
时间:2024-06-03 13:42:58编辑:小星


tug的意思是:1、(v.)用力拖;2、(n.)猛拉1、短语搭配(1)tug of war拔河比赛;在势均力敌两者之间展开的争夺(2)tug at拉/拽(3)tug of love孩子监护权的争夺;“爱之拔河”(4)tug one's forelock举手至额致敬2、双语例句(1)I had to tug hard and at last freed him.我不得不用力拖,最终把他解救出来。(2)A tug of war between builders and environmentalists.建造商与环境保护主义者之间的争夺。(3)They fought it out with a tug-of-war.他们用进行拔河比赛的方式来解决问题。(4)Pull on the rope/Give a tug to the rope, and we’ll pull you up._一_绳子,我们就拉你上来。3、近义词tugboat拖船;towboat推船;contest竞赛;cope应付;rouse up醒来;stack up against较量


n.猛拉; 拖船; (突然的)猛拽; 一股强烈的感情v.拖; 拽; (朝某一方向用力)拉 例句1. She knows exactly how to tug at readers' heartstrings.她对如何牵动读者的心弦了如指掌。2. The tug crossed our stern not fifty yards away.拖船擦着我们的船尾开了过去,距离不到50码。3. Bobby gave her hair a tug.博比使劲拽了她头发一下.4. The sailors won at tug-of-war.船员们赢了拔河比赛。5. The tug is towing three barges.那只拖船正拖着三只驳船.

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