1. Uptown Girl - 756,215 (#1) 2001 Coast To Coast
2. I Have A Dream/Seasons In The Sun - 630,417 (#1) 1999 Westlife 3. What Makes A Man - 390,407 (#2) 2000 Coast To Coast
4. You Raise Me Up - 387,267 (#1) 2005 Face To Face
5. Swear It Again - 356,278 (#1) 1999 Westlife
6. Against All Odds - 354,815 (#1) 2000 Coast To Coast
7. Flying Without Wings - 349,830 (#1) 1999 Westlife
8. Queen Of My Heart - 327,908 (#1) 2001 World Of Our Own
9. If I Let You Go - 300,273 (#1) 1999 Westlife
10. My Love - 290,783 (#1) 2000 Coast To Coast
11. Fool Again - 204,773 (#1) 2000 Westlife
12. World Of Our Own - 200,475 (#1) 2002 World Of Our Own
13. Unbreakable - 200,402 (#1) 2002 The Greatest Hits
14. Mandy - 184,310 (#1) 2003 Turnaround
15. Home - 166,506 (#3) 2007 Back Home
16. The Rose - 124,503 (#1) 2006 The Love Album
17. When You Tell Me That You Love Me - 114,212 (#2) 2005 Face To Face
18. Bop Bop Baby - 111,716 (#5) 2002 World Of Our Own
19. Tonight/Miss You Nights - 100,562 (#3) 2003 The Greatest Hits 20. Hey Whatever- 79,981 (#4) 2003 Turnaround
21. Obvious - 76,518 (#3) 2004 Turnaround
22. Us Against The World - 45,865 (#8) 2008 Back Home
23. Amazing - 43,882 (#4) 2006 Face To Face flying without wings
另外what abuot now
on more hero
as love is my witness
i'll see you again
i'm already there
open your heart
we are one
where we are
westlife同名专辑:swear it again,这是他们的第一支冠军单曲
if i let you go,西城少见的很轻快的曲子
flying without wings,毋庸置疑,因为很多场演唱会都用这首为安可
seasons in the sun,很多人比如我就是被这首歌带进西城的
coast to coast专辑:my love,已经经典到妇孺皆知
against all odds,和天后玛丽亚凯莉合作的,早已入选最经典的合作曲系列
world of our own专辑:uptown girl,还用说吗,这是西城的一大突破
turn around专辑:obvious,请看MV,唯美至极
allow us to be frank翻唱专辑:整张都是经典,慢慢享受
face to face专辑:you raise me up,进入诺贝尔颁奖典礼的音乐
the love album翻唱专辑:the rose,简单而温暖的旋律歌词