
时间:2024-07-06 11:55:28编辑:小星


音乐是艺术的一个品种 ,它带给人们的是美感和幸福。音乐是表达或寄托人们感情的 艺术语言, 它比一般的语言更直接地传达情感 , 并且 , 它始终与美感结合在一起。音乐是人们抒发感情、表现感 情、寄托感情的艺术 , 不论是唱或奏或听 , 都内涵着及关联着人们千丝万缕的情感因素。听音乐不仅是一种娱乐活动,更是一种有效的保健养生方法,具有生理、心理和社会适应等多方面的作用。在生理方面,音乐可以调整睡眠、缓解疼痛、协调神经生理功能、提高全身生理运动机能等作用。音乐可以用乐谱描述,依据乐谱演奏,但也有不少音乐类型如民歌或爵士乐是由演奏者即兴创作的。乐谱作为一种符号的语言,只能描述声音的属性或指示演奏所需的技巧,却无法记录声音本身。因此在录音技术出现之前,欣赏音乐必需现场聆听,或自己亲身参与演奏。扩展资料:印象主义音乐印象主义音乐时期大约在19世纪末20世纪初期之间,是与印象主义运动同时期的音乐风格。表现主义音乐表现主义音乐是否划分到古典音乐尚未定论。这种盛行于20世纪初期的音乐形式与传统的音乐完全相反,表现主义音乐忽视音乐创作总的各种调性规律。新古典音乐新古典主义音乐盛行于20世纪20年代末,这种音乐形式主张音乐的创作应该保持客观性和严肃性,主张以浪漫主义的手法集成古典音乐的形态。参考资料:百度百科-音乐

[create_time]2020-03-13 09:54:01[/create_time]2013-06-25 14:35:17[finished_time]25[reply_count]269[alue_good]梁毅的娱乐日志[uname]https://pic.rmb.bdstatic.com/bjh/user/29983c7f671c005b756d2bdd5a1d0c3a.jpeg[avatar]如果你爱玩游戏,生活会更有趣。[slogan]如果你爱玩游戏,生活会更有趣。[intro]132417[view_count]



[create_time]2019-06-09 10:39:34[/create_time]2011-11-12 15:12:08[finished_time]7[reply_count]18[alue_good]星览7[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.7ddf840.9qWr5H_ch8m5FNe2GqzriA.jpg?time=7555&tieba_portrait_time=7555[avatar]醉心答题,欢迎关注[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]26246[view_count]



少女时代的 :
The boys
dancing queen

Trouble Maker(节奏不错,口哨开头的)


Day By Day

Just go


Talk That

I Like That

After school:

Electric Shock

Don't Forget Me



[create_time]2017-11-26 00:30:10[/create_time]2013-08-10 16:42:21[finished_time]2[reply_count]59[alue_good]百度网友e7de1a2[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.223f44b.4wMZa8I1QZCrrCOtfdMsng.jpg?time=3868&tieba_portrait_time=3868[avatar]TA获得超过298个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]7516[view_count]


齐秦的--夜夜夜夜 悬崖
张惠妹的--蓝天 原来你什么都不想要 勇敢
有里知花的--i cry(这个是英文的)
MCdon的starry starry night

就想起了这几个在酒吧让人觉得伤感又很有味道的 楼主试试

[create_time]2008-04-12 10:11:13[/create_time]2008-04-16 09:59:29[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]雷诺阿的公主[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.196ed2c2.6ndbcoF-chQzyaQMJvgUKQ.jpg?time=2810&tieba_portrait_time=2810[avatar]超过17用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2265[view_count]


Bamboleo- Garcia

Bamboleo - Garcia

Oh oh oh oh, here we go
Oh ya ya Bamboleo oh a ya
Garcia rave, Garcia blow, Garcia rave
everybody come on!

Oh ya ya Bamboleo oh a ya
here we, here we go!

Oh oh oh oh, it's my party, volare, cantare
let's get up everybody
Oh oh oh oh, it's my party, volare, cantare
let's come on everybody

Sunny days, everybody's out
at the beach, at the pool or just fooling around
we're having fun with me and my crew
while checking out the chicks that are checking out you
here she comes, well what do you do?
listen to the words of Tony and I'll help get you through
take a wink wink off your eye, dance, say bye bye
see you at the party, don't bring another guy!

* Ref
** :
Oh ya ya Bamboleo oh a ya (Bamboleo)
Oh ya ya Bamboleo oh a ya

** Ref
Rap spanish
Te puedes preparar que esta fiesta va a empezar
Vamonos! tu y yo encontre a la pista
que vamos a bailar, e chico, preparate, muevete, muevete
al compas conmigo, que te quiero tener muy cerca
ven aqui, ven aqui, muevete, coger me la cintura
Vamonos! Vamonos!

* Ref
** Ref two times

Garcia rave, Garcia blow, Garcia rave
now clap your hands
Garcia rave, Garcia blow
come on everybody! here we, here we go!

[create_time]2016-12-02 04:25:12[/create_time]2010-02-07 09:50:16[finished_time]1[reply_count]5[alue_good]百度网友762bc95c6[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.ffd52607.wx9t96itWGfldyMPt7n8YQ.jpg?time=2926&tieba_portrait_time=2926[avatar]TA获得超过1.2万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]5983[view_count]

最近有一首很流行的英文歌曲叫什么?到高潮的地方有一句歌词-di the wa,他叫什么啊?跪求

歌词是Don't U cry tonight。不要再哭泣。是《Don't cry》,美国硬摇滚乐队枪炮与玫瑰1991年发行的歌曲,由Axl Rose填词、Izzy Stradlin谱曲,歌曲发行有两个版本,分别收录于《Use Your Illusion I》和《Use Your Illusion II》。《Don't cry》Original版Talk to me softly轻轻地告诉我There's something in your eyes你眼里藏着千言万语Don't hang your head in sorrow不要因为悲伤而垂头丧气And please don't cry请不要哭泣I know how you feel inside我能理解你的内心I've been there before我也曾经历过Something's changing inside you (Something is strange looks i do)你的内心在慢慢改变And don't you know只是你从未发觉Don't you cry tonight今夜别哭泣了I still love you baby我依然爱着你 宝贝Don't you cry tonight不要哭泣Don't you cry tonight别哭了There's a heaven above you baby宝贝,天国就在你的上方And don't you cry tonight所以别哭了Give me a whisper在我耳边轻轻呢喃And give me a sigh再给我一个叹息Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye在离开我之前,请最后给我个吻Don't you take it so hard now不要觉得这样很艰难And please don't take it so bad也不要认为这不可理喻I'll still be thinking of you我会一直想著你And the times we had...baby还有我们一起度过的曾经,宝贝And don't you cry tonight今夜不要哭泣Don't you cry tonight今夜不要哭泣Don't you cry tonight今夜别哭了There's a heaven above you baby宝贝,天国就在你的上方And don't you cry tonight所以今夜别再哭了And please remember that I never lied请记住,我从不骗你And please remember how I felt inside now honey也请试着理解我,宝贝You gotta make it your own way你选择了你自己的方式But you'll be alright now sugar但你一定会好起来的,甜心You'll feel better tomorrow你明天就会好起来的Come the morning light now baby天就要破晓了,宝贝And don't you cry tonight所以今夜别哭了And don't you cry tonight今夜不要哭泣And don't you cry tonight今夜不要哭泣There's heaven above you天国就在你的上方And don't you cry不要哭泣Don't you ever cry再也不要哭泣Don't you cry tonight今晚不要哭泣Baby maybe someday宝贝可能某一天Don't you cry你不会哭泣Don't you ever cry不会再哭泣Don't you cry tonight...今夜别哭泣...Alternate版If we could see tomorrow.如果明天来临,What of Ur plans ?你怎么打算?No one can live in sorrow.没有人能活在悲伤里。Ask all Ur friends.问问你的朋友吧.Times that U took in stride.你不屑一顾的流光岁月,They're back in demand.在需要时排山倒海地袭来。I was the one who's washing而我就是那个Blood off Ur hands.把鲜血从你手上洗去的人Don't U cry tonight !今夜不要哭泣!I still love U baby !宝贝我仍然爱你!Don't U cry tonight !今夜不要哭泣Don't U cry tonight !今夜不要哭泣There's a heaven above you baby在你的头上有天堂And don't U cry tonight今夜不要哭泣I know the things U wanted.我知道你追求的,They're not what U have.并不是你拥有的。With all the people talkin'.那些人的喋喋不休,It's drivin' U mad.让你丧失理智。If I was standin' by U.若我当时等待你。How would U feel ?你,将会觉得怎样?Knowin' U love's decided.我知道你心有所属,And all love is real.你的爱不掺一丝犹疑,Don't U cry tonight !今夜不要哭泣Don't U cry tonight !今夜不要哭泣Don't U cry tonight !今夜不要哭泣There's a heaven above you baby在你的头上有天堂And don't U cry tonight !今夜不要哭泣I thought I could live in Ur world.我竟以为我能活在你的世界。As years all went by.年复一年,年复一年,With all the voices I've heard.我听过的那些话语,Something has died.有些已听不见。And when U're in need of someone.当你需要什么人的时候,My heart won't deny U.我的心门永远向你打开。So many seem so lonely.受了太多太多的寂寞之苦,With no one left to cry to baby!你却无法向任何人哭诉,宝贝!And don't U cry tonight!不要哭泣!And don't U cry tonight!不要哭泣!And don't U cry tonight!不要哭泣!There's a heaven above you baby在你的头上有天堂And don't U cry不要哭泣!Don't U ever cry !不要再哭泣!Don't U cry tonight!不要再哭泣!Baby maybe someday.亲爱的总有那么一天。Don't U cry !请不要哭泣!Don't you ever cry!不要再哭泣!Don't you cry tonight !不要在今夜哭泣!扩展资料:创作背景:第一个版本“ORIGINAL”是枪炮与玫瑰乐队双专辑的第一张《USE YOUR ILLUSION I》 中的第4首曲目。第二个版本是双专辑的第二张《USE YOUR ILLUSION II》 中的第13首曲目。“ALT.LYRICS” 是 “alternative lyrics”的缩写,就是“改换的歌词”的意思,据说是Axl Rose自己填的词。歌词比起“ORIGINAL”的版本在主歌部分完全改变了,并且旋律也有所变化,但是高潮部分的旋律和歌词基本没有变化。ALT.LYRICS版歌词的含义好像更深刻一些,没有ORIGINAL版容易理解。但是ORIGINAL版更有名一些,ALT.LYRICS版流传的较少。ALT.LYRICS版相比之下显得更为忧伤以及感情表达更为真挚,尤其最高潮一句“With no one left to cry to”真的是相当震撼……两个版本这两个版本演唱都是主唱Axl Rose和伴唱Shannon Hoon。

[create_time]2020-01-16 09:26:35[/create_time]2008-12-07 14:38:50[finished_time]8[reply_count]69[alue_good]分享社会民生[uname]https://pic.rmb.bdstatic.com/bjh/user/c69c3fdd6cbd3857881153ce2dd04412.jpeg[avatar]热爱社会生活,了解人生百态[slogan]热爱社会生活,了解人生百态[intro]118135[view_count]


中国第一首流行歌曲是1927年由黎锦晖填词作曲,其女黎明晖演唱的《毛毛雨》。《毛毛雨》歌词(1927):毛毛雨 下个不停 微微风 吹个不停 微风细雨柳青青 哎哟哟 柳青青小亲亲不要你的金 小亲亲不要你的银 奴奴呀只要你的心 哎哟哟 你的心毛毛雨 不要尽为难 微微风 不要尽麻烦 雨打风吹行路难 哎哟哟 行路难年轻的郎太阳刚出山 年轻的姐荷花刚展瓣 莫等花残日落山 哎哟哟 日落山毛毛雨 打湿了尘埃 微微风 吹冷了情怀 雨息风停你要来 哎哟哟 你要来心难耐等等也不来 意难捱再等也不来 又不忍埋怨我的爱 哎哟哟 我的爱毛毛雨 打得我泪满腮 微微风 吹得我不敢把头抬 狂风暴雨怎么安排 哎哟哟 怎么安排莫不是有事走不开 莫不是生了病和灾 猛抬头 走进我的好人来 哎哟哟 好人来扩展资料:《毛毛雨》作于1927年,被公认为中国最早的一首真正意义上的流行歌曲,标志中国歌坛上一个时代的诞生!首唱此曲的是其女儿黎明晖,因此她也是中国歌坛历史上第一位流行歌手。这是一首带有江南民谣风味,表现挚朴爱情的歌曲。整首歌曲分为四段,每段都是一次主题陈述及其反复,同时由歌词布局而分成两部分。其旋律琅琅上口,歌词押韵,这也是它迅速走红的原因之一。虽然旋律不复杂,但是伴奏却写得饱满丰富且颇具西洋风格。歌词表现了少女对爱人的期盼与等待,这也为后来的流行歌曲内容定下了基调,在此之后,类似《毛毛雨》这样表现男女情爱的“新型爱情歌曲”层出不穷,深受当时老百姓的喜爱。参考资料:百度百科-毛毛雨中国曲谱网-毛毛雨(黎锦晖 词曲)

[create_time]2018-10-19 23:42:39[/create_time]2007-11-05 18:11:47[finished_time]8[reply_count]37[alue_good]百度网友2b62908[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.cbcbf8ac.Xp96p51X38cWjQAZ0Orwkg.jpg?time=3270&tieba_portrait_time=3270[avatar]说的都是干货,快来关注[slogan]鱼跃此时海[intro]59228[view_count]


分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐


歌的开头非常像刘德华的黑蝙蝠中队那首歌的前奏.歌词中间一直重复的两句话大概是 ALL RIGHT ALL RIGHT!


歌手姓名:Blue 歌曲 :All Rise

Yo, yo,

Yo, yo.

Your honour please,

Gotta believe what I say,

What I will tell,

Happened just the other day.

I must confess,

Cause I've had about enough,

I need your help,

Gotta make this here thing stop.

Baby I swear I'll tell the truth,

About all the things you used to do,

And if you thought you had me fooled.

I'm telling you now, objection overruled.

Here we go,

Oh baby.

One for the money and the, free rides,

It's o for the lie that you, denied,

All rise, All rise.

Three for the calls that you've, been making,

It's four all the times you've been faking,

All rise, All rise.

I'm gonna tell it to your face,

I rest my case.

You're on the stand,

With your back against the wall,

Nowhere to run,

And nobody you can call.

I just can't wait,

Now the case is open wide,

You'll try to pray,

But the jury will decide.

Baby I swear I'll tell the truth,

About all the things you used to do,

And if you thought you had me fooled,

I'm telling you now, objection overruled.

Oh baby.

One for the money and the, free rides,

It's o for the lie that you, denied,

All rise, All rise.

Three for the calls that you've, been making,

It's four all the times you've been faking,

All rise, All rise.

I'm gonna tell it to your face,

I rest my case.

So step back,

Cos you don't know this cat.

I know deep down that,

You don't want me to react.

I'll lay low,

Leaving all my options open,

The decision of the jury,

Has not been spoken.

Step in my house,

You find that your stuff has gone,

But in reality,

To whom does the stuff belong.

I bring you into court,

To preach my order,

Any you know that,

You overstepped the border.

One for the money and the, free rides,

It's o for the lie that you, denied,

All rise, All rise.

Three for the calls that you've, been making,

It's four all the times you've been faking,

All rise, All rise.

What you say,

Games you play,

What you've done.

What you say,

Games you play,

What you've done,

When you're gone

One for the money and the, free rides,

It's o for the lie that you, denied,

All rise, All rise.

Three for the calls that you've, been making,

It's four all the times you've been faking,

All rise, All rise.

I rest my case




[create_time]2022-10-06 22:42:53[/create_time]2022-10-21 17:08:34[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]八卦达人17[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.59f4ed3c.zNqTcjP1lNhGba4bOqsjlQ.jpg?time=4624&tieba_portrait_time=4624[avatar]TA获得超过4850个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]6[view_count]


right now (na na na)dangerousbe with youdon't matterbeautiful还有他和他的19岁爱徒--Colby O Donis合作的what you got或者肖恩·金斯顿fire burningbeautiful girlstake you there或者Crage Davidinsomnia7 daysfill me in还有ne-yo的也不错so sickbecause of you还有Flo-Ridaright roundlow还有Timbalandapologizethe way i are

[create_time]2011-07-14 11:30:05[/create_time]2011-07-19 11:57:50[finished_time]1[reply_count]5[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]3106[view_count]

找一首英文歌,里面有一段歌曲是 NA NA NA NA NA NA NANANANA~~是女的唱的,找了好久就是不知道歌名~~

Nananana nanana
Nananana nanana
Nananana nanana
Nananana nanana

Standing beside you
Wishing you'd always be close to me
And how can I tell you
Every night I see you in my dream
Believe me, don't leave me
I would never let you go
Why, why do this have to be a fantasy
Let's make our love become reality
Oh how I pray for that day to come
When we'll be joined together close as one
Together close as one

I feel the passion
Burning deep inside my soul
And you're the solution
I know you'd catch me if I fall
Believe me, don't leave me
I would never let you go
Why, why do this have to be a fantasy
Let's make our love become reality
Oh how I pray for that day to come
When we'll be joined together close as one
Together close as one
Together close as one
Together close as one
Together close as one
Ouh... yea...yea...ouh...hey

Believe me, don't leave me
I would never let you go
Why, why do this have to be a fantasy
Let's make our love become reality
Oh how I pray for that day to come
When we'll be joined together close as one
Together close as one
Together close as one
Together close as one
Together close as one
Ouh... oh together as one oh....是不?

[create_time]2013-07-19 15:14:46[/create_time]2013-08-02 15:50:28[finished_time]10[reply_count]14[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]16900[view_count]

