Just Stand Up! 歌词
歌曲名:Just Stand Up!歌手:Artists Stand Up To Cancer专辑:Just Stand Up!Artists Stand Up To Cancer - Just Stand upThe heart is stronger than you thinkIt’s like it can go through anythingAnd even when you think it can’t it finds a way to still push on, thoughSometimes you want to run awayAin’t got the patience for the painAnd if you don’t believe it look intoyour heart the beat goes onI’m tellin’ you thatThings get betterThrough whateverIf you fall, dust it off, don’t let upDon’t you know you can go be your own miracleYou need to knowIf the mind keeps thinking you’ve had enoughBut the heart keeps telling you don’t give upWho are we to be questioningwondering what is whatDon’t give upTHROUGH IT ALL, JUST STAND UP!It’s like we all have better daysProblems getting all up in your faceJust because you go through itDon’t mean it got to take control, noYou ain’t gotta find no hiding placeBecause the heart can beat the hateDon’t wanna let your mind keep playin’ youAnd sayin’ you can’t go onI’m tellin’ you thatThings get betterThrough whateverIf you fallDust if off, don’t let upDon’t you know youCan goBe your ownMiracleYou need to knowIf the mind keeps thinking you’ve had enoughBut the heart keeps telling you don’t give upWho are we to be questioningwondering what is whatDon’t give upDon’t give up, just stand upTHROUGH IT ALL, JUST STAND UP!Through it all just stand up just stand upYou don’t gotta be a prisoner in your mindIf you fall, dust it offYou can live your lifeYeahLet your heart be your guideYeah yeah yeahAnd you will know that you’re good if you trust in the goodEverything will be alright, yeahLight up the dark, if you follow your heartAnd it will get betterThrough whateverIf the mind keeps thinking you’ve had enoughBut the heart keeps telling you don’t give upWho are we to be questioningwondering what is whatDon’t give upTHROUGH IT ALL, JUST STAND UP!If the mind keeps thinking you’ve had enoughBut the heart keeps telling you don’t give upWho are we to be questioningwondering what is whatDon’t give up Don’t give up Don’t give upTHROUGH IT ALL, JUST STAND UP!You got it in you, find it withinYou got in now, find it within nowYou got in you, find it withinYou got in now, find it within nowYou got in you, find it withinYou got in you, find it withinFind it within you, find it withinTHROUGH IT ALL, JUST STAND UPhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7388339
Stand Up Wake Up 지금 여기
Stand Up! Wake Up! 现在 在这里
너에게 나 외치고 싶어
Hello Hello Hello Hello
Stand Up Wake Up 두 팔을 벌려
Stand Up! Wake Up! 把俩手臂张开
너에게 나 숨차게 달려
Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello
모두 잘 될거라 내게 말해줘 Stand Up Sing For Me
对我说一切都会顺利 Stand Up! Sing For Me
그만큼 더 크게 노래해줘 Stand Up Sing For Me
照所想的 唱得再大声一点 Stand Up! Sing For Me
많은 것들이 변하고 알 수 없게 되어도
很多东西在改变 就算无法了解
너와 함께 했던 날들 나 후회는 없어 다시 한번
但绝不後悔与你在一起的时间 再一次
Stand Up Wake Up 지금 여기서
Stand Up! Wake Up! 现在 在这里
너에게 나 외치고 싶어
Hello Hello Hello Hello
Stand Up Wake Up 두 팔을 벌려
Stand Up! Wake Up! 把俩手臂张开
너에게 나 숨차게 달려
Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello
때로는 아무도 몰래 눈물도 흘렸지만
단 한번뿐인 내 삶에 나
후회는 없어 다시 한번
没有後悔 再一次
Stand Up Wake Up 지금 여기서
Stand Up! Wake Up! 现在 在这里
너에게 나 외치고 싶어
Hello Hello Hello Hello
Stand Up Wake Up 두 팔을 벌려
Stand Up! Wake Up! 把俩手臂张开
너에게 나 숨차게 달려
Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello
자 그대로 눈을 감아도 펼쳐지는 빛처럼
是阿 就这样闭上眼睛 也会像绽放的光芒
언젠가는 모든 꿈을 이루게 될거야
Stand Up Wake Up 지금 여기서
Stand Up! Stand Up! 现在 在这里
너에게 나 외치고 싶어
Hello Hello Hello Hello
Stand Up Wake Up 두 팔을 벌려
Stand Up! Wake Up! 把俩手臂张开
너에게 나 숨차게 달려
Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello
仓木麻衣的《Stand Up》 歌词
歌曲:Stand Up作词:仓木麻衣/作曲:徳永暁人【8th SG / 2位】歌手:仓木麻衣Stand up Come on DJ あのメロディーが聴きたいんだStand up 届けてよ 仆达の Song from the radioTell me どれだけの夜を越えてきたのだろう It's too much for me一人悩んだりもしたけど It's all over now Can't get no satisfactionこの时间が大切 Oh I feel so free手を伸ばし 気持ちつかまえてI say Come OnCatch me a dream! feel the music in meEverybody dance! lalala~This is our chance! more dreams to me Going on…いつでも It's OK more faith 今が Chance! Chance!収録:仓木麻衣 - ALL MY BEST(通常盤)/発売日:2009/09/09ただほんの少しの勇気が见つからなかった It's too much for me心缚るもの is what a shame We can try a little harder 踏み出そうそんな君の大切な Melody & Blues手を伸ばし気持ちつかまえて You say Come OnCatch me a dream! feel the music in meEverybody dance! lalala~This is our chance! more dreams to me Going on…Catch me a dream! feel the music in meEverybody dance! lalala~This is our chance! more dreams to me Going on…いつも心素通りして 梦を谛めてきたけど もう一度Catch me a dream! feel the music in meEverybody dance! lalala~This is our chance! more dreams to me Going on…Catch me a dream! feel the music in meEverybody dance! lalala~This is our chance! more dreams to me Going on…いつでも It's OK more faith 今が Chance! Chance!Stand up Stand for your life さあ立ち上がろう We can do it againStand up 君の前に広がる辉く道があるStand up たとえ何かにつまづいたとしても Rolling StoneStand up Stand for your life 自分らしく歩けばいいよねStand up 最高の时间与えてくれた君に感谢Stand up!http://music.baidu.com/song/712052
仓木麻衣的《Stand Up》 歌词
歌曲:Stand Up作词:仓木麻衣/作曲:徳永暁人【8th SG / 2位】歌手:仓木麻衣Stand up Come on DJ あのメロディーが聴きたいんだStand up 届けてよ 仆达の Song from the radioTell me どれだけの夜を越えてきたのだろう It's too much for me一人悩んだりもしたけど It's all over now Can't get no satisfactionこの时间が大切 Oh I feel so free手を伸ばし 気持ちつかまえてI say Come OnCatch me a dream! feel the music in meEverybody dance! lalala~This is our chance! more dreams to me Going on…いつでも It's OK more faith 今が Chance! Chance!収録:仓木麻衣 - ALL MY BEST(通常盤)/発売日:2009/09/09ただほんの少しの勇気が见つからなかった It's too much for me心缚るもの is what a shame We can try a little harder 踏み出そうそんな君の大切な Melody & Blues手を伸ばし気持ちつかまえて You say Come OnCatch me a dream! feel the music in meEverybody dance! lalala~This is our chance! more dreams to me Going on…Catch me a dream! feel the music in meEverybody dance! lalala~This is our chance! more dreams to me Going on…いつも心素通りして 梦を谛めてきたけど もう一度Catch me a dream! feel the music in meEverybody dance! lalala~This is our chance! more dreams to me Going on…Catch me a dream! feel the music in meEverybody dance! lalala~This is our chance! more dreams to me Going on…いつでも It's OK more faith 今が Chance! Chance!Stand up Stand for your life さあ立ち上がろう We can do it againStand up 君の前に広がる辉く道があるStand up たとえ何かにつまづいたとしても Rolling StoneStand up Stand for your life 自分らしく歩けばいいよねStand up 最高の时间与えてくれた君に感谢Stand up!http://music.baidu.com/song/5878057
哈努噶记那过 哈但努几拉多
挪一key哟那古 哦几努那roon所
roon木里忽挪 卡苏米啊怕
啊里果呀 啊里果呀 啊里果呀
那努噶le几满 里嘎多浪比强里满扩JO噶
挪努噶西曼度若 若le撒浪
苏不扩满度浪 浪怒撒浪
哈努里么JO/JU/ 若le撒浪
托le我果呀 托le我果呀
RAP:le撒miang汗de he若果
多de且哦低多 多浪果样那如哦哦哦
古米果呀 古米果呀 古米果呀
浪满红降浪kyo 几ge索罗我
挪努噶西曼度若 若le撒浪
苏不扩满度浪 浪怒撒浪
哈努里么JO/JU/ 若le撒浪
托le我果呀 托le我果呀
莫doon ge 安莫里过啦
切嘛里古么所ge GI 满吧de
RAP:哦roon里亲拉过 le无里努听果
莫doon ge西希里阿里哭米库吧de哦
哭米古gie hin希多大若
他希托拉满度若 若le撒浪
苏强慢慢度浪 浪里撒浪
哈率里火辣看 若le撒浪
呼哩阳西莫若江ki miang 扑一呀
他努良恰果de若满吧de 他roon撒浪e多若满吧de
托啦我果呀 托啦我果呀
RAP:也哭帮KI JO , he么he bom啊里果
le ge 米he多浪噶 啊里降roon撒浪莫他ge
浪若啊里米啊tue 浪希江米若嘛he
托le我果呀 托le我果呀
ftisland stay歌词的中文音译
-F.T Island
We don't say goodbye anymore.
强(つよ)がって无理(むり)して 我慢(がまん)じてたら
不是谁都能那样强大 总是忍耐的话
君(きみ)の心(こころ)が 壊(こわ)れるから
泣(な)きたいなら 泣(な)いて しまえばいい
所以如果想要哭泣的话 那就痛快的哭出来
让那眼泪一直流干 直到哭着睡着为止
もう good night さあ good night
好了 Good Night 那么 Good Night
切(せつ)ないのも 寂(さび)しいのも
痛苦也好 寂寞也好
なにもかも みんな仆(ぼく)のせいだ
不管是什么 都当做是我的错
触れ合(あ)って 抱(だ)き合(あ)って
去触碰就好 去拥抱就好
幸(しあわ)せと思(おも)えた日(ひ)々を 仆(ぼく)は忘(わす)れていたんだ
曾经幸福过的那些时光 早就已经在记忆里模糊
无(な)いものねだりって 言(い)われるのなら
言(い)い訳(わけ)はしないよ だけど
やっぱりあきらめたら きっと いつか 君(きみ)を 责(せ)めるだろう
但是如果我因此而放弃 我一定不会原谅你
ああ なんで
Ah 为什么
伤(きず)つかずに 生(い)きていけたら
伤(きず)つかずに 生(い)きていけたら
そう うまくいかないよ
梦(ゆめ)だけじゃ 君(きみ)が足りない
只能在梦里拥有你 这怎么足够
爱(あい)だけじゃ らしくない
只是默默地爱着你 这才不像我
这样无尽的矛盾感 到底该如何是好
でもきっと そうきっと
但是一定 是的一定
ぶつかるのも 追(お)いかけるのも
那些我们为之冲突的 那些我们一直追寻的
手(て)をつかまえて 止(と)まるのも
只要停下脚步 握紧你的手就没事了
终(お)わりって 思(おも)って いたらできない
如果连自己都认为这就是终点的话 一定什么都做不到
うらはらな心(こころ)が まだまだ求(もと)め続(つづ)けてるから
我相反的心 即使如今也还在奢求更多
STAY with you
STAY forever
决(けっ)して二度(にど)と离(はな)さない STAY
绝对不会再次让你离开 STAY
もう good night さあ good night
好了 Good Night 那么 Good Night
心配(しんぱい)なら いらないから
これからも ずっとそばにいる
从今往后 我会永远陪在你的身边
こうやって 寄(よ)り添(そ)って
ぬくもりに目(め)を闭(と)じて あの日(ひ)のふたりに帰(かえ)るんだ
带着残留的温暖闭上双眼的话 我们就会回到在一起的那一天吧
STAY with me