2018春晚小品有:1.《真假老师》:小明的父母常年在外做生意,很少回家。为了应付班主任的家访,他雇佣家政工作人员贾玲假扮自己的母亲。家访过半,谁知小明的父亲意外归来,贾玲又假扮起小明的班主任。被识破后,贾玲说出“孩子需要的是陪伴,不是钱”,引发观众共鸣。2.《学车》:《学车》以老年人学车为切入点,贾冰饰演驾校教练,小品聚焦老年人的爱情生活。蔡明也不再以强悍的“毒舌老太太”形象出现,而是扮演了一个说话南方口音,受到老伴(潘长江)宠爱,有着一颗“少女心”的“萌老太太”。3.《回家》:小品《回家》讲述了一个台湾家庭回大陆探亲的故事。方芳和张晨光饰演了一对台湾夫妇,他们来到山东寻亲,张晨光遇到了儿时的小伙伴妞妞,老友再次相见,双方都非常激动。4.《提意见》:《提意见》通过表现圆滑世故的仓库保管员小孙和一根筋的厨子坤哥给处长提意见的故事,讽刺了官僚主义、形式主义,很贴近现实,引起了观众们的共鸣。5.《同喜同乐》:《同喜同乐》讲述了郑恺扮演的一位中国援建非洲铁路的培训员与肯尼亚当地的一对母女发生的故事。整个小品试图展现中国对非洲帮助以及非洲人民的感激之情。6.《为您服务》:《为您服务》以小林这个银行大堂经理为核心,上演了一幕幕银行大堂的日常。最后,左邻右里送别即将调任的小林的故事。扩展资料:《2018年中央电视台春节联欢晚会》是中央电视台制作播出的大型综艺性文艺晚会。总导演为杨东升 。晚会以中央电视台一号演播厅为主会场,广东珠海、山东曲阜、泰安、海南三亚、贵州省黔东南州黎平县肇兴侗寨为分会场 。晚会主会场由康辉、朱迅、任鲁豫、李思思、尼格买提·热合曼主持,贵州黔东南分会场由马跃、窦爱莉主持,广东珠海分会场由杨帆、桂嘉晨主持,山东曲阜、泰安分会场由李佳明、李毅主持,海南三亚分会场由张泽群、王丝主持 。晚会以“喜庆新时代、共筑中国梦”为主题,荟萃歌曲、舞蹈、戏曲、小品、相声、武术、杂技等艺术形式,集聚中外艺术家的精彩表演,生动展示中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会以来中国共产党和中国国家事业的历史性成就、历史性变革,展望决胜全面建成小康社会、全面建设社会主义现代化国家的光明前景,弘扬中国精神、中国价值、中国力量。2018年春节联欢晚会语言类节目的选题与生活语境息息相关,进行了充分的社会表达。该届春晚提升原创力,在歌舞类节目艺术形态创新上做了很大努力。从中外演员融合表演到五大洲分台连线报道海外华人华侨欢度春节的盛况,央视春晚充满了浓浓的“国际范儿”。深耕文艺沃土,拥抱新时代,开启新征程。坚持创造性转化、创新性发展,春晚亮出了“文化自信”这张王牌,坚定文艺创新,创造璀璨华章,汇聚了奋勇前行的磅礴力量。晚会洋溢着“喜气洋洋、欢乐吉祥”的气息。无论是开场歌舞,还是穿插的短视频;无论是在央视演播厅的主舞台,还是在肇兴侗寨、珠海之畔、泰山脚下或是三亚港湾,济济一堂的喜气之中,含蕴着多样的新气象、新地标、新成果。乐与政通,政通人和,国泰民安,家和事兴。该届春晚是一年来国家、民族、人民心态心情的情感总结。参考资料:百度百科_2018年中央电视台春节联欢晚会百度百科_真假老师百度百科_学车百度百科_回家百度百科_同喜同乐百度百科_为您服务
Mrs. Officer
歌手:Lil Wayne
Lil Wayne Featuring Bobby Valentino - Mrs. Officer Lyric
Hey… Yeah
Hey… Yeahh
Hey, Hey, Hey
(Valentino) Woo, Woo, Wooo… (Yeah, Yeahh)… Yea, Yea, Yeaa
(Yeah, Yeahh) Woo, Woo, Wooo… (Yeah)… Yea, Yea, Yeaa
(Yeahh) Woo, Woo, Wooo… Yea, Yea, Yeaa
(Yeah) Woo, Woo, (Yeahh) Wooo… Bobby Valentino
Chorus: Bobby Valentino]
When I get up all in ya (Yeah)
We can hear the angels calling us (Chea)
We can see the sunrise before us (Yeah)
And when I’m in that thang, I’ll make that body sang
(She know what I mean) I make it say…
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee (Wee),
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee (Wee),
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee,
(Like a cop car)
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee,
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee (Hey),
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee (Hahaha)…
I’ll make ya say…
Lil Wayne:]
(Yeahh)… Doing a buck in the latest drop
I got stopped by a lady cop
Ha Ha… she got me thinking I can date a cop
Ha Ha… cause her uniform pants are so tight
She read me my rights
She put me in da car, she cut off all the lights
She said I had the right to remain silent
Now I got her hollering sounding like a siren
Talkin’ bout…
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee (Yea),
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee (Yea),
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee (Yea),
And I know she the law, and she know I’m the boss
And she know I get hi a-bove the law
And she know I’m raw, she know im from the street
And all she want me to do is f**k the police
Talkin’ bout…
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee,
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee (Yea),
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee… (Yea),
Chorus: Bobby Valentino]
When I get up all in ya
We can hear the angels calling us (Yeahh)
We can see the sunrise before us (Umm)
And when I’m in that thang, I’ll make that body sang
I make it say…
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee,
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee (Yeah),
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee,
(Like a cop car)
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee,
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee (Yeah),
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee (Heey)…
I’ll make ya say…
Lil Wayne:]
Ha Ha… And after we got done
I said lady what’s ya number she said 911
Haaa… emergency only
Head doctor perform surgery on me
Yeahh… and now I’m healed
I make her wear nothin but handcuffs & heels
And I beat it like a cop
Rodney King baby yeah I beat it like a cop
Ha Haaa… beat it like a cop
Rodney King baby said beat it like a cop
But I ain’t tryna be violent
But I’ll do the time but her love is timeless
… Mrs. Officer…
I know you wish ya name was Mrs. Carter huh?
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee,
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee (Yeah),
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee, Like a cop car…
Chorus: Bobby Valentino]
When I get up all in ya
We can hear the angels calling us
We can see the sunrise before us
And when I’m in that thang, I’ll make that body sang
I make it say…
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee,
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee,
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee,
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee,
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee,
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee…
I’ll make ya say…
Bobby Valentino:]
Mrs. Officer, Mrs. Officer
Tell your lieutenant get them cuffs off of ya
I’m kid kid… my face on every wanted poster
I’m wanted by every lady cop all over
That ass so big I catch a battery to hold ya
My hands so big you thought I told ya to pull it over
She pulled me over… pulled me out the rover
Then she pulled me closer… threw me in the back of the car
Put me in handcuffs start ripping my pants off
(all you heard on the dispatcher is…)
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee,
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee,
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee,
Chorus: Bobby Valentino]
When I get up all in ya
We can hear the angels calling us
We can see the sunrise before us
And when I’m in that thang, I’ll make that body sang
I make it say…
Bobby Valentino:]
Maybe you can lock me up and throw away the key,
Call your sergeant and tell him you can’t finish your shift…
Cause it’s on… tonight…
Breakfast in bed turns to breakfast & head,
And I can’t wait to get it on…
Wanna do it all night long… Mrs. Officer
Chorus: Bobby Valentino]
When I get up all in ya
We can hear the angels calling us
We can see the sunrise before us
And when I’m in that thang, I’ll make that body sang
I make it say…
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee,
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee,
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee,
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee,
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee,
Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee…
I’ll make you say…
表演:于 震、孙茜、白宇帆、张佳宁、马旭东、吕腾飞、李红佳
表演:孙 涛、秦岚、黄 杨、黄才伦