
时间:2024-06-06 00:50:22编辑:小星


umbrella,英 [ʌm'brelə],美 [ʌm'brelə]    n. 伞;雨伞;庇护形容词: umbrellaless直接源自意大利语的ombrello;最初源自晚期拉丁语的umbrella,意为遮阳伞。例句:The wind blew my umbrella inside out.风把我的伞吹得翻过去了。近义词sunshade,英 ['sʌnʃeɪd],美 ['sʌnʃeɪd]    n.遮阳伞;遮阳篷;(尤指加在普通眼镜上的)太阳镜,墨镜例句:A sudden gust of wind blew his sunshade inside out.一阵狂风把他的遮阳伞给吹翻了。


“雨伞”的英文:Umbrella。umbrella英 [ʌmˈbrelə] 美 [ʌmˈbrɛlə] n.雨伞;〈比喻〉保护物;[军]空中掩护幕;总括。umbrella的例句:1、It was raining hard, and she hadn't an umbrella. 雨下得很大,但她没有雨伞。2、This raincoat and umbrella will protect you from the rain. 这件雨衣和这把雨伞会保护你不被雨淋。umbrella记忆技巧:umbr 影子 + ella 小 → 带来影子的小东西 → 伞。umbrellas详解:n.阳伞;(雨)伞( umbrella的名词复数 );起保护作用的力量[势力];保护国(或体系)。In the hall we see a stand for hats, coats and umbrellas. 在大厅里,我们看到了帽子,外套和雨伞。umbrella的词汇搭配:1、bring〔carry〕 an umbrella 带着伞2、close〔pack, shut〕 an umbrella 收伞3、open〔put up〕 an umbrella 撑开伞


雨伞的英文写法及读法:Umbrella英音:[ʌm'brelə]美音:[ʌm'brɛlə]umbrella主要用作名词,中文意思是:伞; 雨伞; 阳伞; 综合体; 总体; 整体; 保护国(或体系); 保护伞; 庇护。复数形式是umbrellas。常用短语:  撑开雨伞 open (put up; spread) an umbrella  收起雨伞 close (fold; furl; shut) one's umbrella例句:雨伞在冬季最好卖。Umbrellas sell best in winter.雨伞可放於入口处。You can leave your umbrella in the entry.他不像典型的城市商人那样,穿一身深色的套服、带一把收好的雨伞。He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the city businessman with a dark suit and rolled umbrella.她打着雨伞。She was holding up an umbrella.雨伞可以保护你不致雨淋。An umbrella will protect you from the rain.虽然有太阳,但我仍带了雨伞以防万一。Although the sun was shining, I took an umbrella (just) to be on the safe side.


一把雨伞的英文单词是An umbrella。 umbrella: n.伞;雨伞;阳伞;综合体;总体;整体;保护国(或体系);保护伞;庇护; 复数: umbrellas 扩展资料   I keep an umbrella here in case of rain.   我在这里放一把雨伞以防下雨。   "In case of rain, I want you to take an umbrella."   “以防万一下雨,我要你带一把雨伞。”   Example: Can you bring me an umbrella?   你能给我带来一把雨伞吗?   What have you done with my umbrella?   你把我的伞弄到哪里去了?   I put up my umbrella.   我撑开伞。


伞的英语单词是Umbrella。umbrella英 [ʌmˈbrelə] 美 [ʌmˈbrɛlə] 1、伞;雨伞;阳伞。I put up my umbrella.我撑开伞。2、综合体;总体;整体。 Many previously separate groups are now operating under the umbrella of a single authority.许多原本分散的团体现在正在单一的权威领导下运作。3、保护国(或体系);保护伞;庇护。umbrella这个单词直接源自意大利语的ombrello;最初源自晚期拉丁语的umbrella,意为遮阳伞。umbrella的词汇搭配:1、bring〔carry〕 an umbrella 带着伞。2、close〔pack, shut〕 an umbrella 收伞。3、open〔put up〕 an umbrella 撑开伞。4、beach umbrella 海滩遮阳伞。5、air umbrella 空中保护伞。造句:1、The wind blew my umbrella wrong side out.风把我的伞吹得翻过去了。2、The wind turned my umbrella inside out.大风把我的伞吹得翻了过去。3、The umbrella keeps the rains off the user.雨伞使撑伞人免受雨淋。4、She gave the man a prod with her umbrella.她用伞捅了那男子一下。5、This umbrella does n't furl neatly.这把伞收不整齐。6、May i have the loan of your umbrella?我可以借用你的雨伞吗?7、He never goes out without he loses his umbrella.他出门没有一次不丢伞的。8、They held a large umbrella over her.他们给她打着一把大伞。9、If you have an umbrella,let me share it with you.如你有伞,让我们合用吧。10、My umbrella has blown inside out.我的雨伞给吹得翻过去了。11、It's difficult to see umbrella in a sentence.用umbrella造句挺难的。12、I took the bag and umbrella from his hands.我从他手里把旅行包和雨伞接过来。13、It wo n't rain:you can leave your umbrella behind.不会下雨,你不必带伞了。14、She always carries an umbrella in her briefcase.她总是在公事包里带着一把伞。15、Had not we better take an umbrella?我们最好带一把伞吧?

