
时间:2024-05-30 11:00:28编辑:小星


JackSon意思:杰克逊Jackson 英 ['dʒæksən] 美 ['dʒæksən] 解释:一个像神一样的人物,他是流行音乐之王、音乐史上所有各项销售记录的创造者、音乐史的变革先锋、世界上伟大的艺术家——迈克尔·杰克逊。 例句:1、Jackson worked so hard in his life that he turned out bald as a coot before the age of45.杰克逊一生一直勤奋工作,45岁前他的头发就已经掉光了。2、I'll swap (you) my Michael Jackson tape for your Bruce Springsteen album.我想用迈克尔·杰克逊的录音带交换你的布鲁斯·斯普林斯廷唱片集。3、In the absence of Mr. Jackson, we held a meeting.在杰克逊先生不在的情况下,我们开了会。4、Over300 freedom riders arrest in Jackson, Mississippi, in may and June1961 were sentenced.一九六一年的五、六月在密西西比州杰克森市被捕的三百多个参加自由行示威的人都被判刑了。5、I believe and trust in michael jackson.我坚定相信迈克尔杰克逊。


jackson的意思是杰克逊。jackson的词性为名词,读音为ˈdʒæksən,意思是杰克逊(男子名),杰克逊(美国密西西比州的城市)。例句1、Michael Jackson is the headliner at the event.迈克尔杰克逊是活动的演出嘉宾。2、The lineup includes artists like Miley Cyrus,Janet Jackson and hundreds of others.包括Miley Cyrus、Janet Jackson在内的数百位音乐人出席此次音乐节。3、Jackson nodded a salutation.杰克逊点头打了个招呼。4、Jackson gave a low whistle.杰克逊低声地吹了一下口哨。5、Jackson is a common English name.杰克逊是常见的英语人名。6、Jackson exclaimed delightedly.杰克逊高兴地大喊起来。7、Jackson was the winner for a second successive year.杰克逊是连续第二年的获胜者。


jackson的意思是杰克逊。jackson的词性为名词,读音为ˈdʒæksən,意思是杰克逊(男子名),杰克逊(美国密西西比州的城市)。例句1、Michael Jackson is the headliner at the event.迈克尔杰克逊是活动的演出嘉宾。2、The lineup includes artists like Miley Cyrus,Janet Jackson and hundreds of others.包括Miley Cyrus、Janet Jackson在内的数百位音乐人出席此次音乐节。3、Jackson nodded a salutation.杰克逊点头打了个招呼。4、Jackson gave a low whistle.杰克逊低声地吹了一下口哨。5、Jackson is a common English name.杰克逊是常见的英语人名。6、Jackson exclaimed delightedly.杰克逊高兴地大喊起来。7、Jackson was the winner for a second successive year.杰克逊是连续第二年的获胜者。


jackson读法是美['dʒæksən]、英['dʒæksən]。jackson造句:1、There is a video by of Michael Jackson I love his songs very much.正在播放迈克尔·杰克逊的光盘,我非常喜欢他的歌。2、Jackson died last year after being given a powerful anesthetic and two other sedatives.杰克逊去年死于服用了一种药力很强的麻醉剂和另外两种镇静剂。3、With the Lakers set to scrimmage later Saturday night,Jackson wanted his players ready to play.由于湖人队将在周六晚进行对抗赛,所以禅师希望队员可以准备充分。4、Riley said he flew from the United States especially to meet Jackson face-to-face.他说,他专程从美国赶到东京来参加与偶像杰克逊的见面会。5、Ed Sullivan posed with a young Jackson on the Ed Sullivan Show in this undated photograph.在这张未注明日期的照片里,埃德·沙利文在《埃德·沙利文秀》上与小杰克逊合影。6、Today we travel to the mountains of Wyoming for a trip to Jackson Hole.今天,我们到怀俄明州山区去参观杰克逊山洞。

