
时间:2024-06-30 03:45:27编辑:小星

fly me to the moon是什么歌?

这首歌曲是《Try》,《Try》是美国流行女歌手Colbie Caillat演唱的一首歌曲,出自专辑《Gypsy Heart》,于2014年6月9日先行发行。Try——Colbie Caillat歌曲歌词Put your make up on,  化好妆容Get your nails done,  涂满指甲Curl your hair,  盘起长发Run the extra mile,再跑一英里Keep it slim so they like you,保持苗条他们才会喜欢你do they like you?他们喜欢你吗?Get your sexy on,展示你的性感Don't be shy, girl,女孩 别害羞Take it off,袒露身材This is what you want, to belong,这就是你的追求,归属so they like you,这样他们才喜欢你Do you like you?你喜欢你吗?You don't have to try so hard,你不必如此辛苦尝试You don't have to, give it all away,你不必如此 放弃真我You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up,你只需振作,振作起来You don't have to change a single thing,你不必做出任何改变You don't have to try, try, try, try,你不必去试着努力You don't have to try, try, try, try,你不必去试着努力You don't have to try, try, try, try,你不必去试着努力You don't have to try,你不必尝试Yooou don't have to try,你不必尝试Get your shopping on,尽情购物at the mall,去商场里,max your credit card,把信用卡刷爆You don't have to choose, buy it all, so they like you,你不加选择,全都买下,这样他们才会喜欢你Do they like you,他们喜欢你吗?Wait a second,等一下Why, should you care, what they think of you,为什么你非得在意他人如何看你When you're all alone, by yourself, do you like you?当你独自一人时,你喜欢你自己吗?Do you like you?你喜欢自己吗?You don't have to try so hard,你不必如此辛苦尝试You don't have to, give it all away,你不必如此 放弃真我You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up,你只需振作,振作起来You don't have to change a single thing,你不必做出任何改变,You don't have to try so hard,你不必如此辛苦尝试You don't have to bend until you break,你不必逼自己委曲求全You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up,你只需振作,振作起来You don't have to change a single thing,你不必做出任何改变You don't have to try, try, try, try,不必去试着努力You don't have to try, try, try, try,你不必去试着努力You don't have to try, try, try, try,你不必去试着努力You don't have to try,你不必尝试You don't have to try, try, try, try,你不必去试着努力You don't have to try, try, try, try,你不必去试着努力,You don't have to try, try, try, try,你不必去试着努力You don't have to try,你不必尝试You don't have to try,你不必尝试You don't have to try so hard,你不必如此辛苦尝试You don't have to, give it all away,不必放弃真我You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up,你只需振作,振作起来You don't have to change a single thing,你不必做出任何改变You don't have to try, try, try, try,你不必去试着努力You don't have to try, try, try, try,你不必去试着努力You don't have to try,你不必尝试You don't have to try,你不必尝试Take your make up off,卸下你的妆容let yourhair down,放下你的头发 Take a breath,深深呼吸Look into the mirror, at yourself,看看镜子中的自己Don't you like you?你难道不喜欢自己吗?Cause I like you,但,我喜欢你扩展资料:女孩,你本身就很美。滚石杂志评价不知名的歌手却带给整个乐坛希望的Colbie Caillat的柔情新单《Try》。完美性感的声线带给人们清新脱俗的享受,此次参与演出的女孩在镜头前擦拭掉妆容,卸妆后的女孩面对镜头也露出发自内心的笑容,试着去爱毫无修饰的自己。歌手简介寇比·凯蕾(Colbie Caillat),1985年5月28日出生于美国加利福尼亚马里布海滩,美国创作女歌手、演员。2007年,寇比凭借单曲《Bubbly》成名。同年发行了首张专辑《Coco》;2009年1月,寇比和杰森·玛耶兹合作的单曲《Lucky》获得第52届格莱美奖最佳流行合唱大奖,8月25日,寇比发行第二张专辑《Breakthrough》;2010年,寇比入围第52届格莱美音乐奖四项大奖;2011年7月,寇比发行了第三张专辑《All Of You》;2014年9月30日,寇比的第四张专辑《Gypsy Heart》正式发行;2016年10月7日发行独立制作的五张专辑《The Malibu Sessions》。2009年12月7日,寇比入选《公告牌杂志》评选的00年代销量最佳的歌手第94位。截止现在,寇比的全球唱片销量达1600万张(其中全球专辑销量达600万张,全球单曲销量达1000万张)。参考资料:百度百科-try

fly me to the moon是什么歌?

歌名:Fly me to the moon演唱:钟嘉欣作词:Bart Howard作曲:Bart HowardFly me to the moon带我飞向月球And let me play among the stars并让我在群星之间嬉戏let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars让我看看木星和火星上春天的景色In other words hold my hand~换句话说,请握住我的手In other words Darling kiss me~换句话说,亲爱的,吻我吧Fill my heart with song让歌声充满我的心灵And let me sing forever more让我永远尽情歌唱you are all I long for all I worship and adore你是我所有的渴望 我所敬仰与热爱的一切In other words Please be true换句话说,请真心对我In other words I love you换句话说,我爱你Fly me to the moon带我飞向月球And let me play among the stars并让我在群星之间嬉戏let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars让我看看木星和火星上春天的景色In other words hold my hand换句话说,请握住我的手In other words Darling kiss me换句话说,亲爱的,吻我吧Fill my heart with song让歌声充满我的心灵And let me sing forever more让我永远尽情歌唱you are all I long for all I worship and adore你是我所有的渴望 我所敬仰与热爱的一切In other words Please be true换句话说,请真心对我In other words I love you换句话说,我爱你扩展资料《Fly Me To The Moon》是由Bart Howard作词、作曲,杜自持编曲,钟嘉欣演唱的一首英语歌曲。收录于专辑《My Love Story》中,发行于2009年11月12日。之后这首歌被定名为Fly Me to the Moon。由佩姬·李(Peggy Lee)1960年演唱的版本成名。而弗兰克·辛纳塔(Frank Sinatra)的翻唱更是让这首歌的名声达到了一个无法形容的地步。美国宇航局曾把他演唱的这首歌的唱片通过阿波罗飞船送上月球,使得这首歌曲成为第一首在月球上播放的人类歌曲。参考资料百度百科-FLY ME TO THE MOON


歌曲名:FLY ME TO THE MOON歌手:Olivia Ong专辑:BEST OFFly Me to the Moon-Olivia OngFly me to the moonAnd let me play among the starsLet me see what spring is likeOn Jupiter and MarsIn other words,Hold my handIn other words,Darling, kiss meFill my heart with songAnd let me sing forever moreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other words,please be trueIn other words,I love youIn other words,hol my handIn other words,Darling, kiss meFill my heart with songAnd let me sing forever moreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other words,Please be trueIn other words,I love youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/52935269

Fly Me To The Moon 歌词

歌曲名:Fly Me To The Moon歌手:Peggy Lee专辑:Sings The StandardsFly Me To The MoonBY:solomon640 胡子Fly me to the moon and let me play among the start.Let me see you what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars.In other words, hold my hand in other words, darling kiss me.Fill my heart with song and let me sing forever more.You are all I long for all I worship and adore.In other words please be true in other words, I love you.Fly me to the moon and let me play among the start.Let me see you what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars.In other words, hold my hand in other words, darling kiss me.Fill my heart with song and let me sing forever more.You are all I long for, all I worship and adore.In other words, please be true in other words, I love you.Fill my heart with song and let me sing forever more.You are all I long for all I worship and adore.In other words please be true in other words, I love you.In other words, I love you.http://music.baidu.com/song/2651135

