1、Here I Am (End Title)2、I Will Always Return3、You Can't Take Me4、Get Off My Back5、Brothers Under The Sun6、Don't Let Go7、This Is Where I Belong8、Here I Am9、Sound The Bugle10、Run Free11、Homeland (Main Title)12、Rain13、Long Road Back14、Nothing I've Ever Known15、I Will Always Return (Finale)扩展资料:剧情简介广袤的美国西部地区,野马史比瑞特和他的族群过着平静的生活。然而,当史比瑞特第一次见到人类时,他就被抓去训练成战马。幸好善良的印第安男孩利特尔·克里克将史比瑞特从训练营里救了出来,并带他回到了自己部落。在克里克的部落,史比瑞特遇上了斑纹木马小雨。这一次,史比瑞特对回家乡还是留下来感到难以抉择,因为他深深爱上了小雨。克里克察觉出了两匹马的爱情,他决定让他们一起回史比瑞特的家乡。当史比瑞特刚刚依依不舍的和克里克告别后,克里克的部落就遭到了骑兵的袭击。史比瑞特和小雨马上回去救克里克,慌乱之下,小雨替克里克挡了一枪,身受重伤,而史比瑞特也重新被抓。
[create_time]2019-08-09 18:53:22[/create_time]2014-08-10 14:01:47[finished_time]2[reply_count]7[alue_good]小熊玩科技gj[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.51493ac1.hZdz5caPiDo4mQl3qnaOZQ.jpg?time=4660&tieba_portrait_time=4660[avatar]世界很大,慢慢探索[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]10352[view_count]小马王里有那些歌曲
动画片《小马王》插曲:I do it for you(我愿意为你) Bryan Adams(布莱恩·亚当斯)
动画片《小马王》插曲:Can't stop this thing we started(阻止不了我们的事情) Bryan Adams(布莱恩·亚当斯)
动画片《小马王》插曲:I will always return(finale)(永远报答) Bryan Adams(布莱恩·亚当斯)
动画片《小马王》插曲:Nothing I've ever known(没什么不了解) Bryan Adams(布莱恩·亚当斯)
动画片《小马王》插曲:The long road back(道路很长)
动画片《小马王》插曲:Run free(解脱)
动画片《小马王》插曲:Sound the bugle(军号的声音) Bryan Adams(布莱恩·亚当斯)
动画片《小马王》插曲:This is where I belong(我住哪里) Bryan Adams(布莱恩·亚当斯)
动画片《小马王》插曲:Don't let go(不要离去) Bryan Adams(布莱恩·亚当斯)
动画片《小马王》插曲:Brothers under the sun(阳光下的兄弟) Bryan Adams(布莱恩·亚当斯)
动画片《小马王》插曲:Get off my back(从我后面逃脱) Bryan Adams(布莱恩·亚当斯)
动画片《小马王》插曲:You can't take me(你不能告诉我) Bryan Adams(布莱恩·亚当斯)
动画片《小马王》插曲:I will always return(永远报答) Bryan Adams(布莱恩·亚当斯)
动画片《小马王》插曲:Here I am(我在这) Bryan Adams(布莱恩·亚当斯)
[create_time]2011-01-08 20:57:50[/create_time]2011-01-28 16:41:23[finished_time]4[reply_count]11[alue_good]花金斗牛士[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.ae824f09.4fRUmPKMNwsWrlBw7L-5gg.jpg?time=2987&tieba_portrait_time=2987[avatar]TA获得超过150个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]5543[view_count]
动画片《小马王》插曲:I do it for you(我愿意为你) Bryan Adams(布莱恩·亚当斯)
动画片《小马王》插曲:Can't stop this thing we started(阻止不了我们的事情) Bryan Adams(布莱恩·亚当斯)
动画片《小马王》插曲:I will always return(finale)(永远报答) Bryan Adams(布莱恩·亚当斯)
动画片《小马王》插曲:Nothing I've ever known(没什么不了解) Bryan Adams(布莱恩·亚当斯)
动画片《小马王》插曲:The long road back(道路很长)
动画片《小马王》插曲:Run free(解脱)
动画片《小马王》插曲:Sound the bugle(军号的声音) Bryan Adams(布莱恩·亚当斯)
动画片《小马王》插曲:This is where I belong(我住哪里) Bryan Adams(布莱恩·亚当斯)
动画片《小马王》插曲:Don't let go(不要离去) Bryan Adams(布莱恩·亚当斯)
动画片《小马王》插曲:Brothers under the sun(阳光下的兄弟) Bryan Adams(布莱恩·亚当斯)
动画片《小马王》插曲:Get off my back(从我后面逃脱) Bryan Adams(布莱恩·亚当斯)
动画片《小马王》插曲:You can't take me(你不能告诉我) Bryan Adams(布莱恩·亚当斯)
动画片《小马王》插曲:I will always return(永远报答) Bryan Adams(布莱恩·亚当斯)
动画片《小马王》插曲:Here I am(我在这) Bryan Adams(布莱恩·亚当斯
[create_time]2013-12-22 15:09:32[/create_time]2014-01-03 21:42:50[finished_time]5[reply_count]7[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]5222[view_count]
小马王 中的主题曲和插曲以及歌词
1、主题曲Here I Am歌:Bryan Adams词:Bryan Adams/Gretchen Peters/Hans Zimmer曲:Bryan Adams/Gretchen Peters/Hans ZimmerHere I am this is me我就在这儿,这就是我There's no where else on earth I'd rather be这世上唯有此处让我心仪Here I am it's just me and you我就在这,只有我和你And tonight we make our dreams come true今晚我们美梦成真It's a new world it's a new start全新的世界,崭新的开始It's alive with the beating of young hearts年轻的心跳带来生气勃勃It's a new day it 's a new plan全新的一天,崭新的计划I've been waiting for you Here I am我一直在为你守候,我就在这Here we are we've just begun我们在这,我们刚刚开始And after all this time our time has come过了这么久,我们的时代终于来临Ya here we are still going strong是的,我们在这,会变得越来越强壮Right here in the place where we belong就在这里,这个属于我们的地方It's a new world it's a new start全新的世界,崭新的开始It's alive with the beating of young hearts年轻的心跳带来生气勃勃It's a new day it 's a new plan全新的一天,崭新的计划I've been waiting for you我一直在为你守候Here I am Here I am this is me我就在这,我就在这儿,这就是我There's no where else on earth I'd rather be这世上唯有此处让我心仪Here I am it's just me and you我就在这,只有我和你And tonight we make our dreams come true今晚我们美梦成真It's a new world it's a new start全新的世界,崭新的开始It's alive with the beating of young hearts年轻的心跳带来生气勃勃It's a new day it 's a new plan全新的一天,全新的计划I've been waiting for you我一直在为你守候It's a new world it's a new start全新的世界,崭新的开始It's alive with the beating of young hearts年轻的心跳带来生气勃勃It's a new day it 's a new plan全新的一天,全新的计划I've been waiting for you一直为你在守候Here I am Here I am next to you我就在这,我就在这,紧靠着你And suddenly the world is all brand new世界突然间变得焕然一新Here I am where I'm gonna stay我就在这 我要永远在这里Now there's nothin standin in our way没有什么能阻拦我们Here I am this is me我就在这,这就是我2、插曲Don't Let Go歌:Bryan Adams/Sarah McLachlan词:Various Artists曲:Various Artistsi can't believe this moment's come我不敢相信这一刻就这么到来了it's so incredible that we're alone我们都还是单身,难以置信there's so much to be said and done有很多要说的和做的it's impossible not to be overcome它不是不可能克服的will you forgive me if i feel this way我们会回到从前吗,如果我说我对你还有感觉cuz we've just met -tell me that's ok我们刚刚碰面,你告诉我你很好so take this feeling'n make it grow能让这种感觉继续发展吗never let it -never let it go决不会让它再次从我手中溜走(don't let go of the things you believe in)(不要放弃你所相信的事情)you give me something that i can believe in你给予了我能够相信的某种东西(don't let go of this moment in time)(我不会忘记这一刻)go of this moment in time这生命中的难以忘记的时刻i can't explain the things that i'm feeling我说不清我感觉到的(don't let go of things that you're feeling)(不要放手你所感觉到的)(don't let go)no,i won't let go(不要放手),我也绝不会放手now would you mind if i bared my soul你愿意我向你敞开我的内心的灵魂吗if i came right out and said you're beautiful如果要我说出我内心的想法,我会说你是如此的美丽动人cuz there's something here i can't explain因为你身上有我说不清的某种吸引人的东西i feel i'm diving into driving rain我感觉我被雨水包围you get my senses running wild你让我的思绪穿梭在你的魅力之间,几近狂野i can 't resist your sweet,sweet smile对你的甜美我无法拒绝,还有你那甜蜜的笑容so take this feeling 'n make it grow能让这种感觉继续发展吗never let it -never let it go决不会让它再次从我手中溜走(don't let go of the things you believe in)(不要放弃你所相信的事情)you give me something that i can believe in你给予了我能够相信的某种东西(don't let go of this moment in time)(我不会忘记这一刻)go of this moment in time这生命中的难以忘记的时刻i can't explain the things that i'm feeling我说不清我感觉到的(don't let go of things that you're feeling)(不要放手你所感觉到的)(don't let go)no,i won't let go(不要放手),我也绝不会放手i've been waiting all my life我几乎倾尽我的一生去等待to make this moment feel so right等待拥有那令人无法忘记的时刻的感觉the feel of you just fills the night你填补夜晚寂寞的感觉so c'mon -just hold on tight来吧,彻底的抓住你感觉到的(don't let go of the things you believe in)(不要放弃你所相信的事情)you give me something that i can believe in你给予了我能够相信的某种东西(don't let go of this moment in time)(我不会忘记这一刻)go of this moment in time这生命中的难以忘记的时刻i can't explain the things that i'm feeling我说不清我感觉到的(don't let go of things that you're feeling)(不要放弃你所感觉到的)(don't let go)(努力去追寻你所坚信成真的感觉)no,i won't let go no,i won't let go我不会放弃,不会放弃no,i won't let go倾尽所有的去攥取扩展资料《小马王》其他原声音乐1、《Swimming》是一首由Hans Zimmer谱曲,Hans Zimmer编曲,Hans Zimmer演奏的纯音乐歌曲。该歌曲收录在专辑《Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron》中,发行于2002-05-14。2、《Young Hearts》是一首由Hans Zimmer谱曲,Hans Zimmer编曲,Hans Zimmer演奏的纯音乐歌曲。该歌曲收录在专辑《Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron》中,发行于2002-05-14。
[create_time]2019-09-06 10:18:45[/create_time]2010-12-25 19:50:58[finished_time]2[reply_count]26[alue_good]free情到深处腿[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.489c5f20.4jM5mTFQYCSoGmwRqWs0-w.jpg?time=8064&tieba_portrait_time=8064[avatar]关注我不会让你失望[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]16429[view_count]小马王国语版的插曲和主题曲
演唱 陈晓东
歌词:风的声音 在耳边
呼喊引力 我回家园
她燃烧了火焰 向远方延伸
而你 就是我的回程
漫长的路要走 远方有你等候
我快步向前 头也不回
像不安的河流 要奔向海洋
像回航的归鸟 要展翅飞翔
回到你身边 再也不是梦
要看见你的脸 我在回家途中
眼前的路茫茫 你是我唯一归途
像黑暗中的光芒 是你的救赎
你的爱牵著我 向太阳方向
你用爱的翅膀 要带我飞翔
这条路 就是我的 唯一 回程
[create_time]2017-11-28 22:01:59[/create_time]2013-06-30 13:14:11[finished_time]1[reply_count]19[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]3249[view_count]
这部动画片是我特喜欢,还有布莱恩亚当斯的同名专辑~!你说的应该是You Can't Take Me这首吧~!建议你听下整张专辑,很有气势,也很励志~!给你翻译了一下~!水平有限~!You Can't Take Me ——Bryan adamsyou can't take me ,ye宁死不屈!
Got to fight another fight - I gotta run another night 我要为另一场战斗而抗争,我要在另一个晚上逃脱
Get it out - check it out 我会逃出去 等着瞧
I'm on my way and I don't feel right 我在路上,但是感觉却不太对
I gotta get me back - I can't be beat and that's a fact 我必须找回自我,事实上我绝不会被打败
It's OK - I'll find a way 看吧,我一定可以逃出去的You ain't gonna take me down no way 你抓不到我的,没门!!
Don't judge a thing until you know what's inside it 在一切还没有结果之前不要妄下结论
Dont' push me - I'll fight it 别逼我,我会反抗的!
Never gonna give in - never gonna give it up no永不放弃,永远都不会~!
If you can't catch a wave then your'e never gonna ride如果你赶不上浪头 就永远无法乘风破浪
You can't come uninvited 你不能不请自来
Never gonna give in - never gonna give up no我永远不会放弃,绝不~!
You can't take me I'm free你不能左右我, 因为我是自由的(马儿)
Why did it all go wrong? - I wanna know what's going on 为什么一切变得如此糟糕,我想知道发生了什么
And what's this holding me? 我想知道什么在支撑着我?
I'm not where I supposed to be我在不属于自己的地方
I gotta fight another fight我会为下一次战斗而抗争
I gotta fight will all my might 我会全力一拼
I'm getting out , so check it out
等着瞧,我会逃出去的you're in my way你挡着我的道儿
Ya,So you better watch out
所以你最好小心一点Don't judge a thing until you know what's inside it 在一切还没有结果之前不要妄下结论
Dont' push me - I'll fight it 别逼我,我会反抗的!
Never gonna give in - never gonna give it up no永不放弃,永远都不会~!
If you can't catch a wave then your'e never gonna ride如果你赶不上浪头 就永远无法乘风破浪
You can't come uninvited 你不能不请自来
Never gonna give in - never gonna give up no我永远不会放弃,绝不~!
You can't take me I'm free~!你不能左右我, 因为我是自由的(马儿)
[create_time]2013-10-11 18:16:15[/create_time]2013-10-26 12:24:48[finished_time]2[reply_count]2[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]633[view_count]
Got to fight another fight - I gotta run another night
我必须再打一仗 我必须再跑一夜
Get it out - check it out
我会逃出去 你们等着瞧
I'm on my way and I don't feel right
我现在只得跟着走 但是我觉得很不对
I gotta get me back - I can't be beat and that's a fact
我得救我自己回去 事实上我是绝对不会败的
It's OK - I'll find a way
没事儿的 我一定可以逃走
You ain't gonna take me down no way
Don't judge a thing until you know what's inside it
在没看清楚事情以前 不要骤下结论
Dont' push me - I'll fight it
别太过分 我会反抗
Never gonna give in - never gonna give it up no
我绝不会让你一分 也绝不会放弃
If you can't catch a wave then your'e never gonna ride
如果你赶不上浪头 就永远无法乘风破浪
You can't come uninvited
Never gonna give in - never gonna give up no
我绝不会让你一分 也绝不会放弃
You can't take me I'm free
你带不走我 因为我是自由之身
Why did it all go wrong? - I wanna know what's going on
And what's this holding me?
I'm not where I supposed to be
I gotta fight another fight
I gotta fight will all my might
I'm getting out , so check it out
我会逃出去 你们等着瞧
you're in my way
Ya,So you better watch out
Don't judge a thing until you know what's inside it
在没看清楚事情以前 不要骤下结论
Dont' push me - I'll fight it
别太过分 我会反抗
Never gonna give in - never gonna give it up no
我绝不会让你一分 也绝不会放弃
If you can't catch a wave then your'e never gonna ride
如果你赶不上浪头 就永远无法乘风破浪
You can't come uninvited
Never gonna give in - never gonna give up no
我绝不会让你一分 也绝不会放弃
You can't take me I'm free
你带不走我 因为我是自由之身
[create_time]2012-07-07 17:43:40[/create_time]2012-07-19 17:02:16[finished_time]1[reply_count]9[alue_good]最悲伤的天使[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.947ff99c.Tn-3daMomqhgmuuk9ifsIQ.jpg?time=3018&tieba_portrait_time=3018[avatar]TA获得超过418个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]875[view_count]