Making Love Out Of Nothing At All 歌曲中英文歌词
歌名:Making Love Out Of Nothing At All 歌手:Air Supply作词 : STEINMAN, JIMI know just how to whisper and I know just how to cry.我懂得温声细语,也不惮歇斯底里I know just where to find the answers and I know just how to lie.我知道答案在何处,也知道谎言的意义I know just how to fake it and I know just how to scheme.我能粉饰太平,也会阴谋诡计I know just when to face the truth and then I know just when to dream.我懂何时该认真,也懂有时不该深究隐秘And I know just where to touch you and I know just what to prove.我知道该怎样感动你,也熟稔如何表现自己I know when to pull you closer and I know when to let you loose.我知道何时要抓紧,也深谙何时要拉开距离And I know the night is fading. And I know the time's gonna fly.我知道夜色将要褪去,也知道时光无暇停息And I'm never gonna tell you everything I gotta tell you,本该向你说明的事,我决不会告诉你But I know I've got to give it a try.但会试着不让自己逃避And I know the roads to riches. I know the ways to fame我知道发财的途径,也明白成名的秘密I know all the rules and then I know how to break 'em我掌握所有的规则,想打破也很容易And I always know the name of the game.一切掩饰在我面前都毫无意义But I don't know how to leave you and I'll never let you fall.但我不知道怎么离开你,我永远也不会让你失望And I don't know how you do it, making love out of nothing at all.我不知道你为什么能做到,让爱从无到有(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱从无到有(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱从无到有(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱从无到有(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱从无到有(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱从无到有(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱从无到有Everytime I see you well the rays of the sun are all streaming through the waves in your hair.每一次我看着你,阳光都流过你水波般的发丝And every star in the sky is taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight.你的眼睛灿若星辰The beating of my heart is a drum and it's lost and it's looking for a rhythm like you.我的心跳纷乱如鼓点,全都循着你的节奏而去You can take the darkness from the deep of the night,只要有你,哪怕是深深的黑夜And turn it to a beacon burning endlessly bright.也会变成耀眼的灯塔永湛光明I gotta follow it cause everything I know,我必将追随着你的美,因为我世事洞明Well, it's nothing 'til I give it to you.但如果没有献给你,任何东西都没有了意义I can make you run or stumble. I can make the final clock.我能让你处处掣肘,也能在终点阻截And I can make every tackle at the sound of the whistle.哪怕在最后时刻我也能击溃你的攻势And I can make all the stadiums rock.我能让所有的赛场沸腾I can make the night forever or I can make it disappear by the dawn.我能让这一夜成为永恒,也能在黎明之前让一切散去And I can make you every promise that's ever been made.我可以向你许下世界上存在过的所有诺言And I can make all your demons be gone.我能让你的一切烦恼全都清净But I'm never gonna make it without you.但如果没有你,我永远不能做到这些Do you really wanna see me crawl?你难道想看我跪地祈求吗?And I'm never gonna make it like you do,我永远不会的,你也不会的Making love out of nothing at all.让爱从无到有(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱从无到有(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱从无到有(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱从无到有(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱从无到有(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱从无到有(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱从无到有(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱从无到有(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱从无到有(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱从无到有(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱从无到有(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱从无到有(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱从无到有(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱从无到有(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱从无到有(Making love)让爱(Making love)让爱(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱从无到有(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱从无到有(Making love) Out of nothing at all.让爱从无到有(Making love)让爱(Making love)让爱(Making love)让爱(Making love)让爱扩展资料:《Making Love Out Of Nothing At All》的中文名字是《让爱一切成空》。这首歌是Air Supply(空气补给)组合在专辑making love out of nothing at all中的主打歌。《Making Love Out Of Nothing At All》以其空旷高昂的音线和演唱者天使般高亢美丽激情的歌喉而受到很多人的喜爱,深情表白的歌词内容被很多电影所引用作为片中曲表达人物感情。后来被林志炫、谢霆锋、李玖哲等歌手翻唱,而开始流行于华语乐坛。
[create_time]2019-04-03 10:59:38[/create_time]2013-04-08 17:03:15[finished_time]3[reply_count]6[alue_good]游戏爱好者小胡[uname][avatar]有菜又爱玩游戏的小胡[slogan]有菜又爱玩游戏的小胡[intro]26565[view_count]求Making Love Out Of Nothing At All歌词 最好一句接着一句翻译
Making love out nothing at all(让爱一切成空)
I know just how to whisper
And I know just how to cry
I know just where to find the answers
And I know just how to lie
I know just how to fake it
And I know just how to scheme
I know just when to face the truth
And then I know just when to dream
And I know just where to touch you
And I know just what to prove
I know when to pull you closer
And I know when to let you loose
And I know the night is fading
And I know the time's gonna fly
And I'm never gonna tell you everything I've gotta tell you
But I know I've gotta give it a try
And I know the roads to riches
And I know the ways to fame
I know all the rules and then I know how to break'em
And I always know the name of the game
But I don't know how to leave you
And I'll never let you fall
And I don't know how you do it
Making love out of nothing at all
Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all
Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all
Out of nothing at all
Making love out of nothing at all
Everytime I see you all the rays of the sun
Are streaming through the waves in your hair
And every star in the sky
Is taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight
The beating of my heart is a drum and it's lost
And it's looking for a rhythm like you
You can take the darkness at the pit of the night
And turn into a beacon burning endlessly bright
I've gotta follow it 'cause everything I know
Well, it's nothing 'till I give it to you
I can make the runner stumble
I can make the final block
And I can make every tackle at the sound of the whistle
I can make all the stadiums rock
I can make tonight forever
Or I can make it disappear by the dawn
I can make you every promise that has ever been made
And I can make all your demons be gone
But I'm never gonna make it without you
Do you really wanna see me crawl
And I'm never gonna make it like you do
Making love out of nothing at all
Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all
Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all
Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all
Out of nothing at all
[create_time]2011-10-19 20:48:28[/create_time]2011-10-19 21:07:15[finished_time]1[reply_count]8[alue_good]来自武夷山厚德载物的小鹿斑比[uname][avatar]TA获得超过1.4万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]3935[view_count]
《我是歌手》林志炫是第一季。在综艺《我是歌手》中让大家都了解了林志炫的实力,林志炫是中国台湾男歌手还是一名音乐制作人。他的实力非常的强获得了这一季的亚军。 在节目中林志炫翻唱了席琳迪翁的《I Surrender》并取名为《没离开过》,这首歌获得了当期的第一名,现场的很多观众都表示每一次听都会觉得非常完美。并且让网友印象最深的表演还是林志炫在第八期演唱的《你的眼神》,在现场林志炫称春天是恋爱的季节,而且演唱中的创意都是林志炫的女朋友想出来的。 林志炫在参加《我是歌手》的时候获得了三次第一,并且所有的名词从未低过前三。林志炫在1991年出道,刚出道的时候就和朋友李骥组成了“优客李林”这个组合同年发行的专辑《认错》获得了不错的成绩。但是这个组合在1995年的时候就宣布解散了。 不得不说林志炫的实力是非常的强,在真假音之间转换的时候非常的流畅,给网友留下来深刻的印象。
[create_time]2022-08-22 16:07:02[/create_time]2022-09-01 16:47:20[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]好声音1718[uname][avatar]TA获得超过5140个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]503[view_count]我是歌手第20130216期林志炫唱的歌叫什么名?
我是歌手第20130216期林志炫唱的歌叫什么名? 没离开过,席琳迪翁唱的英文版,林志炫唱的是中文版 我是歌手里林志炫唱的歌叫什么 林志炫翻唱国际天后席琳迪翁的名曲《i surrender》的中文版《没离开过》。 林志炫唱的歌名字叫什么?我是歌手 蔡琴的 你的眼神 我是歌手第五期林志炫唱的歌是什么 《没离开过》, *** 跌宕起伏,林志炫因此获得第一并在这个舞台出名。 《我是歌手》林志炫唱的无字歌叫什么名字? 《我是歌手》林志炫唱的无字歌叫《Opera》。 歌曲《Opera》(Оперная)汉译为“歌剧”,又译为“献身于爱”,歌曲没有歌词,为Vitas(维塔斯)作曲。收录于2006年维塔利·弗拉达索维奇·格拉乔夫发行的第六张专辑《回家》中。 2013年3月《我是歌手》第七期的节目中,由于林志炫与黄琦珊同样选择了席琳·迪翁的《the power of love》,林志炫绅士让歌,而他则选择了一首难度系数极大的“无字神曲”——《Opera》。 这也被林志炫和现场的专家都认为是一次冒险。但是,在我是歌手第七期的比赛中,林志炫以这首“无字神曲”勇夺本场第二名,黄琦珊获得本场第一,林志炫用他的歌声证明了他对音乐的执著、自信与热爱。 我是歌手中林志炫和吴彤唱的叫什么歌名 化了妆的伤 播放 歌手:周诗雨 语言:国语 所属专辑:宛如一场雨 发行时间:2012-04-09 歌手这个节目里林志炫唱的歌叫什么名字? 林志炫作为第二位逆战歌手登场 第五期《你永远不知道》 获得第四名(并列) 第六期《Writing's on the wall》 获得第四名 第七期《御龙铭千古》 获得第五名(原第六名,因为谭晶(当期第四)退赛,所以排名上升一位,位列第五) 第八期《卷珠帘》 获得第一名 林志炫在我是歌手里唱的一首六分钟的歌叫什么名字? making love out of nothing at all 偶滴歌神啊林志炫那期ash唱的歌叫什么名字 请原谅我,萧敬腾 我是歌手 林志炫来的一期他唱的是什么歌 没离开过 I SURRENDER中文版
[create_time]2022-10-08 23:24:09[/create_time]2022-10-18 12:39:58[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]影视达人17[uname][avatar]TA获得超过4717个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]14[view_count]
making love out of nothing at all 林志炫
《making love out of nothing at all 》
音乐风格:空中补给合唱团擅长演唱抒情歌曲,他们演绎的歌曲无论是曲调还是歌词,都很优美,而且配器精巧,大量采用钢琴、吉它、 弦乐等音色优美的传统乐器,因此音乐效果浪漫、抒情,非常迷人。
Making Love Out Of Nothing At All,是Air Supply组合在专辑making love out of nothing at all中的主打歌,以其空旷高昂的音线和演唱者天使般高亢美丽激情的歌喉而受到很多人的喜爱,尤其其悲怆的歌词而被很多电影所引用作为片中曲表达人物感情。后来被林志炫、谢霆锋、李玖哲等歌手翻唱,而开始流行于华语乐坛。
Making love out of nothing at all
by:Air Supply
I know just how to whisper(我知道怎样细声耳语)
and I know just how to cry.(也知道如何放声哭喊)
I know just where to find the answers(我知道如何寻找解答)
and I know just how to lie.(也知道如何违心欺骗)
I know just how to fake it(我知道怎样伪善)
and I know just how to scheme.(也知道怎样暗算)
I know just when to face the truth(我知道何时该面对现实)
and then I know just when to dream.(也知道何时该去追逐梦想)
And I know just where to touch you(我知道该怎样感动你)
and I know just what to prove.(也知道什么才该去证实)
I know when to pull you closer(我知道何时该拉近你)
and I know when to let you loose.(也知道何时该与你说再见)
And I know the night is fading. (我知道夜色即将褪去)
And I know the time's gonna fly.(也知道时光匆匆飞逝)
And I'm never gonna tell you(而我绝对不会告诉你)
everything I gotta tell you,(任何该告诉你的事情)
But I know I've got to give it a try.(哪怕我知道至少我应该去试一试才行)
And I know the roads to riches. (我知道如何才能变得腰缠万贯)
And I know the ways to fame.(更知道如何功成名就)
I know all the rules(我知晓所有的规则)
and then I know how to break 'em(也知道如何打破那些规则)
And I always know the name of the game.(我总是能够看穿他人的花招)
But I don't know how to leave you(但是,我不知道怎样才能离开你......)
and I'll never let you fall.(我本来绝对不会让你沦陷)
And I don't know how you do it, (然而我不知道你却怎样做到了)
making love out of nothing at all.(让爱一切成空)
(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)
(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)
(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)
(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)
(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)
(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)
Everytime I see you well the rays of the sun(每次当我看见你,所有的阳光)
are all streaming through the waves in your hair.(都梳理过你波浪般的发间)
And every star in the sky(然后天上每颗星星)
is taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight.(都如聚光灯一样,照耀着你的双眼)
The beating of my heart is a drum and it's lost (我的心跳就像鼓声一样,开始错乱)
and it's looking for a rhythm like you.(并开始跟随你的节奏,一起律动)
You can take the darkness from the pit of the night,(你能将深夜中的黑暗带走)
And turn it to a beacon burning endlessly bright.(然后将它点燃成不熄的明灯)
I gotta follow it cause everything I know,(而我则必须追逐着它,因为我所拥有的一切)
Well, it's nothing 'til I give it to you. (如果没有给予你的话,都将毫无意义)
I can make the runner stumble.(我会令追逐者跌倒)
I can make the final block.(我会制造终结的障碍)
And I can make every tackle(我会制造所有的麻烦)
at the sound of the whistle.(在一切终结之前)
And I can make all the stadiums rock.(我会令赛场沸腾)
I can make the night forever (我会让今夜永恒)
or I can make it disappear by the dawn.(也能让它在拂晓前消失)
And I can make you every promise that's ever been made.(我能实现所有许下的承诺)
And I can make all your demons be gone.(我能为你击溃所有的恶魔)
But I'm never gonna make it without you.(但是如果没有你,我什么都不会做)
Do you really wanna see me crawl?(你真想看到我卑微地哀求你么?)
And I'm never gonna make it like you do,(我绝对不会像你做的一样)
Making love out of nothing at all. (让爱一切成空)
(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)
(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)
(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)
(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)
(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)
(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)
(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)
(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)
(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)
(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)
(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)
(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)
(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)
(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)
(Making love)(让爱)
(Making love)(让爱)
(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)
(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)
(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)
(Making love)(让爱)
(Making love)(让爱)
(Making love)(让爱)
(Making love)(让爱)
[create_time]2013-03-31 20:11:32[/create_time]2013-04-14 11:48:59[finished_time]1[reply_count]1[alue_good]百度网友a51384c[uname][avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]526[view_count]
[create_time]2017-09-16 18:22:01[/create_time]2013-06-22 21:29:20[finished_time]4[reply_count]5[alue_good]水芦花[uname][avatar]TA获得超过1.7万个赞[slogan]。。[intro]4523[view_count]
coming home 歌词是
想念Sante Monica开的旅店
还有Hollwood和Beverly Hills
Magic Mountain刺激无比
不如意的事情留在Taipei City
我心爱的人Please Don''t Worry
But it never rains in California
因为有你 因为有你 台北还是特别美丽
因为想你 因为想你 再炫的LA也留不住我
I''m coming home I''m coming home
I''m coming home I''m coming home
不如意的事情留在Taipei City
我心爱的人Please Don''t Worry
But it never rains in California
因为有你 因为有你 台北还是特别美丽
因为想你 因为想你 再炫的LA也留不住我
I''m coming home I''m coming home
I''m coming home I''m coming home
I''m coming home I''m coming home
I''m coming home
[create_time]2014-08-24 10:58:07[/create_time]2014-08-24 11:57:15[finished_time]3[reply_count]3[alue_good]高教司领导[uname][avatar]TA获得超过939个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1002[view_count]
[create_time]2023-02-11 21:42:51[/create_time]2023-01-11 00:00:01[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]休闲娱乐局[uname][avatar]TA获得超过155个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1572[view_count]林志炫经典歌曲
林志炫经典歌曲有:1、《离人》,《离人》是林志炫翻唱张学友1998年专辑《不后悔》中的歌曲,收录在他的2001年专辑《擦声而过》中。2、《散了吧》,《散了吧》是台湾歌手林志炫单飞后第一张正式发行的唱片,于1997年由新力哥伦比亚公司发行。2013年7月,SONY MUSIC采用reissue方式再版这张专辑,题名《散了吧豪华典藏版》,作为2013年再版发行的美声三部曲之一。3、《我的眼流下你的泪》,《我的眼流下你的泪》是林志炫1998年个人专辑《蒙娜丽莎的眼泪》中的经典作品。2004年,这首歌以live版本再次收录于其个人live专辑《至情志炫》中。4、《刚刚好》,《刚刚好》是林志炫演唱的一首歌曲。收录于1999年发行的专辑《truelive》中。5、《晕眩》,《晕眩》是由林毅心作曲,楼南蔚填词,林志炫演唱的歌曲。收录于林志炫2002年发行的专辑《时间的味道》。6、《我们还是朋友吗》,《我们还是朋友吗》是林志炫《熟情歌》专辑中的第5首歌曲,由古皓作曲,楼南蔚作词。7、《心上》,《心上》是2002年林志炫《时间的味道》专辑中的第3首歌曲,由祝康伟作曲,古皓作词。8、《妥协》,《妥协》是林志炫加入索尼后的首张个人大碟《散了吧》中的第12首歌,由国际知名的超级大牌音乐制作人Tony Smith编曲制作。
[create_time]2022-09-09 10:36:27[/create_time]2022-09-15 00:00:00[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]韦爵的休闲娱乐[uname][avatar]休闲娱乐要适度,一张一弛精力足。[slogan]休闲娱乐要适度,一张一弛精力足。[intro]291[view_count]林志炫《歌手》是哪一季?
第一季第五期。林志炫曾经很红,在港台歌坛最繁荣的90年代能够牢牢占据一线位置,但此后渐渐被边缘化。他的唱功是非常肯定的,基本功好,美声的底子结合通俗唱法,高音高亢,低音稳,中音厚,随处可见的现场视频和他的One Take专辑可见一斑。节目特色《歌手》节目的整体面貌作了更新,在内容方面从更丰富的角度对“歌手”二字做深度注解,通过挖掘艺术内核,借音乐还原人生百态,传播积极能量。节目的舞美、真人秀环节等均会与此前大不相同,仅赛制方面就变为场场有淘汰。还有过往几年《我是歌手》中的歌手回归赛程,为该季的歌手“施压”,同时也会延续节目组一贯的制作理念,秉承“所有的创新和超越都会来自对艺术的尊重”原则,继续用高质量的音乐作品与观众沟通,用真实的情感诉求与观众建立联系,用向善向上的精神取向输出价值观 。
[create_time]2021-09-10 13:56:55[/create_time]2021-09-14 14:47:33[finished_time]1[reply_count]1[alue_good]果果就是爱生活[uname][avatar]专注生活教育知识分享[slogan]专注生活教育知识分享[intro]2105[view_count]making love out of nothing at all 的歌词翻译
Making Love Out Of Nothing At All 作词:Steinman, Jim / 作曲:Steinman, JimI know just how to whisper 我知道如何对你轻声细语And I know just how to cry 也明白如何哭泣I know just where to find the answers 我理解哪里可以找到答案And I know just how to lie 也明白如何去说谎I know just how to fake it 我知道如何去捏造事实And I know just how to scheme 也知道如何策划阴谋I know just when to face the truth 我知道何时该面对真相And then I know just when to dream 也知道何时该去做梦And I know just where to touch you 我知道如何让你感动And I know just what to prove 也知道该去证明I know when to pull you closer 我知道何时该将你拉近一些And I know when to let you loose 也知道何时该放手And I know the night is fading 我知道夜晚即将结束And I know the time's gonna fly 知道时间正在飞逝And I'm never gonna tell you everything I've gotta tell you而我绝不会告诉你任何必须告诉你的事But I know I've gotta give it a try 但我知道该试试看And I know the roads to riches 我知道致富之道And I know the ways to fame 也知道成名的路I know all the rules and then I know how to break'em我知道所有的游戏规则,也知道如何打破它们And I always know the name of the game 我总是知道游戏的名称But I don't know how to leave you 但我不知道如何离开你And I'll never let you fall 我永远不会让你失望And I don't know how you do it 我不明白你是怎么做到的Making love out of nothing at all 让爱从无到有Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all 从无到有Everytime I see you 每当我看见你的时候when all the rays of the sun are all streaming through the waves in your hair 太阳的所有光线穿越你起伏的发间And every star in the sky 天上的每颗星星is taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight 都像聚光灯一样对准了你的双眼The beating of my heart is a drum 我的心跳快如鼓点,它早已迷失and it's lost and it's looking for a rhythm like you 它正寻觅你的节奏You can take the darkness from the pit of the night 你能将夜晚的黑暗And turn into a beacon burning endlessly bright 转化成无尽燃烧的航标I've gotta follow it 'cause everything I know 我必须追随着它,因为我知道这一切Well, it's nothing 'till I give it to you 如果没有把它交给你,一切都将成空I can make the runner stumble 我能够让奔跑者摔倒I can make the final block 我可以制造最后的障碍and I can make every tackle at the sound of the whistle 然后我可以阻挡进攻,在哨声响起之际I can make all the stadiums rock 我能够让整个运动场沸腾起来I can make tonight forever 我能够让今晚成为永恒Or I can make it disappear by the dawn 或者让他在黎明前消失And I can make you every promise that has ever been made 我能为你实现每一个曾经许过的诺言And I can make all your demons be gone 我能为你驱走所有的恶魔But I'm never gonna make it without you 但是如果没有你我绝不会去做Do you really wanna see me crawl 难道你真的想要我跪下吗And I'm never gonna make it like you do 我绝对不会让你做成那样Making love out of nothing at all 让爱从无到有out of nothing at all 从无到有out of nothing at all 从无到有out of nothing at all 从无到有扩展资料:Making Love Out Of Nothing At All,中文名:《让爱一切成空》。这首歌是Air Supply(空气补给)组合在专辑making love out of nothing at all中的主打歌。后来被林志炫、谢霆锋、李玖哲等歌手翻唱,而开始流行于华语乐坛。此歌也在很多电影被用来作电影插曲用,如:《神奇遥控器》《史密斯夫妇》。参考资料:让爱一切成空-百度百科
[create_time]2019-08-26 15:06:35[/create_time]2011-11-16 23:37:28[finished_time]3[reply_count]20[alue_good]阿明lover[uname][avatar]关注我不会让你失望[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]67850[view_count]