大师 英文
大师的英文是:great master或者master。master的音标:英[ˈmɑːstə],美[ˈmæstər]。短语:the pope of surrealism,超现实主义大师;golf master,高尔夫大师。大师的英文:great master。master。短语:golf master高尔夫大师。the pope of surrealism.超现实主义大师。great virtuosos of the keyboard钢琴大师。the most famous exponent of mime最著名的哑剧表演大师。参考例句:Vincent Van Gogh was a painting master of later impressionism.文森特·梵高是后期印象主义绘画大师。Yu Youren was a pioneer of the Chinese democratic revolution, a poet, a political commentator and a great calligrapher.于右任是近代民主革命先驱,诗人、政论家,是沉雄博大的一代书法大师。Hieronymus Bosch was a master of the grotesque in painting希罗宁姆斯·博希是怪诞派绘画大师。Finally, his 690 points on ATP scoreboard rendered Hewitt eligible for Shanghai Masters Cup two months ahead of the game.最终,690分的ATP锦标积分,让休伊特提前两个月获得了上海网球大师杯赛的参赛资格。
大师的英语是great master;master。相关短语:1、大师级master archer.2、大师龙polyonax.3、大师们grand masters.4、大师赛master tour;masters tour.5、大师堂daishido.6、大师之master's.7、李大师li dashi.8、尼大师an abbess.9、主人,大师master.10、超级大师advanced senior master.11、初级大师junior master.12、慈恩大师qiu qianren.13、大师杯赛masters-cup.14、大师的教诲the lesson of the master.15、伴奏大师family composer.大师的相关例句:1、He emerges as the master of an idiom.他以独具一格的大师的姿态立于文坛。2、Actually,i'm the master chemist of joe's body.实际上,我是乔团体中的化学大师。3、The old masters were tested by new standards.那些旧时代的大师们受到了新的鉴赏标准的挑战。4、He had never before seen the work of that enigmatic master.以前他从没有看到过这位迷一般大师的作品。5、Out arch-humorist imparts more of his personal quality than in anything else he has done.我们的幽默大师比他在他的任何作品中所灌注的个性都多。6、We are surely not unmindful of our debt to the great classical figures of cosmogony.我们无疑不会忘记我们从天体演化学经典大师们那里得到的教益。7、"small things affect light minds"was the sentiment of a great master of the passion of love.“细微的事打动轻快的心”,这是一位恋爱大师的体会。8、The leader of the atheistic state,the dialectician of materialism should invoke the deity.这位无神论国家的领袖,唯物辩证法大师居然谈起上帝来了。9、He was a master of dialectic,could be even in the next sentence,stupidly dogmatic.他是一个雄辩的大师,但会在接下来的话中,甚至变成愚蠢的教条主义。10、Osler is known as an authority on sir thomas browne,seventeenth century english prose master.奥斯罗是公认的研究十七世纪英国散文大师托马斯布朗爵士的权威。