying,b-girl)是一种以个人风格为主的技巧性街舞舞种,也是北美街舞中最早的舞种,起源于美国70年代的布朗克斯区。比较值得注意的是,早期跳BREAKING的舞者多为西班牙语裔美国人,非裔美国人,然而他们当初偏好的音乐风格却大大影响至今的嘻哈和节奏蓝调音乐。5、机械舞POPPING(震感舞),也称为震动,属于街舞,一般的POPPING包括了肩膀、胸部、手臂、腿部等等。有时Waving(电流)也被现在的舞者融汇在POPPIN的范围里。LOCKING也称为锁舞,以转手及锁住的动作为主,产生令人眼花缭乱的美感及力道感。当今的POPPIN没有Old School 和New School的区分,都是属于Street Dance的舞种。
[create_time]2021-08-03 19:21:58[/create_time]2021-08-17 00:00:00[finished_time]1[reply_count]10[alue_good]暴走爱教育[uname]https://pic.rmb.bdstatic.com/bjh/user/15d4d798fbd59fdf1a0fe938ba9b1146.jpeg[avatar]暴走团队带你畅游教育的海洋[slogan]暴走团队带你畅游教育的海洋[intro]10718[view_count]迈克尔杰克逊的舞蹈水平怎么样?
杰克逊的舞蹈是顶级水平,很多人都在致敬或者是模仿杰克逊,但是至今没人能超越他,杰克逊的舞蹈是独树一帜的,从他出道到他离世,他为大家留下了很多超级经典的作品,比较神奇的是这些作品没有过时一说。迈克尔·约瑟夫·杰克逊(1958年8月29日—2009年6月25日) ,出生于美国印第安纳州,美国流行乐男演唱家、音乐家、舞蹈家、企业家、慈善家、人道主义者、和平主义者、慈善机构创办人。迈克尔·杰克逊是家族的第七个孩子,他在1964年作为杰克逊五人组的成员和他的兄弟一起在职业音乐舞台上初次登台,1968年,乐队与当地的一家唱片公司合作出版了第一张唱片《Big Boy》。1971年12月,杰克逊发行了个人首支单曲《Got to be there》,标志着其个人独唱生涯的开始。1982年12月,杰克逊音乐生涯最畅销的专辑《Thriller》发行。1987年9月,展开个人首次全球巡演。通过舞台和视频的表演,杰克逊普及了POPPING、太空步等舞蹈技术。杰克逊一生中获得了13座格莱美奖和26座全美音乐奖。在他的个人独唱生涯中,拥有13支美国冠军单曲。演艺事业外,杰克逊关心公益慈善,多次举办慈善活动、探访贫困地区、看望难民、捐款捐物。1985年,为赈济非洲饥民,创作并演唱了歌曲《天下一家》(《We are the world》),其收益全部用于援助非洲饥民。1992年2月3日,成立“拯救世界”基金会,以救助患有艾滋病和青少年糖尿症的病人。2000年吉尼斯世界纪录大全里认证他资助过39个慈善机构 ,以个人名义向慈善机构的捐款超过3亿美元。他是吉尼斯世界纪录以个人名义捐款最多的艺人。
[create_time]2021-12-06 17:01:03[/create_time]2021-12-17 17:56:28[finished_time]1[reply_count]5[alue_good]耳机里放的是达达[uname]https://iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/d1160924ab18972bb68e595bf4cd7b899f510aee?x-bce-process%3Dimage%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cw_450%2Ch_600%2Climit_1%2Fquality%2Cq_85[avatar]专注完成汽车科技类问题[slogan]专注完成汽车科技类问题[intro]3362[view_count]迈克杰克逊太空舞步教学
[create_time]2017-05-18 15:04:24[/create_time]2013-12-28 17:16:23[finished_time]3[reply_count]78[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]10020[view_count]
你好,歌名是《Stranger In Moscow》
作词、作曲、编曲:Michael Jackson
制作:Michael Jackson
I was wandering in the rain 我徘徊在雨中
Mask of life, feelin' insane 生活的假面具,感觉疯狂
Swift and sudden fall from grace 飞快地坠离了高尚
Sunny days seem far away 阳光灿烂的日子看起来很遥远
Kremlin's shadow belittlin' me 克林姆林宫的影子使我显得那么渺小
Stalin's tomb won't let me be 斯大林的坟墓不会让我自由
On and on and on it came 慢慢得,它来了
Wish the rain would just let me 希望这雨可以另我畅怀
How does it feel (How does it feel) 这是什么感觉(这是什么感觉)
How does it feel 这是什么感觉
How does it feel 这是什么感觉
When you're alone 当你孤单的时候
And you're cold inside 你的内心一定觉得很冷
Here abandoned in my fame 我的名声在这里被抛弃
Armageddon of the brain 以一种艰苦决战的方式
KGB was doggin' me KGB一直跟随着我
Take my name and just let me be 拿掉我的名字,让我自由吧
Then a begger boy called my name 有一个小乞丐叫着我的名字
Happy days will drown the pain 快乐的日子可以消除那些痛苦
On and on and on it came 慢慢地,它来了
And again, and again, and again... 不断地不断地……
Take my name and just let me be 拿掉我的名字,让我自由吧
How does it feel (How does it feel) 这是什么感觉(这是什么感觉)
How does it feel 这是什么感觉
How does it feel 这是什么感觉
How does it feel 这是什么感觉
How does it feel (How does it feel) 这是什么感觉(这是什么感觉)
How does it feel 这是什么感觉
How does it feel 这是什么感觉
When you're alone 当你孤单的时候
And you're cold inside 你的内心一定觉得很冷
How does it feel (How does it feel) 这是什么感觉(这是什么感觉)
How does it feel 这是什么感觉
How does it feel 这是什么感觉
How does it feel 这是什么感觉
How does it feel (How does it feel now) 这是什么感觉(此刻是什么感觉)
How does it feel 这是什么感觉
How does it feel 这是什么感觉
How does it feel 这是什么感觉
Like stranger in Moscow 就像是一个在莫斯科的陌生人
Like stranger in Moscow 就像是一个在莫斯科的陌生人
We're talkin' danger 我们的谈论很危险
We're talkin' danger, baby 我们的谈论很危险,baby
Like stranger in Moscow 就像是一个在莫斯科的陌生人
We're talkin' danger 我们的谈论很危险
We're talkin' danger, baby 我们的谈论很危险,baby
Like stranger in Moscow 就像是一个在莫斯科的陌生人
We're talkin' danger 我们的谈论很危险
We're talkin' danger, baby 我们的谈论很危险,baby
Stranger in Moscow 莫斯科的陌生人
I'm living lonely 我孤独地生活着
I'm living lonely, baby 我孤独地生活着,baby
Like stranger in Moscow 莫斯科的陌生人
(KGB interrogator - (KGB在审问:)
Russian to English Translation)
"Why have you come from the West? “你为什么从西边来?
Confess! 招供!
To steal the great achievements of the people, 你想要夺取人民的伟大成就
the accomplishments of the workers..." 你想要夺取工人的劳动成果……”
(注:KGB - Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti:苏联国家安全委员会,俗称“克格勃”)
注解:这是一首自传体歌曲。Michael Jackson在俄罗斯的酒店里,听着楼下无数歌迷的热烈欢呼,内心却感到无比孤独,于是在立刻创作了此曲。
[create_time]2012-05-26 10:25:47[/create_time]2012-06-08 21:31:49[finished_time]3[reply_count]11[alue_good]mjok5210[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.b1464860.M2C3nYPQdNpj44qAYW4x0w.jpg?time=9738&tieba_portrait_time=9738[avatar]TA获得超过422个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2332[view_count]
Michael Jackson is the King of Pop. This is not a title thathe gave himself. It was given to him by his millions of fans around the world and by his peers, among whom he has no equal. How did he get the title, you ask? He came by it the old fashioned way. He earned it! No other performer in history has generated the massive sales that he has. No other performer in history has received as many awards and accolades as he has. No other performer in history draws the kind of excitement and mass hysteria that he does. And no other performer in history has done so much in the way of humanitarian efforts than he has. There has never been one like him before, and there will never be one like him again. He is in a class all by himself.
Michael became a superstar at an age when most other children are learning things like the alphabet and how to count to 20. Born on August 29, 1958 he was the seventh child in a family of nine. Michael and his older brothers (Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, and Marlon) were thrust into the spotlight when their father, Joseph Jackson, a steel mill worker in Gary, Indiana, formed a singing group out of his sons and called them The Jackson 5. Even though Michael was the youngest, it became immediately obvious that he had something special. Armed with a magical voice mature beyond its tender years and a crowd-charming charisma that rivaled any seasoned entertainer, little Michael lead his brothers from winning local talent contests to a recording contract with Motown Records in the late 1960's. The group quickly began turning out hit after hit for their new record label and remained a hit-making machine throughout the '70's. During their time at Motown, Michael also began a successful solo recording career that would run parallel to his work with his brothers.
In 1976, the Jacksons left Motown and signed with Epic Records where they continued to crank out one hit after another.
In 1978 Michael ventured into film when he starred opposite Diana Ross in The Wiz, an African-American remake of the Wizard of Oz. The film itself was unexceptional but it did put Michael on a collision course with destiny because it introduced him to legendary producer Quincy Jones who arranged the film's score.
Michael and Quincy collaborated on his next solo project, 'Off The Wall.' And with that album Michael was immediately transformed from a cute little kid act into an adult superstar. The album was released in 1979 to critical praise for its crossover blending of soul and rock and its non-stop boogie grove. With the help of number one hits "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" and "Rock With You", the album sold 10 million copies and went multiplatinum. It's hard to believe that any artist could top a success like that.
But in 1982, that's just what Michael did with the release of a monster of an album called 'Thriller.' 'Thriller' broke all kinds of records. To date, it has sold more than 108 million copies worldwide (that's more than any other album before it or since). The album spawned a record six top ten singles and spent a record breaking 37 weeks at number one. It remains the best selling album of all time. That year Michael also won an unprecedented eight Grammy Awards - 7 for 'Thriller' and 1 for 'E.T.-The Storybook Album.' Much of Thriller's success was due, in part, to a new thing called music videos. Hits like "Billie Jean," "Beat It," and "Thriller" came alive before our very eyes when paired with a cool story line and Michael's amazing dancing ability. Michael's short films not only helped pioneer the video medium but also broke MTV's color barrier in the process. 'Thriller' made Michael Jackson an American pop icon.
So, what do you do after recording the number one best-selling album in history? You record the number two best-selling album in history, of course! 'Bad,' Michael's next solo project released in 1987, sold over 25 million copies worldwide and included the hit singles "I Just Can't Stop Loving You," "The Way You Make Me Feel," and "Man In The Mirror." Accompanied by his first ever solo world tour (the biggest concert tour in history), the Bad album generated 5 consecutive number one hits (a feat unequalled since).
In 1991, with his next album, 'Dangerous,' Michael continued the astronomical sales figures with 23 million copies sold worldwide. With Dangerous came more state of the art videos and another amazing concert tour in 1992.
In 1993 Michael made TV history when the notoriously private superstar sat down for a 90-minute live interview with talk show host extraordinaire, Oprah Winfrey. The interview was conducted from Michael's home, Neverland Valley Ranch in Santa Ynez, California and was the most watched program of 1993 attracting nearly 100 million viewers around the world. Also in 1993 Michael became the first major recording artist to perform the Super Bowl halftime show, giving the Super Bowl it's largest television audience to date.
In 1995, Michael released his most ambitious project yet. 'HIStory Past, Present and Future Book I' was a massive double album containing 15 of Michael's greatest hits from his previous four albums and 15 brand new songs. 'HIStory' saw Michael turning a corner creatively as the 15 new songs were some of the most personal songs he has ever recorded. By January of 1996, 'HIStory' had been certified six times platinum in the United States alone and it is still the most successful double album of all time.
In May of 1997 Michael released 'Blood On The Dance floor: HIStory In The Mix.' The album contained 5 new songs (some of the best work he's ever done, according to many critics), and 8 remixes from 'HIStory.' Some saw this remix CD as a brilliant idea because it brought a two-year-old album back to the forefront. Also in the spring of 1997, Michael and his brothers (the Jackson 5) were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Artists become eligible for induction 25 years after the release of their first record. In December of 1997 Michael's most ambitious video ever was released. The video, or short film, was 'Ghosts' and it included one song from the 'HIStory' album and two songs from the 'Blood On The Dancefloor' album. The video contained a really cool storyline in which Michael played several of the main characters himself. 1997 also saw the beginning of a whole new world for Michael on a personal level. In February of that year his wife Debbie, whom he had married in November of 1996, gave birth to their first child, a son named "Prince" Michael Joseph Jackson Jr. A daughter, Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson, followed in April of 1998. Michael has said that fatherhood is his greatest dream come true.
2001 was another big year for Michael. First, in the spring of that year, Michael was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for the second time; this time as a solo artist. Then, in celebration of his 30th Anniversary as a solo artist, Michael attended two "tribute" concerts on the 7th and 10th of September. During these concerts many of Michael's famous friends, and some of the biggest names in the music industry, paid tribute to him by performing his songs. The real treat for fans however, came toward the end of the concerts when the King took to the stage himself; performing first with his brothers and then with such stars as N'Sync, Brittney Spears and Usher. In October of 2001 Michael finally released his long awaited new album, 'Invincible.' Overall, 'Invincible' had a nice, smooth R&B vibe going on; very reminiscent of his 'Off The Wall' days. Unfortunately, disputes between artist and label prevented 'Invincible' from receiving the promotion that it deserved, resulting in low record sales. (Keep in mind that when talking about Michael, the phrase "low record sales" is relative because his sales figures are always astronomical. Therefore, "low" for him is, in fact, quite well for most other artists).
In 2002 Michael became a father again when his third child was born; a son named Prince Michael II, known affectionately as 'Blanket.'
In November of 2003, Michael released a Greatest Hits compilation called 'Number 1's.' This album included 16 previously released tracks spanning his career from 'Off The Wall' through 'Invincible;' plus the new single, "One More Chance." It also included a live version of his #1 hit "Ben" on the US pressing and "Blood On The Dance Floor" on the European pressing.
2004 was yet another busy year. March saw the release of the DVD 'Michael Jackson-The One.' The DVD featured 44 minutes taken from a CBS special, footage from the HIStory Tour and behind-the-scenes footage. In April Michael was presented with a Golden Elephant for his work fighting AIDS in Africa by the AASA (African Ambassadors' Spouses Association). In November the eagerly awaited 'Michael Jackson: The Ultimate Collection' finally arrived. This 5 disc anthology is packed with songs that span the entire extraordinary career of the King of Pop (from 1969-2004). It also includes early demos of some favorite hits plus several rare gems never released before. Also in November, Michael was inducted into the UK's first Hall Of Fame for Music.
Back in 1993, Michael had faced false accusations of child molestation. Formal charges were never brought against him and the case was settled out of court. Unfortunately, Thomas Sneddon, the District Attorney for Santa Barbara County, began a decade long vendetta. With the truth being wildly debated, the news media around the world became an unwitting accomplice in this plot to "bring down" the world's biggest superstar. The world press painted a target on Michael Jackson's back and it was only a matter of time before someone took aim. Forever trusting, and eager to lend a hand to those in need, Michael opened his heart and his home to another family who, in turn, took advantage of his kindness. At this same time, he also opened his life up to a tabloid videographer. What followed were cruel and hurtful accusations, criminal charges and a lengthy court trial that proved physically and mentally exhausting for Michael, his family, and his fans around the world. However, on June 13 2005, after ten days of deliberations, Michael was aquitted when the jury in the case against him came back with a verdict of NOT GUILTY on all counts. After five months of testimony the celebrity trial of the centu